Battery Charging on C.L. Sites

Werrington Forum Participant Posts: 3

Been caravanning since last August (2016) and have been to Club Sites, C.L.Sites and a privately run site but have always had electric hook up facility.  We are thinking of going 'off grid' and notice that some C.L. Sites offer battery charging.  How does this work? Does our battery need to be removed or is it done by mains extension leads?  Thanks in advance.


  • DaveCyn
    DaveCyn Club Member Posts: 360
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    edited March 2017 #2

    Best advice is get yourself a solar panel & let it do the charging for you.

    We use a 100w panel & even on a dull day the battery is kept topped up nicely.

  • Werrington
    Werrington Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited March 2017 #3

    Thanks for quick response. Our van has a factory fitted 40w panel. Do you think this would top up adequately if we don't use power excessively?

  • DaveCyn
    DaveCyn Club Member Posts: 360
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    edited March 2017 #4

    Friend.of ours uses a 50w with no problem.

    Try it & see for yourselves 

  • Vicmallows
    Vicmallows Forum Participant Posts: 580
    edited March 2017 #5

    I agree that the best thing is to be self-sufficient by using a PV panel. It is important to understand, and preferably monitor, exactly how much 12v power you use/replace.  I am a great advocate of fitting a proper Amp/Hour meter.

    I think that when a CL says it offers battery-charging this is really intended as an emergency facility, and almost certainly you would have to take the battery to them.  (Of course, if there is EHU you simply use your own inbuilt  or stand-alone charger).

    Don't forget that the output from a PV panel will vary dramatically according to how sunny it is, and how well it is orientated towards the sun.  Under good UK  conditions you will probably get about 10Ah per day from a 40W panel, which is useful, but won't run the TV for too long!


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,330
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    edited March 2017 #6

    I know nothing about the technicalities so can't comment on size of your panel. We have a solar panel on our 15 year old van been there since new but i don't know the size. Certainly lasts 3 or more days with some TV use we've never run out! There was a thread on CT with loads of useful info, don't know if it was successfully migrated 😯 called how to survive with EHU. perhaps someone precise it if it can't be found.

    Edit couldn't find the one started on here by Merve but this is useful and has been discussed on here

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited March 2017 #7

    You might want to look at the thread - how to survive without EHU the thread is a mine of information.  Battery charging is from way back when you took the battery out and charged it in a garage or somewhere.  I haven't used it for about 40 years!  I wouldn't want to be doing it with the size of batteries these days.  Solar Panel lasts me well - but it is quite a subject! 

  • Werrington
    Werrington Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited March 2017 #8

    Thanks all. The reason I posed the question is that most C.L. entries in the club handbook include the symbol for battery charging in their list of facilities. I assumed it was a facility that people wanted so wondered how it was facilitated.

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,777
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    edited March 2017 #9

    All the sites I know of that offer the facility require you to take the battery to them and they use a standard charger. Some charge or ask for a donation to charity. If you want the answer it is best to ask the individual site before booking.

  • Lyke Wake Man
    Lyke Wake Man Club Member Posts: 238
    edited April 2017 #10

    we where off grid last may, after a couple of days it just rained, but our solar pannel kept the battery topt up

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited April 2017 #11

    My suggestion is to visit a site with EHU but to not connect it, and try using just your panel to see how far you get. If it all goes horrible wrong just plug in the EHU and you will be saved!

    It is not complicated to lift a caravan battery into your tow vehicle and recharge it as you drive about during the day (assuming that is what you do). The important thing is to secure the battery safely and protect the terminals. Special carry boxes are available.