Website feedback

good morning folks hope you are all well ,sat here on my lap top looking at Ct ,scrolling along looking for anything of interest when suddenly in the bottom right hand corner a little box pops up how likely are you to recommend this site to others ??
anyone else had this
yes, mine said how likely would I be to recommend a friend to the website. (10 of course
) then it asked me why (the booking system).
Not a very well thought out question as different people will use and rate different parts of the website, ie booking (both UK and over there), insurance, and of course CT . What could be good in one part might not be as good in another?
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Oh others have had it too! I gave it a 2 and feedback about the reason. Don't think I'll be popular. Even put about the snagging list which has not assisted in improvements. Sadly word limited but managed a really good reasons as to why I'd not recommend. Couldn't get in about CL reviews, but did about the search together with site and rally search. Didn't put anything in about stories or threads being lost on CT 🙁. You'd need the equivalent of war and peace to encompass all the remarks we'd need to write 😂😂😲
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I have just completed it as well, based on the website as a whole. Gave it a 2, and felt that was generous. I am now off to hassle chums to complete it. The more folks that give HQ information the better. Some aspects of the website are as poor as they can be, and have improved little since the upgrade. Shame there wasn't something about how quickly website problems are resolved. Do we think feedback on survey will be given?
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It will be interesting to see if the responses from those that use CT are different to those who just use the booking system?
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I've completed it 3 times on different devices. 3 x 0 is still 0. The question is about recommending the site to others and I wouldn't.
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Signed in in my kindle, which this website hasn't really liked since the upgrade, but it does a little better now. Up popped the green box with the question and before my very eyes it disappeared 😢. Guess it didn't like my first reply on different device 😉.
Husky I'm far from computer literate but well used to searching and using websites, especially as part of my job, this is a terrible website to search - really hard work to find simple info. But we ate all different and experience things differently. You have to mark as you find it.
Someone who's easily pleased is nice to have around 😀
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But would you recommend it to others?
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I gave it 0 too when asked why I said the website isn't very good which at times even on a normal lap top it plays up
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I suppose it depends on whether the 'others' are friends you want to keep or not.
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I'm felling left out here as mine disappeared before I could find the zero key; perhaps it saw the look on my face.
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Never mind, Husky. Have a Bonio.
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I've had the survey box pop up more times than I can remember now.
If the same people keep filling it out then the results aren't going to be very meaningful.
It would be nice if someone from the club would confirm whether it is a genuine survey, or whether it's some form of spam attack.
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Yep, same here. How genuine is a survey where the same person can respond multiple times. Another waste of Club's time, effort and possibly money. You couldn't make up some of the embarrassing own goals CC manage to score!
I am going to report your post Tinny, see if someone from HQ can spare a moment to clarify what is going on, if it is genuine or spam. Either way, it's a joke!
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That's fine by me, TDA. Unfortunately, it's Friday evening so we shouldn't hold our breath waiting for a response.