CC membership and the forum



  • Vicmallows
    Vicmallows Forum Participant Posts: 580
    edited May 2016 #32

    A non-member comments!...........

    What a strange thread. I have been a (non CC) forum member and active follower for about a year since getting into caravaning.  In that time I can only recall ever seeing 3 or 4 posts from non-members (excluding my own!).  Indeed in several instances, the posters have claimed that they are in fact members and 'the avatar is wrong'!

    I am a member of C&CC and hope that their forum will eventually have the same depth of contributors and information as this one, but for the time being I am grateful to be able to participate here.

    Why don't I join CC?  Maybe I will, but it would only be to access CLs , and that is difficult to justify finacially.


  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited May 2016 #33

    Well having been a CC member for 30yrs this year, we are actually having a hiatus at the moment through no fault of our own but health reasons factor prominently and we are finding it impossible to get out atm. We could very easily have let our subscription
    lapse, indeed - if anything happened to my OH I would certainly become an ex-member and while I can see K being enthralled if I was barred from posting here - I think I would still have a valid contribution to make - should I wish to !


    Write your comments here...I do hope your OH makes a speedy recovery FD.   I mean that most sincerely. 

    What would this forum do without you. You are the only person who stands up for rallying. . A true individual.

    Regards Kennine.


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,476
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    edited May 2016 #34

    There are far more posts by non-members than you say, Vic, which gives more weight to allowing non-members to post. Treat this as a passing whim and don't take it seriously.Laughing

  • Vicmallows
    Vicmallows Forum Participant Posts: 580
    edited May 2016 #35

    There are far more posts by non-members than you say, Vic, which gives more weight to allowing non-members to post. Treat this as a passing whim and don't take it seriously.Laughing

    Oh! I'm well aware of K's provocative posts Smile


  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited May 2016 #36

    Thanks to all who have put forward their opinion on this subject.  It has been very informative. There appears to be many more non-cc members posting on the CC member's forum than first thought.   Good thread.

    K Cool

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,476
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    edited May 2016 #37

    I'm glad you enjoyed it, K.Wink

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited May 2016 #38

    I mean that most sincerely 

    K (aka Hughie Green) Surprised

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited May 2016 #39

    Ribs I've never seen curtains twitch, they must be very secretive or the curtains are already openHappy.  anywhere you go and sit in a
    caravan you basically face a window.

    if you ever pitch alongside me you will know me as I am usually peering through Bino's and got a long lens camera to hand, and no I'm not interested in my fellow campers but the wildlife!  

    Back on topic I just dont understand K's statement that there are more non members on CT than first thought.  Has CC issue figures?  it appears since the rash of spam and cyber attacks security has been tightened so no worries from me.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited May 2016 #40
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,406
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    edited May 2016 #41


    It does seem strange, that we as members of the CC are paying over £ 40.00 per annum for  membership  which includes the forum and it's administration. BUT there are outsiders who are not CC members able to get full use of the forum  for
    "Free : Gratis and For Nought".  


    Not a lot stranger than being allowed to use the broadband free for CT. Thus cluttering the bandwidth others have paid £25 for.

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited May 2016 #42

    I cannot see CC members, who are on site, sitting back and accepting that people parked up on a neighbouring piece of waste ground being able to enter the CC site and use the facilities block for free.. Exactly the same as outsiders posting on the CC members
    forum without paying for the privelege.

    Hence this discussion. 



  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited May 2016 #43

    From what I remember, Valda said that she had left the Caravan Club because she never has occasion to use the Caravan Club sites. She stores her caravan abroad and has all her holidays abroad.

    Like David said, she has a lot of knowledge and experience of overseas touring and as a non-member she can still continue to post on here and give members advice. If posting by non-members was forbidden then this wouldn't be possible.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2016 #44

    These are all good points.

    I withdraw my earlier comment and now agree that non-members should be able to post on the forum.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,406
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    edited May 2016 #45

    I cannot see CC members, who are on site, sitting back and accepting that people parked up on a neighbouring piece of waste ground being able to enter the CC site and use the facilities block for free.. Exactly the same as outsiders posting on the CC members
    forum without paying for the privelege.

    Hence this discussion. 



    Just out of interest K when you are on a site do you use the facility to post on CT without subscribing, or do you use other means?

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited May 2016 #46

    I cannot see CC members, who are on site, sitting back and accepting that people parked up on a neighbouring piece of waste ground being able to enter the CC site and use the facilities block for free.. Exactly the same as outsiders posting on the CC members forum without paying for the privelege.

    Hence this discussion. 



    Just out of interest K when you are on a site do you use the facility to post on CT without subscribing, or do you use other means?

    Write your comments here...When on holiday, The last thing I am interested in, is wasting good holiday time posting on forums.

    So Steve, In answer to your question, When on site, I don't use the free facility to post on CT. 


  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited May 2016 #47

    I cannot see CC members, who are on site, sitting back and accepting that people parked up on a neighbouring piece of waste ground being able to enter the CC site and use the facilities block for free.. Exactly the same as outsiders posting on the CC members forum without paying for the privelege.

    Hence this discussion. 



    Um, how would anyone know? I seem to remember some time ago someone talked about doing a survey of some kind regarding useage of the facilities block, but is anyone really that concerned when away on holiday? Undecided

  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited May 2016 #48

    At the end of the day, regardless of who posts a question, we ALL benefit from the advice given and for every non-member that includes countless members too Laughing


  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited May 2016 #49

    When the CC started this forum they were afraid that it might not take off so they adopted some measures to increase its popularity, that included allowing outsiders to have full use of it's forum. 

    As a satisfied customer of the CC I agree with their decision and their reasons behind it.  To be perfectly honest I still dont have any strong feelings either way. It really doesnt matter apart from being a good subject for a discussion. 

    Until the CC changes its policy, possibly when the new forum is implemented, I have absolutely no problems with outsiders being able to post on our forum. In fact it has helped the forum membership and post count having them here, particularly  in the early days. 

    This has been a good thread, and as an unexpected bonus it has confirmed to me a few theories I have held for some time.   So to me it was worth opening the thread and allowing others to express their opinions, That's what discussions are all about. . 

    So I say, let the non- CC posters stay on The CC member's Forum  until the CC decide otherwise.

    K  Cool


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,476
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    edited May 2016 #50

    When the CC started this forum they were afraid that it might not take off so they adopted some measures to increase its popularity, that included allowing outsiders to have full use of it's forum. 

    As a satisfied customer of the CC I agree with their decision and their reasons behind it.  To be perfectly honest I still dont have any strong feelings either way. It really doesnt matter apart from being a good subject for a discussion. 

    Until the CC changes its policy, possibly when the new forum is implemented, I have absolutely no problems with outsiders being able to post on our forum. In fact it has helped the forum membership and post count having them here, particularly  in the early

    This has been a good thread, and as an unexpected bonus it has confirmed to me a few theories I have held for some time.   So to me it was worth opening the thread and allowing others to express their opinions, That's what discussions are all about. . 

    So I say, let the non- CC posters stay on The CC member's Forum  until the CC decide otherwise.

    K  Cool


    By which, K, I gather you have changed your mind from your OP in which you said - 

    "My opinion is that outsiders ( non members) should only have read-only access to this forum.  Only paid up members of the CC should be able to post."

    It just shows the powers of persuasion that debate holds. Thankyou for telling us of your change of view.Smile

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited May 2016 #51

    K, to all those who say you are a belligerent trouble causer who opens threads to cause disharmony & mischief I say-NO, that is not K, just read this(K's Thread) & see how He can be convinced thru common sense, see how open to intelligent debate He is. To
    my Friend K. . . .I got your back BroKissHappy

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited May 2016 #52

    I also have found this thread informative.  I had never thought of using the site WiFi to access CT and have been wasting valuable data allowance elsewhere to do so.

    Also, I always thought the people in the toilets who had rucsacs and poles were paying residents about to leave on a walk or returning. Never occured they had just walked on for a free shower, shave and s       .

  • johndailey
    johndailey Forum Participant Posts: 520
    edited May 2016 #53

    Navigateur, does the last 'S' stand for shampoo?

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited May 2016 #54

    K, to all those who say you are a belligerent trouble causer who opens threads to cause disharmony & mischief I say-NO, that is not K, just read this(K's Thread) & see how He can be convinced thru common sense, see how open to intelligent debate He is. To
    my Friend K. . . .I got your back BroKissHappy

    Write your comments here..  R2B you should know by now that personal insults and sarcasm are like water off a duck's back.  They are unacceptable on any forum. 



  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited May 2016 #55

    I'm devastated by your rejection of my supportDon't cry, how can you read into my innocent post such heinous things. It is really the lowest
    of lows to do such things. I will leave you now to your own dark thoughts & maybe one day you will regret judging me by your own standards. Adieu my erstwhile friend. . . .AdieuSad

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2016 #56

    I'd say that you have it about right there, Kennine.....

    Disgraceful behaviour by R2B.......

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited May 2016 #57

    I'd say that you have it about right there, Kennine.....

    Disgraceful behaviour by R2B.......

    More pain, oh woe, woe & thrice woe, my heart is breakingDon't cry

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2016 #58

    Oh get over it, you wuss......Wink

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited May 2016 #59

    I'd say that you have it about right there, Kennine.....

    Disgraceful behaviour by R2B.......

    oh my, more pain, oh woe, woe & thrice woe, my heart is breakingDon't cry

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited May 2016 #60

    AgainEmbarassed, I forgot the last bit. . . .SorreeeeeTongue Out

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited May 2016 #61

    Oh, were you not being serious then, Rocky?!!! Laughing