The Pointless Page
Ttda, nice to know you were dealt with quickly and effeciently. Good to know that "problem" solved.
Funny really that out of the 3 latest posts, from myself, yourself and JVB the NHS came out tops in customer service, as it usually does if given time and space to breathe.
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Oh dear, just catching up, hope things improve all round. Understand the TDA experience has I had the same whilst staying on a site and I ended up in Cheltenham hospital (signs of second retina damage, but all ok.) Hope you enjoy the CL stay and the Tour de Y.
Bank holiday, home or away anyone? We're at home, more work in the greenhouse this morning, my plans to not grow as many seeds this year failed and I'm helping out in a plant sale soon.
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Baby sitting grandson who is ADHD and home tutored. Oh why did we volunteer?
Still, will take him off to the local vineyard this afternoon and teach him how wine is made etc. Suppose it is better for him than being one of30 kids in a classroom as he now gets one to one learning.
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Staying at home, Brue, and also for next few weeks at least as MIL just out of hospital following knee replacement. Had to take her back urgently today as leg seeping but all now under control. We're staying put until she's more mobile so have cancelled our May bookings.
Before setting off we had an emergency phone call. An elderly neighbour has one of those call buttons around her neck and she'd fallen. We're first contact so Call Centre rang us. Fortunately she's OK but you can't be too careful when they're in their nineties. Doctors been and changed her medication. Eventful morning.
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Just watching Ladies TdeY race. County is trimmed up lovely this year for races, lots of nice village displays, lots of folk out watching. Giant Yorkshire Pudding and a proper Indian Curry bus included in pre race display. Certainly brought lots of visitors into area, we saw lots of MHs and caravans yesterday.
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We found a good viewing spot yesterday, just after feeding station, so they were just spinning along, sorting out their goodie bags, prior to tackling Cote de Goathland. I'd post a picture, but........ can't be bothered with all faff it needs on here, sorry!
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enjoy the tour TDA I'm at home this weekend as my little camper needed a new Catalytic Converter on Tues so that's me skint now for a bit !!
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I watch it sometimes but can never work out which series it is, it seems to be on a continuous loop.
OH is recovering from seeing his carefully nurtured outdoor grapevine ruined by frosts last week. Not as bad as a neighbour who has lost a whole field of vines. I hear French vineyards suffered too, so stock up now before prices go up.
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Oh dear, that's bad news brue. Must have been a really bad frost. We have two outside, a white and a red. Just hope they are ok. They were doing fine when we left home, starting to bud up and put on leaf. Pointless worrying about them, nothing I can do........except buy another one just in case! We are three miles from nursery where I bought them from!
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Ours will survive but has lost this years crop, leaves just "wilting on the vine" also some cuttings.
Hope yours is ok TDA, not everyone has been hit but local Wisterias etc are drooping too. Can't remember when we last had a late air frost but we've certainly had it this year, don't know whether the later fruit trees are affected yet.
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The problem we have in this area is lack of rain ,the ground is cracked open ,driving to sons today, noticed in several places the grass verges that face south? are brown ,its not so bad where we are as the side of the Nimram valley we are on faces north
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Hope we've seen the last of the frost, dry and frost, not a good combination at this time of the year. Apparently some reservoirs in the SW were well below last years levels.We need a lot of rain to catch up, I don't think we'll be getting much this week but anything helps.
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Spent all day Washing, drying polishing:
1 caravan
1 large 4x4
1 small convertible sporty car.
Very windy today but stood back and admired my handy work, 3 seconds before the heavens opened!
Waited for a let up in the rain, leathered off caravan and put cover on. Which was great fun Jules, me and a mental cocker spaniel in very blustery weather!!
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Going to look at my seed trays in a minute. Pumpkins to penstemons, some have been unwilling to stick their leaves above the parapet recently. Hope May will see them on their way.
Not woken up by May Day celebrations on local hill, must have slept well.
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We spotted some small Sweet Potato plants at nursery on our way into Pickering, so going to give a couple of these a go for something different. I left my little seedlings in our bath, (on an old towel) and my BIL is keeping an eye on them. Difficult being away full week, too much sun on greenhouse will parch them, too much cold will kill them.
Have got Cleome, Marigolds, Carnations and some sort of grass doing well, along with verbena boniarensi, but as you say brue, some are a bit reluctant to get going!
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Shopped for the elderly today, including us! There are 2 neighbours who have had some health problems lately and are not too good so we volunteered. Well, you'd feel mean otherwise, wouldn't you?
Found out that I was out of my favourite Sticky Ginger cake so baked one this afternoon and as the sun has finally decided to make an appearance we've made a start of a border that needs clearing out. The bird song is great, loads of different species singing away in the woods behind us, Woodpeckers drumming and the garden looks like it's been given a wash and brush up following last nights rain. Bluebells poking through the Lemon Balm, Wild garlic smelling wonderful. Isn't Spring grand?
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Eldest son and a group if work colleagues completed "tough mudder" raised over £500 for help for hero's this weekend . Pleased he completed this one as injury last year meant he didn't complete the Cirencester one last summer.