Another CL Booking Bug.



  • NicolaW
    NicolaW Forum Participant Posts: 99
    First Comment
    edited February 2017 #62

    Hi Rochelle,

    Thank you for your updates.

    Are members going to be able to leave a second review for a CL once the update rolls out next week?

    I've had two visitors since Christmas who wanted to leave updated reviews but the website wouldn't let them.  That's two reviews I have missed out on for my CL.

    Surely, members should be able to leave more than one review for a CL as the site may have not been as good or may have improved and other members should know this from reading updated reviews.

    I hope you can respond to this message.

    Skybarn Farm CL

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2017 #63

    Vanbirds the map search is working, did you enlarge the map enough? Alice Street Farm was clearly visible when I looked (I know the site, friends have stayed there.) Only ticking the CL box and enlarging the map should help. I had to move down the map, south of Frome and it was there. Hope you find the sites you need and have a good time in the Highlands!smile

    Should add that the searches are still not user friendly.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,159
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited February 2017 #64

    I've just booked a CL that we've used before, and had left a review for it, but there are now no reviews whatsoever for the site. As there are no reviews does this mean that I won't be able to leave one after my visit in a couple of weeks?

  • Vanbirds68
    Vanbirds68 Forum Participant Posts: 149
    edited February 2017 #65

    Hi Jerry - yes I did. Alice Street Farm will show if the name is typed into the search facility, but not if I type 'Somerset' into the search facility. We're close to the Wiltshire/Dorset border but it doesn't show up for those counties either. Strangely though - as brue mentioned - on the whole country map of CL's I can drag the map down to Somerset and Alice Street Farm is shown. Just not on searching by county. I'm using Alice Street Farm as an example as we store our van there. In fact - New Farm at East Woodlands, Witham Hall Farm at Whitham Friary and Ham Farm at Coleford don't show either on the 'Somerset' map search. Perhaps it's just an issue with the Frome area - but I doubt it.

    Also - trying to do this kind of search on an iPad is another subject altogether. As is viewing CL details > clicking the back button and ending up back at the search home page and having to go through the whole rigmarole of getting CL's up and into the area i want to view. Hence I'm still using a laptop and iPad together, Laptop to search the area and iPad to check details of sites. What a mess.

  • AlanGL7
    AlanGL7 Forum Participant Posts: 113
    edited February 2017 #66

    Seems there has been an update to fix various search problems today but sadly it now appears that the hardstanding filter no longer works. Only 2 CLs shown in Gloucestershire with hardstandings and sadly neither of them are mine! Still no reviews for my Greenacres Farm CL are shown nor can a review be left for a CL with no reviews and the search by CL name doesn't work if there is more than 1 CL with the same name.

    We now have an online booking facility

  • neveramsure
    neveramsure Forum Participant Posts: 713
    edited February 2017 #67

    It looks like a few issues have been sorted out since I started this thread but sadly other problems have still to be rectified.

    I am a big supporter of the CL network and have booked six sites for this year already.

    To all you CL owners I hope you get the support from the CC that you need, we members are 100% with you.