Easter Break

LADY BEAR Forum Participant Posts: 4
edited April 2014 in Your stories #1

My husband and I are still novices at caravanning, even if it is our third year.  We do try to go to the New Forest over the New Year period, but missed going this year due to the bad weather.  Any way we decided that we would book to go to difference campsites over the Easter period to get used to hitching and unhitching and the other stuff that goes with moving.  We did well; the time frame is getting faster lol.  I can even hitch up Bob on my own lol.  Still have to find the confidence to drive with Bob.  I am looking into going on a course.  The campsite Rookesbury is lovely.  Morn Hill shower block needs upgrading, the showers are small.


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,165
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited April 2014 #2

    Well done lady bear, confidence comes the more you do it.  The towing course will help tremendously.  Mrs One drives on motorways and major A roads both in UK and Europe and does really well with no problem.  We have just returned from Europe and towed 1500 miles and OH probably drove 800 miles.  Keep enjoying everything falls into place and becomes easier.

  • solojane
    solojane Forum Participant Posts: 6
    edited April 2014 #3

    I agree with oneputt, do a Caravan Club moving and handling course, a great confidence booster. I speak as a solo lady caravanner  who clocks up about 4,000 towing miles a year - mainly in Europe.  Practise hasn't made me perfect, but I've always managed.