What are you all up to
I certainly do, but as a local, it would be cheating to enter your quiz!
Moulesy, if you're in Clitheroe, I can recommend Cowman's sausage shop, on the main street, on the right hand side on the way up to the castle. No, I don't own it, unfortunately, just love the sausages!
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Yes, that's it - it's one of four Panopticons set across the moor tops in East Lancashire. A good day to see it today because it was a bright day but the wind was blowing and it sounded quite weird up there. Great views down over Burnley from there!
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We are now basking in 22 degrees , and hot water has been restored.
Repairs were completed and system refilled by 2pm, so after a late lunch we were able to do some shopping and replenish our euro stash.
This site only accepts cash, and by the time we had paid for the parts and delivery, we had too little left.
The parts were only about 8 euros, and the good news is that RP have said we should submit a claim for refund of the delivery charges.
We will need to find somewhere that sells a compatible antifreeze as I had to drain down by several litres to make the repairs and have meantime refilled the system only with water.
Is there an equivalent of Halfords in Germany?
We do not seem to have got any significant amount of air into the system, which is good as it can be tricky to get rid of it, so all in all I will be going to bed happy, and warm, tonight.
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So pleased you have got the repair done successfully Kj. Not many others could have managed it. I hope Mrs Kj's toes are considerably better tomorrow. What are your future plans now?
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We had a lovely afternoon. An outing with our local U3A to Bulwick Church. It is a very small vilage in Northamptonshire so I was expecting a small village church but it was huge and very interesting. The amazing, hardworking and extremely well informed church warden gave us a very informative talk and showed us round and we were then given a very good tea by the church ladies. Not so sunny today but still very warm. No rain yet.
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Thanks millie, I am relieved that it was fairly straightforward in the end, despite the difficult access.
The toes continue to improve, less puffy, less pink, and almost pain free now.
We are now heading towards the Swiss border for our next stop, then south across Switzerland to the Lugano lakes. From there, east in Italy and then north into Austria for a week before heading north and then west in Germany.
We have to be in Amsterdam for the 13th June as we are having my sister-in-law join us for a few days, then we will have one more stop in Holland before our ferry.
Our original idea was to see the Baltic Coast, but we seem to have deviated considerably from that! There's always next year, hopefully.
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KjellNN glad you're all fixed and sorted. Good job your handy with a tool or two 😉. Hope your wife's feet continue to improve. The beauty of a caravan holiday is to change your mind about your destination whenever you want as often as you want. Enjoy. Hopefully any troubles will already be behind you for this trip.
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The rain has already come here. I can hear it pattering on the caravan roof as I type this.
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"Concorde" flight plan
Depart storage area 10-30 Hrs.
Destination " Black Horse Farm "
Via,A299-A2-B260---ETA 11-15.
En-route refueling stop.
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It has certainly rained overnight here.
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Are arrivals before 12 noon permitted at Black Horse Farm? Here at Northbrook Farm the reception is closed from 11:15 to 12 noon.
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Safe journey Captain
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Yesterday morning we went into Worthing town centre using the Smart Car and parked in the multi-storey car park above Marks and Spencer. We parked on level 5 and went down in the lift to the level 1 M&S sales floor where the lift door opens into the food section. From there, we went to Boots opposite M&S, up the escalator to Boots Opticians where I booked an appointment for an eye test.
Our portable wifi was out of order so we went to the EE store and got a new wifi box plus upgrade. Working ok now!
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After that, we drove along the A27 westbound for Arundel and stopped off at the WWT there. We noticed that the goslings had all grown although there seemed to be fewer of them. We only saw four left out of the nine we had previously seen. We visited the Sandmartin and Ramsar hide but only saw two Sandmartins amongst mostly black headed gulls.
We returned via the A27 to Worthing then down Titnore Lane to Titnore Way and had a brief rest at the Club site for a cup of tea with the picnic table and relaxer outside our caravan.
Next we went to Tesco Extra and bought a new hands free car phone kit for the Shogun. The existing car phone was two years old and no longer working, so a new one was necessary. The Smart car has its own built in car phone. We also bought some Danish smoked back thick rasher bacon.
So now you can guess what we had for breakfast this morning. Cereal for starters, muesli, followed by bacon, egg, sausages, mushrooms and tomatoes with toasted Granary bread and of course, the all important pot of tea, freshly brewed, using PG tips tea bags, pyramidically shaped.
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Is that the Bulwick near Top Lodge Millie?
Sounds a lovely church, glad you had a nice time.
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We had some much needed rain overnight, but it's now rather murky and humid.
Really pleased you got the repairs done KjellNN, hope the rest of your trip now goes smoothly.
Have a great weekend Triky. And anyone else away
Off to do a bit of shopping before work now.
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It has almost stopped raining now but still very dull and grey this morning. Having had a big breakfast including a banana, our plan is to have a later lunch today before starting my evening shift at Pizza Hut from 18:00 to 22:00. Next day off will be Sunday as I'm doing 18:00 to 21:00 on Saturday. I'm told that the next payday will be in four weeks time which will be around 6th June, now that they have my bank details. By then I'll have worked six weeks so I'm hoping by then I'll get a reasonable amount of money even after tax.
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We used the aircon last night which got rid of the humidity.
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We used the aircon last night which got rid of the humidity. So guess what? We had stereo noise last night of pattering rain on the roof plus noise from the aircon!
Nevertheless, with tiredness from the previous days work plus all the activity yesterday, I slept a long time before becoming aware of the noise.
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That's the one Helen. The church is always open during the day and well worth a visit. Quite a lot of information about the building and the people. There is a shop nearly opposite the church called The Village Shop but it is actually a deli type shop selling pickles etc. which you might like.
We also had rain overnight but not the heavy downpours promised. It was not enough to completely re-fill the water butts. It is still grey and missly.
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Another fine day, though we are expecting rain later. But, barring breakdowns, we will have finished silaging by then. So - no lunch boxes to make up. We can have a late dinner sat round the table.
There's another school party here today - painting bluebells and pond dipping.
For those who follow farming matters on social media, and in the farming press - we seem to be getting quite a bit of exposure (as well as the Countryfile segment). Farmland magazine (traditional print and digital) are the latest. If you haven't had enough about us click on the link
And don't believe everything you read. One of the captions says my husband is 79. As if I would sleep with a 79 year old! I was caught napping by the photographer. I thought I had escaped by going shopping but was caught as I turned into the lane. If I had known I would have worn better shoes!
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So many posts on this thread since I posted yesterday. I can't keep up!! 😂 Thank you for your birthday wishes. Nice sunny day yesterday. It's a pity it's not as nice today. We're off up to Blackshaw Moor for a few days on Sunday. Weather is not looking too brilliant. Our eldest daughter (who only lives a few hundred yards from Blackshaw Moor) is organising a BBQ for us on Sunday afternoon. Fingers crossed that the weather brightens - not looking good though!
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So pleased you have your problems sorted out Kj. There is always something to try us when away in our caravans! The rest of your trip sounds wonderful. Have a lovely time. Safe travels. Keep us posted.
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Have a lovely time David. Hope it stays dry for your BBQ.We are off on Sunday for a week. Looking at the weather forecast I have revised the packing and have now put out more wet weather gear
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We've just been to Tesco Extra to do some more shopping: milk and two cartons of fruit juice. We also visited the phone shop section to get the new hands free visor car phone linked to my mobile phone bluetooth. It's now all set up for use in the Shogun, so I needn't miss any calls whilst on holiday!