Regional Versions of the Magazine

I see the club will be sending out regional versions of the magazine. Will this be of interest to you and what does this mean?
How will this work? If you live in Scotland will you not get to learn about things in Cornwall. and vice versa?
Will we get Regional logos to go with it? That could be why there are no site plaques at the moment.
Another grand idea that is doomed to be worthless.
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I noted that,and if you want a magazine from another area you can buy from the shop?,why ? it must be more expensive to have area magazines,,but then the Marketing Dept at EGH seem to be so out of touch with the membership now, as can be seen since the new company fiasco
ps the NT and EH send an area suppliment with their magazines, but then they are not touring organisations, where their members would want to know whats on everywhere that might influence their tour
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It can't be an April Fools Joke as surely, since December, they've used up their allotment for the next few years at least.
I've not longed finished the magazine and did have the same thoughts as everyone else. Totally useless unless it relates to adverts. Any other content needs to be nationwide, because guess what EG, we're a Touring organisation.
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I can see no point, we are all tourers and most spend a lot of time outside our area. If you live near a regional boundary then half of what you want will have gone to the guy down the road and you will have a lot of what he wants.
The only point is that if they take regional adverts dealer in say Cornwall will only pay for reaching the locals and not someone in Inverness who would not be a target.c
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Just had the worrying thought of what will hosting multiple editions of the magazine do to the already failed IT resources!
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Perhaps it is visionary on the part of CC / camc / wotever, realising that with the demise of diesel powered tow cars, followed by petrol once the next round of meedja bashing is through, the unilateral conversion to PHEV limited range tow cars, you will only be able to travel in your region
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Just read the mag. On the letters page the editor replied to a correspondent re articles on Scottish sites. In this he eluded to the fact that Scottish readers can this month read about Balbirnie Park which means other folks in UK can't. In the said article one of the clients using the site is from Dorset. I really think this sums up the lack of joined up thinking. We are in a UK wide club and are all interested in each other areas.So please club ....Get a grip.
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I haven't been through it with a fine tooth comb but I can't see anything about Balbirnie in mine. Perhaps we from the far south aren't considered likely to venture that far from home.
Hello, C&MC, we've travelled to Scotland almost every year since the late 1980s!