What have you seen
This year has had a disappointing outcome so far. 4 eggs laid, 1 chick surviving to this point.
Not sure if you are aware, but there is now a daily blog of the activity around the nest site and it is very interesting. The number of intruding peregrines to the nest site is amazing, the resident birds are having to ward them off. A magpie actually approached the unprotected chick, but backed off when the chick drew itself up in height, GA came back unaware of the danger she had left her chick in.
One sighting I would never have thought possible was having Goshawks around the spire.
Only able to volunteer until the end of next week and then it will be over for me for another year, shame as I really enjoy my Fridays watching these birds.
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The 6 Dotterels in North Norfolk seem to have taken flight. Walked about 8 miles to try and track them. Went to the Choosley Drying Barns 3 times with no luck. Did see a lot of other stuff including 20+ Hares. I'll go back to Choosley at 6.30 in the morning with my fingers crossed
Pliers did you see the Golden Plovers?
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Great day yesterday starting with a Barn Owl quartering the field next to the site and ended with Spoonbills at Burnham Overy Staithe. No Dotterals I'm convinced that the Southerley winds prompted them to move further North. Still saw loads incl Linnets, Sedge Warblers, Willows, Wheatears, White Throats etc, etc..
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Cheating a bit here! Not actually seen by us, but the twitchers are out in force around Dunsop Bridge and Whitendale where a rare Russian Pallid Harrier has been causing a fuss for a week or so now. We only know because we were walking in that area and noticed several folk with very large cameras so asked one what they were looking for.
It's a beautiful looking bird but you'll have to Google Image it to see what all the fuss is about!
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Well I was totally wrong about Dotterals heading North, they turn up again so actually got to see them. Someone said they saw 7 but I only saw 5. Have to wait and see how good the photos I took are.
M we had a Pallid Harrier in North Norfolk for several weeks last spring. The one in Lancs is significantly lighter and looks spectacular.
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Moulesy, if you're still in the area, go and see the harrier, it is an absolutely beautiful bird. We were there last Sunday, watching it's amazing sky dancing display. No need to google an image, here's one now, taken by a pal of mine.
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Blue tits can't count, that's official. We found a too early fledgling, well the cat did, but it was unharmed. We have several nest boxes on the go so we popped it back into one of them, no problems, no-one seemed to object to an extra one.
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Spent a lovely day at Stanwick Lakes, near Rushden saw a couple of Kestral's and a Red Kite doing its best flying display to avoid the crows. On one of the quieter bridleways we managed to get this picture of what I assume is an Egret.
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One of the 7 Dotterals at Choosley Barns, Norfolk on Saturday. Not a great photo due to distance and the fact we have to resize picture to post
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Just sat here site working mt way through the Ct post and what did I spot flying over the site? An Osprey! Just had time to dash out with bins to get a look before it disappeared over the Pine Trees adjacent to the site. We were told that one had been around earlier in the year but had not been see for a while so I think myself very lucky to see it. Perhaps we'll see another up at Loch Naver, if we're fortunate.
Lots of Whitethroats about on this afternoon's walk and a Lesser Whitethroat I think, but no Crossbills this year. Stonechats, Whinchats and Linnets on the Furze near the site.
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Today we drove over to Loch Fleet to see the seals, both Common & Grey, basking on Eider Ducks. Then onto The Mount car park to view the lagoon. Nothing much about till it started to rain and then, lo and behold, an Osprey appeared and cruised around for a while but too far away to get a decent photo with our camera. It disappeared over towards the Loch only to return a few minutes later with a fish in it's talons and headed to the far end of the lagoon where it appeared was it's nest! On the road back to the site we nearly ran over a Golden Pheasant which came out of the woods next to the road. Not the sort of bird one expects to see, even up here.
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The above post should have read :- This afternoon we drove over to Loch Fleet to see the seals, both Common & Grey, basking on the sand bars , as well as the flocks of Eider Ducks and Oystercatchers. Then onto The Mount car park to view the lagoon. Nothing much about till it started to rain and then, lo and behold, an Osprey appeared and cruised around for a while but too far away to get a decent photo with our camera. It disappeared over towards the Loch only to return a few minutes later with a fish in it's talons and headed to the far end of the lagoon where it appeared was it's nest! On the road back to the site we nearly ran over a Golden Pheasant which came out of the woods next to the road. Not the sort of bird one expects to see, even up here.
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A Herring Gull dived onto an Eel in the creek in front of our boats today,and chopped it in half with it's beak.It was 3ft long by 2inches thick ,nice dinner !!
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Where abouts are you, We are heading up to Bempton Cliffs tomorrow, long haul, but two stints should get us there. hoping to see a few Puffins and Gannets.
We were hoping to get over to Red Kite in early June, but plans have changed, so hope the Osprey's are on form for you.
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We're down at Stamford Club site this week. No bogs but good for wildlife so who gives a diddly squat about squatting on a thetford thunder box.
Red Kites are over several times a day and anybody wishing to get to grips with the difference between Garden Warbler / Blackcap songs would do well to spend a few days here. Both are plentiful, although getting increasingly difficult to see as the canopy closes.
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We haven't seen it, but there have been confirmed sightings of a Black Browed Albatross off the RSPB cliffs at Bempton in East Yorkshire. It's usually a south Atlantic bird, so is way out of the normal habitat.
I think we may take a trip over there tomorrow to see what we can see (through the crowds, perhaps).