Centre Rallies Booklet Feb Magazine

brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
edited January 2017 in Centre News & Rallies #1

I see the Cornwall & Devon Centre rallies are missing form the booklet included in the February CC magazine. Their rallies have been on line for quite a while so can be found on here. I am with this centre and this is disappointing, I wonder why they are missing? Are there any other centres not included?


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,321
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    edited January 2017 #2

    I don't recall seeing a rallies leaflet with our magazine 😃. Was it a separate one? Meanwhile I'll check the recycling bag.

  • bill
    bill Club Member Posts: 397
    Name Dropper
    edited January 2017 #3

    The Caravan Club had a last date for entering rallies from Centres which I think was 25th November so any not in by then would not have been included in the booklet.

    I don't  envy Centres putting in this data as the input system is long winded and cumbersome !

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2017 #4

    Because the on line rally search isn't as good as previously which means no searches by location I was hoping this booklet would be useful. I can't understand why any missing centres are not noted as such. I sympathise with the problems of getting these lists ready. The Devon and Cornwall Centre gets a mention on page 5 but no reference to the fact that their rallies are missing. i don't know if any other centres are missing?

    I do think, for whatever reason. that omissions should be noted by the editor or at least a note to say that the list is not complete. There may well be a missing rally that some would enjoy.

  • AndyNYorks
    AndyNYorks Forum Participant Posts: 144
    edited January 2017 #5

    The North Yorkshire Centre has the sanme problem with only 5 or 6 of our rallies listed. We know that all the rallies were submitted before the cut off date and they are all on this website. The list should be corrected, reprinted and sent out again along with an apology from the club to the centres affected. For snyone wishing to attend a North Yorkshire rally, full details can be found on our website.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2017 #6

    Thankyou, that is useful to hear, I did wonder what else might be missing. Would the CC kindly respond to these omissions.

  • Tracy123
    Tracy123 Forum Participant Posts: 167
    edited January 2017 #7

    Good Afternoon Everyone,

    All Centres were asked to submit the information on their planned rallies by a certain date. Unfortunately there has to be a cut off time or we would never get the booklet printed. It would be too expensive to get it printed a second time and not everybody would be interested anyway. You can always search for rallies on our website by clicking here.

    Best Regards


  • Boff
    Boff Forum Participant Posts: 1,742
    edited January 2017 #8

    Tracy, will the online list be kept updated?

  • AndyNYorks
    AndyNYorks Forum Participant Posts: 144
    edited January 2017 #9

    Tracy, thank you for responding so quickly but as I mentioned, the North Yorkshire rallies were not ommitted due to them not being submitted to the club on time. What is the point of producing a list of rallies which is incomplete, it is worse than useless.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2017 #10

    Thankyou for responding Tracy. It would have been better if any omissions had been noted just to keep members in the picture that there was more choice out there if needed. We still don't know if there are other omissions. Not being able to search on the website via a location has made it a very long trawl when trying to find a rally out of our own areas.

  • Rawlinson13
    Rawlinson13 Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited February 2017 #11

    Never received centre leaflet, checked and checked again ??


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,321
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    edited February 2017 #12

    I too have checked,  and I'm sure I wouldn't have recycled it! as I didn't remember seeing it.  I thought it must have been me missing it as I haven't been able to find it.  I even went through the recycling paper sack embarassed.  So maybe it wasn't there???????

    I did do a Live Chat as someone mentioned a rally that I thought might be interesting and couldn't find rallies on the webpages yell.  I should have one winging it's way to me at as I type.  Even the assistant on Live Chat had trouble sealed hence a hard copy coming.  Mind you I hope it contains ALL the rallies wink or at least an explanation of how to find it on webpages.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2017 #13

    You can search for rallies here in the membership area at the top of the page via centres. Unfortunately although you can search by date and centre you can't search by location (as previously.) This makes for a very long trawl if you're looking for a specific place.

    Remember to move the tab to rallies otherwise it will produce CC events.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,321
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    edited February 2017 #14

    Thanks Brue.  Will have a look later.  Such a shame you can't do by dates undecided as that's how most would be looking.  Whether you have to consider work/school or not laughing.  Can you do by destination?  Sorry probably as very silly question sealed

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2017 #15

    No, dates are ok but locations are not ok. So if you search by date you'll have to hunt for the location you want.

  • jrmgrove
    jrmgrove Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited February 2017 #16

    We too didn't get a rally brochure with our February magazine.  I much preferred the old data sheet where you could see all the rallies by date and location making it easier to make a choice. Now you have to trawl through pages on website looking for something you might fancy.  Obviously can't comment on brochure because haven't received it

  • GlosJive
    GlosJive Club Member Posts: 89
    Name Dropper First Comment
    edited February 2017 #17

    To add to the comments about searching for rallies by location, found that facility very useful.  The search by centre not so good.

    Can the option of search by location be reintroduced please.

  • IanV8
    IanV8 Forum Participant Posts: 42
    edited February 2017 #18

    Only sent to members registered with a centre I believe.

    In previous years you could download the list and then use excel to sort by date, location or centre but I have not seen the download for this year yet.


  • Tracy123
    Tracy123 Forum Participant Posts: 167
    edited February 2017 #19

    Hi Boff,

    I'm sorry for the delay in replying. Yes, the online details are updated as and when we receive new information.

    Tracy laughing

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2017 #20

    I have put this in the snagging list today but the date search for rallies is not functioning properly.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2017 #21

    I have been looking at the C&CC search facility. I can put a place name in with dates and I get a complete list of different types of rally in the area with all the contacts needed.

    If I want to use the CC search facility I have to find a centre, then their rally lists and trawl through to find if there is a rally in a particular area. I have the rally book for my own centre and that is the only helpful item.

  • Orca1803
    Orca1803 Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited March 2017 #22

    Searching for the rallies on here as suggested is an absolute nightmare.

    You need to search by date and destination not which centre is running it.

    This function used to be really good on the old website but has been completely ruined and is useless now unless you have 2 hours to read through everything.

    Also, does anyone actually proof read the rallies added as the dates are totally out on some.

  • Tracy123
    Tracy123 Forum Participant Posts: 167
    edited March 2017 #23

    Hi All

    To search for centre rallies click here and then click on the Centre Rallies & Events tab. You don't need to put a location or date range in, just click the Find Events box and it should display a total of 2076 (as of now) but it will show some from earlier in the year. To avoid it displaying past events/rallies put the date range from 1st March to 31st December and it will display 1883.

    Hope this helps some more.

    Best Wishes


  • bill
    bill Club Member Posts: 397
    Name Dropper
    edited March 2017 #24

    All the rallies are painstakingly added by an unpaid volunteer of the particular Centres.  I think the closing date was 25th November 2016.  The data base entry system is up to the normal and standard IT level of the C&MHC and is cumbersome and long winded and without an edit facility.  So if the data is added wrongly or any details change you have to get in touch with the C&MHC for them to update or amend assuming it was before 25th November.

  • Orca1803
    Orca1803 Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited March 2017 #25

    That's all well and good if you know when you wan to go, but if you have a place you want to go and a date you want to go it takes forever to find it.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2017 #26

    Tracy, I think what we are all missing is a search by county location. If I want to find  a rally in a particular county I have to trawl through all the other events listed by date input all over the UK. It's nice to think there are over 2000 rallies but it was easier to search by county and date previously. This would bring up different centres doing rallies in the same area.

  • GlosJive
    GlosJive Club Member Posts: 89
    Name Dropper First Comment
    edited March 2017 #27

    Not quite what we are asking for, if for instance we want to visit, say, Broadway the we could be searching several Centres before either, finding a suitably located rally or, nothing at all.  The search process offered last year was much more efficient, we identify where we wanted to go then approach the Centre concerned.

    For me I've given up looking to the detriment to both me and the Centre running an appropriately located rally.  More likely to attend a C&CC rally as they are easier to find.


  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited March 2017 #28

    If you know where you want to go and which county it is in, or which centre you want to go with then you are better off looking at that particular centres website, if there are any changes they are more likely to be on there too (or even if the rally is full already).

    Incidentally, many centres also have a list in their rally books of 'Other Centres Rallying in their Area' too, so if they are not doing anything on the dates you want - maybe someone else is, and you can then look up their website too.


  • AndyNYorks
    AndyNYorks Forum Participant Posts: 144
    edited March 2017 #29

    Nice to see in the latest magazine that the club has published an apology for missing some centres rallies from the booklet. Let's hope they fix the systems to prevent the same happening next year. In the meantime if you are interested in a North Yorkshire rally please look on the centre website. www.northyorkshirecentre.co.uk

  • AlanPort
    AlanPort Forum Participant Posts: 53
    edited May 2017 #30

    I think that the club only send printed lists out to registered centre members.  This year they were probably far too involved in re-branding to worry about things like including all Centre's rallies in the list.  As Centres form only a small percentage of the Club membership, perhaps this also has something to do with it.