How many is too many on a CL?

frontdoorlocked Forum Participant Posts: 12
edited April 2017 in Certificated Locations #1

My apologies if this has been said before but I'm posting on my mobile and its not the easiest to search/navigate discussions.

Ok so, we are currently on a CL for the Easter weekend, (we booked a couple of months ago and who is to say we weren't one of the first 5 people to book). w'Ahen we arrived yesterday we were the fourth outfit on site. We've come back from a trip out this afternoon to find 3 more outfits here. That is 7 in total! The field is big enough and there are plenty of electric hook ups available, so space isn't an issue. But the owner is obviously breaking the rules.

My questions are, is 7 too many? And would you complain? Who if you choose to would you complain to? 

Moderator Comment - Moved from the UK Sites and Touring section



  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2017 #2

    Yes it is to many, and by the sounds of it not unusual if there are at least Seven  hookups,an email to the stes dep at the club should alert them to it and help safeguard the CL network from the club's exemption certificate being revoked

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,193
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    edited April 2017 #3

    You could always write a review of the CL and mention the number of units on site in that, but just as an aside rather than it being the main point of the review?


  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,926
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    edited April 2017 #4

    "The field is big enough and there are plenty of electric hook ups available".


  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited April 2017 #5

    This situation is worrying. The exemption is for up to 5 caravans (trailer and motor combined) though there can be an additional exemption for tents but as far as I know this particular club does not have any.

    So the landowner's public liability insurance is probably invalid, as is the site being licenced, which may affect the insurance of those pitched there (I'll not risk calling them "members" as they may well not be). The space may well seem big but so is the liability.  Please put in a review, and DO make the numbers a major point so the rest of us are forewarned.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,448
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    edited April 2017 #6

    Should only be 5 outfits on, however......

    Before you complain, check carefully that it is just a CL, and not a CL with either a small private site adjacent, or a CL, with a CS adjacent. They can and do exist, quite legitimately. 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2017 #7

    And your point is?undecided

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited April 2017 #9

    In answer to the op.......6 would be too many.

    You should name the CL so that others can avoid it.

  • Cherokee2015
    Cherokee2015 Forum Participant Posts: 392
    edited April 2017 #10

    Increasingly more common I'm afraid. More than 5 is too many for us - we choose CL's because they are only 5 vans.  We use one in North Yorkshire whuch regularly has 7+ on but much as I'd like to drive away the chances of getting in elsewhere at short notice as slim.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited April 2017 #11

    Again that site.

  • harryb
    harryb Club Member Posts: 1,536
    edited April 2017 #12

    I agree with what's been said, 5 is 5 but why are these sites not investigated by the site inspector. There are signs here and on other sites that they are set up permanently for more than the legal number of vans and in the case of the cl in question it has plenty of ehu's available so presumably more than 7. That must be a sign to an inspector that something is not quite right. 

    I know of a cl whose owner was warned by the club for this infringemen,t he took no notice, is still a cll today and that warning was nearly 10 years ago. So much for being under control of an inspector.

    If the site has more than 5 then report it

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited April 2017 #14

    Except some CLs have more than 5 EHU so the owner can rotate pitches just like 1 very popular CL in North Norfolk

  • dmiller555
    dmiller555 Forum Participant Posts: 717
    edited April 2017 #15

    We use a site like this, the two are divided by a hedge but the facilities are shared so up to ten units could be on site.

    Out of interest the CCC allow 5 units plus 10 tents on their Certified Sites.

  • RangeRoverMan
    RangeRoverMan Forum Participant Posts: 125
    edited April 2017 #16

    Also don't forget the landowners 28 day rule can be utilised for non- domestic properties.

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited April 2017 #17

    Blowing in the  wind. Over occupancy is now the norm. Its the stupid rule that makes Cl owners do it. CC has a 5 van rule. C&CC has 5 vans and 10 tents- total 15 units. Planers only  look at Units and see no need to actively monitor CC sites. When Cl move up to commercial they use the fact hat there have been say 8/10 units using the site in their application and they are invariably nodded through without reference to a full planning committee. The planning fee is nothing in the full cost of  moving to say a 15 van site with the EHU, Hard standngs  etc added on. Until someone like CC takes a lead and looks at amending the unit number nothing will change apart from more closures of Cls

  • harryb
    harryb Club Member Posts: 1,536
    edited April 2017 #18

    "With regard to the EHU if its a large field maybe they have fitted more than 5 EHU to enable a bigger choice of where a member wishes to pitch"

    and that's probably the reason the cl owner will give. I don't accept that. The extra cost of installing more than the required number has got to give a return of investment, it's not for rotation. It's to maximise space and income in my opinion.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2017 #19

    We've frequently used a CL with a lot of extra EHU points, quite an awkward area that gave people the chance of finding a spot that suited them as there were no marked pitches. The same CL had extra vans sometimes, late stayers and early arrivals often crossed over, there were no set times to be on or off the site. Depends how the CL owner wants to run the site but I like the 5 van rule.

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited April 2017 #20

    harryb- usually  prelude to moving to commercial as the cost of fitting say 10 EHU as opposed to 5 is minimal. Been on ne CL where there were a three way extention on the EHU accommodating 9 units in total. Surprise. surprise its now a small commercial.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2017 #21

    The CL I mentioned used to be a small commercial site many years ago, but after planning was changed a 5 van site was the only acceptable route. Caravan sites aren't popular in AONB. We're probably lucky to have as many small sites as we do at present and if people break the planning rules we'll lose the sites.

  • Steve Scott
    Steve Scott Forum Participant Posts: 197
    edited April 2017 #22

    I may be wrong but can't a CL owner apply for an extension to the amount of vans on site under certain circumstances like Bank holidays plus many have rally sites could this not be mixed up with the normal pitched vans?.


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,470
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    edited April 2017 #23

    I believe you are incorrect, Steve. 5 is 5 whatever the circumstances and a rally field should be completely separate.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,470
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    edited April 2017 #24

    I disagree, Harry. I think the difference in cost between installing 5 EHUs and 7 or 8 will be minimal. One reason site owners do it is for rotation to protect their ground and save maintenance which, in turn, saves costs.

    I know of one CL with surplus EHUs on which I have never seen more than 5 vans. It was originally intended to be a small commercial site but planning permission was refused. It may well be granted one day.


  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited April 2017 #25

    I'm with TW, I've used a few 7-8 EHU sites, with the pitches over 5 roped off.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2017 #26
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • Steve Scott
    Steve Scott Forum Participant Posts: 197
    edited April 2017 #27

    I stand corrected TW.embarassed


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,470
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    edited April 2017 #28


  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited April 2017 #29

    Roping off the additional pitches (or even having a hedge separating them) does not make them a separate site. It's just fiddling the rules.

    Especially when they all use the same facilities.

  • Cherokee2015
    Cherokee2015 Forum Participant Posts: 392
    edited April 2017 #31

    Apologies - Oak Tree Farm listed under Pickering.  The site gets good reviews due to the friendliness of the owners.  The site only has 6amp electric (been promising 10amp for the last 5 years), takes tents and has two safari tents for rent.