CL entrance signs

Supertractorman Forum Participant Posts: 79
edited March 2017 in Certificated Locations #1

I was thinking of having a new site sign made for the roadside as I am a little worried about the size and colour of the new Club ones.   

Could you help me in advising what information you think the sign should have from a users point of view.


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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited March 2017 #2

    Personally I would have thought a far more effective way would be to have a photograph of the entrance to your CL on your website in the How to Find Us page and perhaps a plan? If people know what they are looking for in advance they would then be able to recognise the current sign. Some councils are a bit sniffy about road side signs so do you have to take that into account?


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited March 2017 #3

     I think that's a really good idea David. Go to the top of the class 😉. As chief navigator I'd be happy to check it out before we go and  as we approach.  Good instructions are a great help too. 

  • BirchHillFarmCL
    BirchHillFarmCL Forum Participant Posts: 187
    edited March 2017 #4

    SuperTractorMan - I'm firmly with you on this - it is a great idea to ask for ideas from our clients.

    DavidKlyne - we do have a website which has a photograph of our entrance, but not all of our guests use the internet or plan in advance. 

    In 2011 we put CL signs on the main road for the first time since the CL opened in 1982. Our bookings went up by 199 pitch nights that year, which proves that effective signage is important.

    We are fairly close to Lady Margaret's Club Site and some larger commercial sites. We get a lot of drop-in visits from passers-by staying at those sites who see our signs and pop in to see what our CL is like, perhaps booking a future visit.

    A similar trend we've noticed is people booking single nights at Club-owned Sites, and using the Club Site as a base to find a nearby CL. Due to varying standards of CL, they prefer to view the CL first-hand rather than booking far in advance. Good signage helps 'casual' guests like this to find us.

    In my 15 years experience of running a busy CL, I find that Motorhomers are more likely to arrive unannounced than caravanners - we are a convenient stop-off for a North-South journey and are sign-posted from the nearest 'A' Road.

    As a CL Owner, we benefit from local recommendations. Our recommendations often come from non-CAMC members - local people tell friends & family to stay with us whilst visiting them in Ellesmere. The proposed CL sign is not large enough and is not recognisable nor obvious enough, particularly to non-members.

    If the CL Signs issued by the CAMC are not good enough, we would be silly not to invest in our own signs, and emphasize the 'formerly known as Caravan Club'.

    Ian Kelly
    01691 622951

    Birch Hill Farm – a multi-award winning hideaway in the beautiful lake-lands of Shropshire - exclusively for members of the Caravan and Motorhome Club

    Read the reviews - look at the photos.

    Number 1321 in the 2017/18 Sites Directory
    Number 1398 in the 2015/16 Sites Directory

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited March 2017 #6


    In fairness I was replying to the OP of this thread who does not appear to have a photograph of his entrance on his website. If you are referring to the picture of the sign in the snow whilst it a nice picture it does not provide me with any sense of where it is in terms of the road your CL is on. On the issue of signage I think we have to accept that the Club have re-branded and time will tell if the new signs are enough to get people to recognise where the CL is. There is always the opportunity to give the Club feedback direct if it turns out to be a problem. I have to say that I have  driven past dozens of CL's with the old sign and it's only been a confirmation from my wife to the question, was that a Cl, that we realised that indeed it was. There is of course a difference between looking for a specific CL and just noticing one as you pass. 


  • Supertractorman
    Supertractorman Forum Participant Posts: 79
    edited March 2017 #7

    Dave FL2 I do like the sign and it really stands out, plus I have the room to install a decent size sign. A small sign with an arrow at the last cross roads would be a plus.   We are on the test route for the local caravan dealer so many people trying a van may well look for somewhere to stay the night to get in early for their Habitation check or Warranty work and with the name visible even if they don't remember at the time, the handbook entry jogs the memory.

    I note David about a photograph from the road and could modify my photos to include this, but such a large number of our visitors do not use the net, so its probably best to cover all angles.


  • BirchHillFarmCL
    BirchHillFarmCL Forum Participant Posts: 187
    edited March 2017 #8

    Thanks DavidKlyne,
    good point about the photo of our sign - I had copied it from a previous post where we were discussing the idea of showing the name of the CL on the sign.

    For those who do use the internet, here is another photo of our lane entrance - I'll be updating it in due course.  We also have a video to show the driving directions as written in the Sites Directory.

    Not only are we active caravanners, we have 15 years experience of running a busy CL and are former national winners of the CL of the Year.  I feel that we know our business and are well-placed to offer a constructive opinion.

    The fact remains that many Club members do not use the internet and roadside signs can be very helpful.  My evidence for this is a jump of 199 pitch nights in the year we put signs on the junction of the nearest 'A' Road.

    I'm under the impression that the new entrance signs have not yet been manufactured.

    CL Owners have been sent a picture of the design and many of us are hoping that it can be changed before distribution to something that will help us through the transition so that we do not lose the advantage of the widespread recognition afforded by the old branding.

    I do not object to the change of Club name - I am just concerned about loss of business and guests getting lost because of the new entrance signs not being clear enough.

    The proposed sign is shown below.  I don't think that it will catch the eye of a passing motorist as well as the old signs.  I suggest that:

    - the logo and lettering is made larger, and
    - we have a transitional entrance sign that makes reference to The Caravan Club.

    In terms of recognising the need for transitional arrangements, the Club website now reads 'previously the Caravan Club' on the home page and entering the URL of defaults to - there is a genuine need for CL entrance signs to make a similar link with the previous brand.

    Ian Kelly
    01691 622951

    Birch Hill Farm – a multi-award winning hideaway in the beautiful lake-lands of Shropshire - exclusively for members of the Caravan and Motorhome Club

    Read the reviews - look at the photos.

    Number 1321 in the 2017/18 Sites Directory
    Number 1398 in the 2015/16 Sites Directory

  • birderbilly
    birderbilly Forum Participant Posts: 349
    edited March 2017 #9

    I think the sign just needs to be simple and obvious.  It doesn't need a lot of info - club name and logo - CL name.  More important is the placement.  Far to often I find that existing signs are hidden or placed so that you can only see them at the last minute.  A sign that says "CL in 100m on the left" or similar would be really useful.

    This is one of the better ones we have come across:

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited March 2017 #10

    The signs indicating distance to entrance is very welcomed by the driver. Just like a notice of a pub car park in plenty of time makes up the drivers mind to stop.

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited March 2017 #11

    I suppose it's not straight forward to erect a sign outside of your land boundary for direction, so signage before your site would depend upon permission I assume. That's why something that stands out is a must at the entrance.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2017 #12

    Having seen the new signage on a Club site we are staying on at the moment I can comment that the lettering is quite small and there is too much white background.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited March 2017 #13

    It certainly wasn't obvious when we walked past Rowntree CC site the other day, blending into the hedge.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2017 #14

    On closer inspection I see the signs resemble strips of white weather boarding. Very pale but just visible as such.

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,891
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    edited March 2017 #15

    Because it is new to us we are "reading" these signs rather than recognising them instantly.  This will come with time. Do you remember spelling out words one letter at a time when learning to read? Now you see the concept instantly.

    Very soon the bulk of CL users will recognise the signs when they spot them - only members new to visiting CLs will perhaps struggle although I would reckon quite a number of "first timers" will have seen a sign somewhere else in the past.

    I still dont condone the content of the new signs though, but will know what it is when (if) I ever see one.


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
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    edited March 2017 #16

    Site name is a must, if you are in an area like South Creake where there are several CL's in less than a mile. 

  • oakapple
    oakapple Forum Participant Posts: 45
    edited March 2017 #17

    Yes, I quite agree. How about moving the green CL part to the top of the logo, so leaving the CL owner space to put their site name at the bottom. 

    I'm sorry but every time I look at the logo it reminds me of buttocks! Am I weird? 


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
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    edited March 2017 #18

    Judging by your avatar you are a wildlife lover so no your not weirdwink

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited March 2017 #19

    The new club site signs look as if they are "designed?"to be a tempery background that "bits"can be added to as needed,smile

    I notice that the staff name boards are still in the last pale green colours,so are they  now sub contractors to the new companywink

    Where we are all three colours are in use on signs plus the add of white printed  "orders?"smile

  • JohnM20
    JohnM20 Club Member Posts: 1,421
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    edited March 2017 #20

    I'd originally put this post under a different thread but it may be more applicable here.

    Just had an interesting conversation with a club member who, whilst knowing that the club had changed its name did not know that signs at CLs had also been changed. They aren't CT users. "We would have been looking for the usual CL signs" she said. How many other club members would this apply to? Perhaps it illustrates a good reason for running the old and new signs together for a time, ( if new signage was necessary at all).

  • greylag
    greylag Club Member Posts: 590
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    edited March 2017 #21

    Just been to our first site of the year and they have the new sign.  It stood out from quite a distance away, just by being bright and in a prominent position.  It was only as we got nearer that we could confirm it was the correct entrance.

    The most important thing about signage is.....visible from both directions and it stands out from shrubbery/hedge, giving ample warning to the driver of the turn in.

  • wildemere
    wildemere Forum Participant Posts: 68
    edited March 2017 #22

    Some years ago We enlarged our sign with a green border and the site name at the bottom. The border and name are made of a reflective material that shows up in the dark. Makes life easier for late  arrivals , and comments show its well liked, because of this I have no plans re the new signs .  

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2017 #23

    Out and about last week in Devon and Cornwall most CLs still had the old signs.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited March 2017 #24

    We've been out in the van since the "change over" and have only seen 1 CL with the new sign. Perhaps that may be because IMO the new sign is not as easily noticed or recognised.

  • Supertractorman
    Supertractorman Forum Participant Posts: 79
    edited April 2017 #25

    Dave FL2,   Any chance you could contact me through my address on my website re sign.


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,508
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    edited April 2017 #26

    For those that haven't seen one!


  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited April 2017 #27

    Seems an awful lot of white space. Makes the logo and text look small.

  • KerryS
    KerryS Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited April 2017 #28

    Yesterday was my first use of a CL since the re-branding. Both the CL owner and myself think the new signs are dreadful. Very indistinct, writing and logo too small. Admittedly it was attached to a white board which in some ways made it worse. Still,I don't suppose it will be changed now for a few years....

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited April 2017 #29

    Passed a cl next to Bridlington CC. Yep the new cl signs are insignificant and frankly quite pathetic

  • paul56
    paul56 Forum Participant Posts: 937
    edited April 2017 #30

    As far as I can see the only saving grace is that there is a lot of white and it does stand out - while it is clean and shiny! What happens after a year or two is anyone's guess. And no I don't like the sign - even the larger ones for the club sites.  


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