What are you all up to
Thanks Brue,
These may bring back some memories too
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Interested to know what difference would it make if you knew a site was leased rather than owned by the Club?
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Best place to be when Tewkesbury floods is the Abbey! Tends to stand proudly dry on its island, whilst all else around it is underwater! Often true of most churches, they were built on the highest land points and often used as refuges in times of flood. Same with Roman Roads, I drove up the Fosse Way in 2007 when the Cotswolds were badly flooded. Eerie driving along a ribbon of road while all the fields were underwater. We like to think we progress down the centuries, however land planning often falls sadly short, and folks will buy/ rent properties on flood plains! Add into the mix poor spending on flood defences and dredging and it just keeps happening again.....and again....and again....
So, if the Club do lease rather than own the land at Tewkesbury, possibly a better decision than anyone imagined!
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I've applied for a seasonal pitch for the winter at Gatwick. It's already fully booked so I'll have to go on the waiting list in case of cancellations, so I just have to hope I get lucky!
The seasonal pitch is from November to March for £420 and this is just the ticket for me. I need this kind of bargain. It can get me through next winter. I have no job anymore, just my state pension for two of us to live on. As you know, dinner2go ruthlessly and relentlessly sacked me just because of 4 days of emergency treatment in hospital!
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It may give some idea as to why, when folks complain about how poor some sites facilities are ,that as here, the lease was up for renewal,whereas if the site was actually owned ,then they may have a valid case,
according to the sites directory Mildenhall is owned by the cc ltd so why the smoke screen about the lease
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Malcolm, I have refrained in the most from commenting on a great deal of your posts. But like many others am now getting somewhat weary of all your trials and tribulations and the contents of other people's choice of meal. Your life is your own, for you to sort out, or get the help you need to sort it out, from whatever agencies your problems require. Coming on here openly discussing some very personal issues will not help your problems.
It would be nice for the thread to return to its original intention, sharing a few thoughts on the day, rather than a free session of social care. Sorry if this sounds a tad harsh, and I do care, but a gramophone playing the same old song can get very wearing.
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Wire walking to the Abbey this morning just as bus for Cheltenham pulled in so bashed bus pass again my how its changed since last visit one of the big shopping centres has gone being replaced by a big John Lewis, aand the run down lower end is now the "Brewery Quarter"all new buildings
Cheltenham models still there thank goodness
Fish Friday at a Weatherspoons cod chip and peas plus pint of Doom Bar or glass of rose wine £ 6,65 each
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Not a lot happening today, its nice and sunny but a cold wind (as usual) OH has been busy sorting out an annoying noise in the M/H think we might have got it now, time will tell. He also checked out my car as again a funny noise from the back of the car, nothing sinister just the back seat catch a bit loose now been sorted.
I've been trying to teach myself how to do embroidery on the sewing machine. Mainly monograms, I'm getting there but the curvy bits are not easy
I would love one of those machines that you can programme and it does it all by itself, think I will have to go on hoping though, they are not cheap.
A trip into town this afternoon to pay a cheque into the bank, I closed down an old account that I thought only had a fiver in it, only to find out it had £700+ in it
can't think how that happened but I'm not complaining. So while I was in town I went to M&S and treated myself to some new unmentionables
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Good news! The phone rang just now and it was Pizza Hut in Lancing. I got the job with them! I start work on Thursday and I will get the minimum rate of pay of £7.50 per hour. Isn't this the better deal that Ian would approve of?
Not only do I get a fairer rate of pay but they will also pay 80 pence per drop for fuel allowance.
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Well said, TDA. Let the thread return to something interesting without people having their strings pulled and continuing the myth.
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You could monogram the unmentionables TG!
Mum has one of those programmable sewing machines. Her and little Sis did a deal and got one each. Sadly Mum probably doesn't even remember she has a machine nowadays, but she has been one heck of a seamstress/embroidery expert in her day. Little Sis uses hers when she gets the chance. I love embroidery by hand, never got on much with machine sewing!
Great news on the surprise nest egg!
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Surely, they have defamed themselves by breaking the law on minimum wage as several people on here, including IanH, have told me over the last year! Huskydog also said that he pays all his employees minimum wage because that is the law. So why do you feel dinner2go should be a special case? If other companies obey the rules, then why shouldn't they?
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I appreciate that there are those who love Malc's posts. But given the quantity and the lack of deviation from subject matter, perhaps a dedicated thread would be useful? Then if something arises that clearly contravenes the T&C guidance for CT it can be investigated without losing all the interesting other posts on this thread? Just a suggestion? Perhaps Malcolm you could restart it yourself?
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Easy, they are the very reason I rarely stray into this section. Malcolm's trials of life are not what this section was intended for and I view them with a strong element of scepticism.
Furthermore, we are told not to dominate or hijack threads and this thread has been allowed to be largely taken over by one poster.
I'm with TDA on this as she is one of the few posters to see beneath the surface and speak up.
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Not such a nice day today, cloudy and bit chilly in the wind.
Bought some plants today, not got much of a garden but will put them in pots for a bit of colour.
Found out boss off to Spain next week, truck show with other local hauliers, I'll have the dog in the office for company
Finished sewing up the cushion cover I knitted, really pleased with it.Now going to knit another one, off to the wool shop tomorrow.
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We had a brilliant night out last night at Settle. The Victoria Hall is the oldest Music Hall still in use and is a wonderful venue. It was Caberet Seating, so there was somewhere to put our drinks. Due to my skill in these things we were right at the front with an uninterrupted view of the stage, and Police Dog Hogan. Especially for the last number when they came down off the stage, stood in front of us and sang The Warden.
I don't take photos at gigs - preferring to watch rather than look through a screen. But I made an exception and took this discreetly. Being so near I only captured six of the eight.
The whole show was wonderful. Rumbustious in parts. Quiet in others. And lots of feel good factor.
Edit. Photo Deleted User.
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Photo missed from my post above.
Hope it works! Previous attempt, the band was headless