What are you all up to
The bit about toilet is a good point. In about 1980 I bought a portaloo that was one piece. When we got rid of the caravan circa 1990 I placed it in the garage. In 1992 I had to go into hospital for an orchidectomy. (I remember my GP asking if it was a radical orchidectomy and I replied that they weren't messing about
The point is that as a result of the incision getting down onto the loo would not be a problem - getting up would have been agony. I did a sketch and had my neighbour produce a dias which raised my already tall loo by a further 6''. When a friend had his hip done I passed it on and he in turn to another friend. So it is an important consideration Husky
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Husky, I hope your wife's hip operation goes well, you'll probably find the physios will be be able to offer help and advice after the op so take it one bit at a time. Good luck.
Terrible weather here just now, stormy and hailstorms coming over. Don't know whether we'll get snow or not, quite a mixed forecast!
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David have a great time. Please don't worry about your debit card stocking daughters store cupboard, it goes with the territory 😃. Be grateful it's only her store cupboard today, may have found another use for it tomorrow 😂😂😂.
No one tells you when you conceive that the worry and financial strain never go away, but the joy and love is reward enough 😂😂. Left to your own devices you only spend it on yourself!
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We're now parked by Broadwater Green. There are some purple crocuses growing on the lawn next to us plus green shoots of daffodils with yellow tops that have not yet opened out.
It's nice to see that both the mornings and evenings are getting much lighter. It's 16:30 and feels like the middle of the day when not long ago it was getting dark at this time. Only 22 days left until the Spring Equinox!
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Most definitely Brue but the toilet and seating are issues too. What concerns me more are motorhome toilet and seat. Our motorhome seat doesn't have one of those lips, for want of a better description or proper name 😯, as this would be bad too hence I suggested chat with physio. (Our tame one doesn't live here any more 😉 otherwise I'd quiz him 😃)
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It was two and half months after my hip replacement that we first went away but then I was driving which would have added to the delay. The hip replacement makes a massive difference to an individual's mobility and the recovery is more about strengthening the muscles and ligaments that have been cut during the operation. Perhaps where she may need to be careful so soon after the operation is getting in and out of the motorhome. I am sure getting away will have no end of benefits so best wishes to her for the operation.
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I have given up chasing paltry bank rates as I think it will get worse. Not that I chased anything previously but I can't see things getting better at the moment. My way of doing things is to try and find things with money off as inflation is eating into everything including savings.
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Apparently we are having delivered a "raised" toilet seat and frame to go round it , and as you say that is what concerns me is the M/H toilet height ,we might be able to use the one they are lending us , or she will have to not go to the toilet for a week
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Brue I'm with you there as well. I can't get my state pension for another five years so I really do need to keep my eye on the ball. Especially with regular trips to NZ 🙄. When we've finished refreshing the decor indoors we hope to have an extended trip away in our motorhome and then I may need to find paid employment again 😭😭. When we had a mortgage rates were soooo high and we were finding paying it tough but my in laws were loving it for their savings! Even five years fixed was only 1.65%. I do hope they start to rise soon. Oops flying bacon again 😉
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Those frames take up a large floor area. Glad to know that they do still send them out. From what I recall from a relatives it wouldn't work in our motorhome. I wish you luck. Of course if you're going to a site the disabled toilet should be fine - but that would mean no nipping out quickly in the night 😉
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Husky, hope your wife's operation and recovery goes well, and she is well enough for your trip away.
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Took the Volvo for it's service and MoT today. We have it covered by a service contract so take it to the Volvo dealer where we bought it. They appear to have priced the contract rather too cheaply and we had a massive argument with them last year about what they should and shouldn't include.
After threatening court action, they relented and did the 'extra' work (brake fluid change, coolant change and air con service).
Also last year, they said that the brake discs and pads needed replacing on all four wheels....but it was 'advisory' rather than essential. I disagreed that it was needed at all.....on a car with only 30k miles on it, so didn't have it done.
Anyway, this time it sailed through the MoT with no mention of the brakes. They must have somehow fixed themselves
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Back home after lovely weekend at Ferry Meadows, new handbook had arrived in the post, finally.
Weather has turned very cold with showers but caravan emptied before it rained. Boss back from his holiday in the sunshine, so had a catch up with what's been happening at work.
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Good to hear car passed it's mot, Ian.
I have been trying to sort service contract for the new lorry at work, invoices kept arriving which we shouldn't have had. Now looking to buy another lorry so when dealer thought he might not get a £90,000 sale, it was soon sorted, funny that!
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Talking about banks, the Goring Branch of HSBC closed this month. So now there's only Durrington and the town centre one left for paying in cash. Parking is more difficult at Durrington than Goring and even more difficult in the town centre.
As far as interest rates are concerned, the low interest rates benefit me as I'm getting 0 per cent interest on the car loan repayments and low interest on the credit card repayments.
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Insurance costs always seem to be going up, the government always sneaks in increases to IPT too. 😠
Will just have to keep shopping around.