User 'unfriendly' club web site

I am not sure if this is the correct section to vent my frustration with the new web site.
I find the new site totally at odds with the concept of user friendly interface.
The Club together was far easier to access before but now I certainly do feel like clubbing something!
For me when a site needs to list a guide to use it when previously it was straight forward is a giant leap back.
Perhaps someone could offer assistance so I can once again enjoy reading the discussions in CT.
A lot if folk, including myself moaned about the old website. It is true this one has its problems. However, the main issue for me is one of speed ( or lack of it) and the horrible sideways scrolling on a phone. Are you sure it is not a case of the "good old days". In general I feel it is an improvement on the old site. At least I can post photos on my pad now.
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Slowly some of the problems are disappearing. I too like the easy way to post pics, and the spell chequer is good. Booking a site seems as good (or better).
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It is only those that have more time on their hands that sucessfully use CT. I suspect the fact that it is so user unfriendly and takes so much time to follow threads and new posts puts many off. I certainly have more time than those who work but I still have days when I just cannot be bothered with the struggle.
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Don't find the speed too bad but there are some irritating things:
1. you get a different experience depending what platform you use, this wasn't the case with the old system
2. If you are on discussions (for example) and decide you want to log on, you don't return to discussions
3. Probably the worst issue for me is CL searches, one of the issues is that if you search by county/town and having finished your search for a particular town and decide to search by another town you get the list for the entire country! You either know every town in the country for each county, or have to start a new search or click on another county and then click back to the county you want. CL searches need to be sorted out immediately so the club can show their continue commitment to our CL owners
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Image posting is different from the vast majority of normal forums and the results are an insult
Many appear as small as 2 inches square and any small detail is unreadable.
With Windows Edge/IE 11 favourites displayed only one third of a PCs screen width is used to display the forum text...consequently only two or three posts are visible!
Too many complaints and not enough resolutions....I think most of us still posting must be getting used to it
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Not just the CT pages. I tried booking a site last night, the site bookings have altered slightly. I got to the end and had page error. Because I "know" there are web site problems I tried again, this time I got the message I already had site bookings for these dates. I checked and my original booking had gone through but the error message gave the appearance that it hadn't.
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What is wrong with this site? Just spent a long time writing a post. The print was about 10 seconds behind my slow typing and when I pressed 'reply' I was logged out!
We are still getting many error message. Come on techies at Grinstead Towers, sort it out please.
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If your Granny was asked to build a website, then this would be it! Still shocking to use if you are on most Apple devices.
Good job they aren't popular!
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I can see it's going to be unfashionable to praise the website, so all I will say is it is a million times better in my opinion than the C & CC website......!!
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Feint praise indeed; I read the C&CC forum while I'm waiting for this one to load.
If we had a national competition for the worst forum then this one would be a prime contender.
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When I signed on this morning the website was in 'new' mode - I posted on a couple of threads. The site then reverted to the original format and cut me off. Signed back in to the original format, posted this. Please IT dept. sort out this stuff, we haven't all got all day to fiddle about on here!
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I often find my cursor sticks and I can't scroll the page down but if I come out and go onto something else it's fine don't know if that's and IT fault
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We were far too polite to comment but I did allow myself a smile.
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Not that good, obviously.
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My ten year old granddaughter wanted to know what forums I visited and used
I showed her about a dozen forums I use regularly and she negotiated them as only a ten year old can - quickly and efficiently.
Then we came to this forum - she went away laughing.