Ask the ex chef a question!

ChefJim Forum Participant Posts: 104
First Comment
edited August 2015 in Food & Drink #1

As a recently retired chef and I can't say bored because my beloved gives me lists of things to keep me busy, I have seen some recipe requests so ifanyone would like a bit of advice or ideas for all things cooking wise then please  ask. One thing though is for recipe ideas whether you have Apple or android phones look at the free apps for recipes, one fairly good one is "quick recipes" and is usually one of the first to show.


  • ChefJim
    ChefJim Forum Participant Posts: 104
    First Comment
    edited December 2016 #2

    Although I no longer visit the site everyday is there a reason that all the posts to and from me have disappeared since the latest update???, just wondering! I had posted as recently as 10days ago, so if anyone does have a question or from head office an answer to my question I'd like to hear it..

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited February 2017 #3

    Yes Jimbo. The reason is the IT dept at EG Towers! I wont swear as I know you are an ex para and I wouldn't want to offend you.embarassed