The Pointless Page



  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2017 #92

    Double aaaaaarrrrggggh  !


    { And  don't  you  dare  do  an  "EDIT"  on  me  like  that  again   you  you  you  you  thingummybob  you   tongue-out   )

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,423
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    edited April 2017 #93

    Dentures have to be hidden from view at all times, as do glasses. But upon close inspection it is possible to find written clues sometimes!laughing Once you ask a few questions, you realise that there is in fact a point to all this hiding and mystery. But you do have to know which questions to ask, and realise that someone who has had a lifetime of being truthful and honest, might just have decided that the odd little lie is now permitted........ it all adds to the everyday fun!laughing

  • JCB4X4
    JCB4X4 Forum Participant Posts: 466
    edited April 2017 #94

    "thin gummy bob"  is he the one that didn't

     - wait for it !! - - wait for it !!

    "Brush With Fate", sealedsealedsealed

  • redface
    redface Forum Participant Posts: 1,701
    edited April 2017 #95

    Papgeno - funny thing that, I too have been mucking things up for the past decade or two, but MOH still keeps giving me the jobs!

    Perhaps its a female thing?

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited April 2017 #96

    8 months to Christmas Day!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited April 2017 #97

     No, more like the teeth, the whole teeth and nothing but the teeth...

    Not any more. Now one area is not only pointless but toothless! A year of pain that was at the end of the day pretty pointless.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2017 #98

    OH,  so  sorry  to  hear  that  WN  surprised  I'm  that  much  better  now  that  I'm  thinking ( only  thinking  mind )  of  stocking  up  on  Pork  Crackling  again  !!   yell  <====  Thats  me  wincing  at  the  very  thought  wink

    #By the  way,  Corners  Old  Mate,  Its  only  two  months  'til  the  nights  start  drawing  in  again  cool

  • briantimber
    briantimber Forum Participant Posts: 1,653
    edited April 2017 #99

    Can I just say that this thread is, as has been said, like a breath of fresh air, apart from a couple of squalid interruptions, a pleasant and enjoyable read, just what CT was intended to be about. Thanks Brue...laughingcool

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited April 2017 #100

    Brue and TDA, I know the feeling, looking for 'lost' items. Mum bless her forgets she has an hearing aid, she hides it in the strangest of places. Staff at the home are all getting good at hide and seek laughing her latest thing is taking photos out of their frames and putting them in books, empty frames all around her room when I went up on Sunday. Of course its not her that does it, its someone else undecided

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2017 #101

    Thanks all. Sorry to hear that WN had to lose the tooth.

    Just as I was starting to enjoy Spring someone mentions something 8 months away!

    I hope this cold snap goes away soon.

    Might try and get down to the coast today, it's breezy and it will be nice to see the sea so to

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited April 2017 #102

    Ta, Brue but I'll soon get used to the cavity, although it does sit directly above the bottom one I had out a couple of months ago. Could hide a migrant in theresurprised. I would have had it out months ago only TheKillerDriller wanted to try to save it. Feeling fine today.

    Point of pointlessness today was a trip to doctors as they wanted me take an asthma test. Got there and asked if the fact I had anaesthetic yesterday made any difference. Yes, if you've tooth out they said as you may still have blood in mouth, so go away. Don't think I'll bother going back as I don't have asthma, just an aversion to certain pollens!


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2017 #103

    A friend of ours had a letter from a local hospital last week asking him to come in for a procedure, the letter arrived after the appointment should have taken place!

    We've had such dry weather down here the pollens must be affecting some. Hope the "gap"heals up soon and the pollens dampen down a bit.

    Outside we've got plants starting to wilt in the dry, even stinging nettles. Don't know what it's like where you are WN?

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    edited April 2017 #104

    Pointless for me last Friday.  Off to Dr's to have 24 hour blood pressure monitor fitted. As I dressed I decided against a long sleeved top and opted for short-sleeved with a Cardigan.  First piece of luck. After entering the actual room I'm asked if I have short-sleeved top under otherwise I can't do it. I need to return the monitor on Monday is that OK?  Fortunately I can do it before we head off on a trip. I ask why not tell people this as they book the appointment?  I'd assumed I'd have to go on Saturday for it to be removed. Then I got a lecture about how busy they are and receptionist doesn't know. Why not have a fact sheet to hand out? Can't write a look 😉. Off to a good start! ECG performed then onto fitting.  Since I had very bad experience after son was born, I hate those self inflating things. Much debate,  I agree to have it fitted if I can remove it should it get to me 😉. Another lecture about if it isn't on for 24 hours no recordings. Its much bigger than i expect. I get it fitted and leave to return minutes later as I walk it starts to sag. I return to see nurse who promptly just ties a knot in the adjustable belt.It's blown itself up 4 times in about 2 hours one time 9 pumps 😲. It's really tight and uncomfortable but I solider on. I walk into the kitchen and wonder what's dangling - the tubing has come off the monitor. Dr's closed so call in where it was fitted to find nurse working at our surgery closer to home.! But not open until 3pm. I made appointment for 5.20 and remove the armband too and walk the dog. Further discussion with the nurse she decides it's not working as it's too uncomfortable for me. Takes my blood pressure at that point and remarks it's high 180 over 110 ROFL tell her it's the machine, she uses one for pregnant ladies as that ones not accurate for them! Down to 164 over 90. Agree I'll monitor it myself every 2 hours with my own machine. Now done and handed in got to get appointment with my Dr now 😉 to discuss. Pointless exercise waste of both our time. If I hadn't had right clothing on it would have been even more pointless! Then there's a notice if wasted appointments where folks don't turn up over last month.  Mine would have been a waste but not counted, as not given full facts at time if booking! 

  • trellis
    trellis Forum Participant Posts: 1,102
    edited April 2017 #105

    I just want to say thanks Brue , so glad you started this post. I get fed up having to work as it is, so it's so nice not to have to hear about it here.Long may this post continue cool.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited April 2017 #106

    Don't know what it's like where you are WN?

    It's not too bad Brue. Not a lot of crops out. I tend to get wheezy near Lime trees or Poplars. Flowers don't tend to bother me. I hadn't put in a repeat prescription for over a year as I had a few spare tubes left. Since then we've had new doctors take over from our retired one. I don't think they know their Accident from their Emergency, well the ones I've seen anyway. 

    It's always a problem whenever you have to change someone you trust whether it be your doctor or dentist or car mechanic.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited April 2017 #107

     Then there's a notice if wasted appointments where folks don't turn up

    Bakers,  the appointment I had today had to be aborted but due to the type of procedure I had to have 2 appointments, the second one 30 minutes after the first to redo the test after having some breathing appartus put on. Well, I left the surgery and then 5 minutes later on an impulse went back and asked whether the second appt had been cancelled by the nurse. It hadn't and the receptionist confirmed I would have had a letter sent for not attending! Wonderful system!

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    edited April 2017 #108

    Wherenext hope you mouth is recovering. Yes you couldn't make it up could you? I think your right about A&E 😉. I find our Dr's 'branch' really good and efficient- but the other 'branch' is based in the Uni campus, feels very different and I don't like going there. Never mind over and done with now. I'm sure you're right about not being asthma had similar with my mother a few years back, steroids and all sorts. She still gets a tickle cough in the spring but we live with it 😉.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited April 2017 #109

    I tried to tow the caravan today with the motor mover still engagedembarassed Now that was pointless!

  • Spriddler
    Spriddler Forum Participant Posts: 646
    edited April 2017 #110

    Wherenext wrote:

     "I tend to get wheezy near Lime trees or Poplars. Flowers don't tend to bother me".

    I get asthma on most sites in France as many have Willow trees among the pitches for shade. I'm allergic to Aspirin and the bark of Willows contains salicin, which was originally used to produce Aspirin.

    I also try to avoid clouds of cereal dust from combine harvesters.

    My other major irritant is a kitchen cupboard full of rarely used Tupperware type stuff and about a zillion Chinese takeaway trays and lids - none of which seem to fit each other and which come cascading out every time I open the door yell.

     RIGHT NOW I'm going to empty all of them out and put them in the landfill bin innocent smile so it was pretty pointless saving them in the first place........


  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited April 2017 #111

    I'm allergic to a whole host of things and have been most of my life. I was told that it got better as you got older and I suppose it does to some extent. What gets me now is tree pollen and that yellow stuff that seems to be taking over our fields, rape.

    I've just collected a shipping order from the chemist, sodium chromoglycate drops for itchy eyes, a nasal spray and a new supply of asthma inhalers.

    as long as I remember to use them all it's not too bad🤞

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited April 2017 #112

    Does it b****r it up? Have still got the push and pull type of van, Mrs.WN having muscles on her eyelids!

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited April 2017 #113

    no, its just stops you dead, you really can't move, well I suppose you could if you applied enough revs!

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited April 2017 #114

    It makes quite a racket ....... apparently innocent

    and not even 200+ horses would reverse my last caravan with the mover still engaged  innocent

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2017 #115

    The cat has decided he wants to sit on the keyboard, it's one of his special attention seeking ruses. Think I'll go out and enjoy some sunshine now so that we're both happy! smile

  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
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    edited April 2017 #116

    My sister's cat has brought in a baby rabbit.  Her daughter popped a washing up bowl over it to prevent the cat teasing it any more, then went to school, and my sister is too squeamish to remove the bowl and deal with whatever she finds, so we're just on our way up there to hopefully find a bright-eyed rabbit which we can just pop back out in the garden!  

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2017 #117

    Hardly dare ask about the results ValDa.

    Looks like I'm a snooker widow just now, OH is glued to the TV. wink

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited April 2017 #118

    The phone rang just as we got in. Breathlessly answered it. It was an automated call asking me to ring a number, purportedly from my bank, about a possible fraudelent act noted on my account. Didn't have pen so couldn't take number down. So rang HO and after pressing numerous buttons got through to a clerk who took all my details. We agreed that the act was probably self inflicted as a well known grocery dept store had not accepted my attempt at contactless payment but did with chip and pin. "No harm, no foul" as those Yanks say. He would mark my records accordingly.

    4 hours later, same automated phone call. Not a happy bunny. Especially after holding on for 45 minutes for someone in fraud dept to answer phone! Didn't have any record of first call. Don't deal with fraud at Glasgow office. "Must have been someone from customer services". Had to explain meaning of Oxymoron to him!

    Won't be very pleased if we are on a 4 hour loop from automated call centre! Latest clerk assures me we won't be. Mmmmm.

    First call therefore pointless.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,423
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    edited April 2017 #119

    Happy morning spent in A&E yesterday, a routine Doc check up turned into a bit of a "hmm, I don't like the sound of that...." so after a phone call, off I went. Dealt with most efficiently and quite quickly and the news came back good, retina not in throws of detaching! Hurrah. Spent rest of day blundering around in a sort of miasma until drops finally wore off!

    However.... we are now on site, lovely little CL, just on Day one route of Tour de Yorkshire, already to see the "caravan", media teams, riders and team Buses roll past from comfort and luxury of MH! Allez...allez!laughing

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2017 #120

    Latest BT bill arrived today £16 higher than usual? after trying to understand 3 pages of dates, charges,refunds ,discounts,?  contacted their call centre,  after 48mins of trying to fathom it out and three staff involved,they admitted that they "have no idea what has happened "and they would have to get "others" to look at it ,but would not be able to give a refund on the bill this time,and it will be "sorted" for the next quarteryell

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited April 2017 #121

    Why does this sound familiar?undecided