So, what happened this time?



  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited May 2016 #122

    Brittany Ferries had a ship out of action. It broke down. It got mended though it took  two weeks. Should I ask them for a detailed technical explanation ?

    Write your comments here...If you are a stakeholder such as a share holder then yes, not perhaps teh detailed technical stuff but highlevel because in that case it lost the company revenue for 2 weeks so you may want to know why it was not fixed sooner. 

  • compass362
    compass362 Forum Participant Posts: 619
    edited May 2016 #123

    Personally, I can't understand this "demand" from a small number of members for a detailed explanation or "concise statement/update" from the club of the technical workings of and issues with their website.

    If the website has issues - there are people in place to fix it.

    If it's working, then as a customer I use it. If it isn't, I have alternatives.

    If I go into a shop to buy a telly, I don't start asking where the components come from, how/where they were assembled, how it all works - I just want to buy and use a telly.

    If my telly goes wrong, an engineer comes & fixes it.

    I don't ask the engineer for a "concise statement/update" on what was wrong with my telly and details of what he has done to fix it!!





    Write your comments here...yes it was off   it's back now , what's the problem let's all enjoy it again some people need to realise computers do occasionally go down it's never happened at home then...........

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2016 #124

    The bit that seems odd to me is that some people within the CC organisation who are dealing with the web site, simply don't appear to know what they are doing. We can all make mistakes and things can go wrong, but after repeated problems and an apparant
    inability to fix things, you have to start asking questions.

    Most web sites serving such a large number of people don't simply stop functioning for days on end without an explanation being provided.

    Inevitably, people get frustrated and start to wonder whether the CC are employing the right sort of people.

    Those with more technical knowledge point out things that are wrong and how the web site could be improved. None of these comments are acknowledged.

    Taking Bugs' example.....if your TV went wrong, and you were paying people to maintain it, would you expect someone to turn up 4 days later, repair it (but still leave bits of it not working) and walk out the door without a word of explanation?

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,198
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    edited May 2016 #125

     I don't think anyone is expecting a line by line explanation but something along the lines of " a conflict in the underlying page code caused the server to crash corrupting the CT database which took 'x' days to repair". 

    Is it, as many of us suspect, that they really haven't a clue and are stumbling along from one digital crisis to another?

    And, of course most of us wouldn't understand what was being said if they did go into that  sort of  detail so in my view completely no point.   Being rude about the Club's IT team achives nothing except gettng it off ones cheast and lets not forget that
    whilst we have been away in our vans sipping wine the IT team have been working to get the forum back on line. All the majority of members are interested in is a forum that works they don't want to know the ins and outs just a working forum.


  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited May 2016 #126

    I am surprised at so many people putting forward the arguement that in a motor car analogy could be paraphrased as "Your car stopped working. We have fixed it. Now pay £3750."  I think most owners would want to know more, and those of us with mechanical
    knowlege would want to know a great deal more indeed.

    [£3750 is an amount used as an example and is not intended to relate to the cost incurred by the CC in fixing these problems which is likely to be may tens of times more.]

  • Peter749
    Peter749 Forum Participant Posts: 72
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    edited May 2016 #127

    It isn't fixed though is it.  The solos header page is blank.  None of the threads are visible.   What a pain.

  • compass362
    compass362 Forum Participant Posts: 619
    edited May 2016 #128

    Oh dear , who's car as broken down...........

  • JohnDH
    JohnDH Forum Participant Posts: 183
    edited May 2016 #129

    It isn't fixed though is it.  The solos header page is blank.  None of the threads are visible.   What a pain.

    I did manage to get it to work with several page refreshes. Very clunky to say the least. Have another go, you might get lucky.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,476
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    edited May 2016 #130

    It works fine for me, try clearing your cache, Peter.

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited May 2016 #131

     I don't think anyone is expecting a line by line explanation but something along the lines of " a conflict in the underlying page code caused the server to crash corrupting the CT database which took 'x' days to repair". 

    Is it, as many of us suspect, that they really haven't a clue and are stumbling along from one digital crisis to another?

    And, of course most of us wouldn't understand what was being said if they did go into that  sort of  detail so in my view completely no point.   Being rude about the Club's IT team achives nothing except gettng it off ones cheast and lets not forget that
    whilst we have been away in our vans sipping wine the IT team have been working to get the forum back on line. All the majority of members are interested in is a forum that works they don't want to know the ins and outs just a working forum.


    If the Beanz machine repeatedly broke down after I'd fixed it, I'd be in for a Sandra Bullocking ...... 

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited May 2016 #132

    It works fine for me, try clearing your cache, Peter.

    great bit of advice Tinny but where are the much vaunted champions who should be advising on this type of stuff.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2016 #133



    If the Beanz machine repeatedly broke down after I'd fixed it, I'd be in for a Sandra Bullocking ...... 

    Exactly so.

    I find it amazing that some people (mainly the mods, it has to be said) can see nothing wrong wrong with people who are paid for doing a job......and then not being able to do their job.

    The bottom line is that the CC are making a right mess of running their web site.......why are you attacking those who criticise such failure?

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited May 2016 #134

    It works fine for me, try clearing your cache, Peter.

    TW, how does one clear one cache on an i-pad? I still can't log in on there and keep getting an error message when I try to access the CL pages.

  • briantimber
    briantimber Forum Participant Posts: 1,653
    edited May 2016 #135

    >>>..why are you attacking those who criticise such failure?<<<

    Seems to me that only YES men/ people are tolerated on CT Ian....YellCool

  • Dave
    Dave Club Member Posts: 141
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    edited May 2016 #136

    It works fine for me, try clearing your cache, Peter.

    TW, how does one clear one cache on an i-pad? I still can't log in on there and keep getting an error message when I try to access the CL pages.

    Settings, Safari, clear history and website data.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited May 2016 #137

    It works fine for me, try clearing your cache, Peter.

    TW, how does one clear one cache on an i-pad? I still can't log in on there and keep getting an error message when I try to access the CL pages.

    Settings, Safari, clear history and website data.


    Thanks Dave, I'll certainly give that a try.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,476
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    edited May 2016 #138

    Including Advanced. That's it!

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited May 2016 #139

    Including Advanced. That's it!

    Thanks TW, too.Wink

  • Peter749
    Peter749 Forum Participant Posts: 72
    First Comment
    edited May 2016 #140

    It works fine for me, try clearing your cache, Peter.

    It was the first thing I tried.  Like JohnDH a load of refreshes eventually provided a response but then it died again.  They might have got a temporary fix but I reckon the whole system is still a bit on the fragile side.  They probably need to get a complete new system,  run it in parallel for a while to iron out the bugs and then dump the current one into the recycle bin.  Testing is the important bit though.  If I'd implemented an untested system when I was working I'd have had a serious talking to from my customers but it seems to be the fashion these days:  Create something put it out into the world and let your customers do your testing for you.

  • Unknown
    edited May 2016 #141
    This content has been removed.
  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited May 2016 #142

    I don't view the website or CT generally as the answer to my prayers nor do I spend that much time on it that it leaves a gaping hole in my life when it has a hiccup. The outages are what they are. A few could do to break their addiction possibly then not
    be so incensed by the problems. I prefer to leave the experts to do what they do & not try to second guess them with knowledge of their job I don't possessHappy

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited May 2016 #143

     If I'd implemented an untested system when I was working I'd have had a serious talking to from my customers but it seems to be the fashion these days:  Create something put it out into the world and let your customers do your
    testing for you.

    Seems to work for MIcrosoft. Laughing

  • Bob2112
    Bob2112 Forum Participant Posts: 276
    edited May 2016 #144

    One of the nicest things about the CC is that it never changes.You can stay away from club sites for 15 years and when you go back they are exactly the same. Why should the website be any different 

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited May 2016 #145

    Has anyone noticed that Johnathan is conspicuous by his absence. Do you think he has become a human sacrifice by the IT team?

  • Bob2112
    Bob2112 Forum Participant Posts: 276
    edited May 2016 #146

    [comment removed and passed to Community Manager]


  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2016 #147

    Doesn't that make you really want to know what Bob2112 said? Laughing

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited May 2016 #148

    Ian, it was something about getting His hair cut-hardly insidious Happy

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited May 2016 #149

    Has anyone noticed that Johnathan is conspicuous by his absence. Do you think he has become a human sacrifice by the IT team?

    Said the same in another post yesterday. Seems that Rochelle's back with us, for the time being. 

  • Bugs
    Bugs Forum Participant Posts: 480
    edited May 2016 #150

    My apologies - I usually always make it clear when I moderate a post, by signing my name. Just missed doing that on this occasion (now rectified).

    Actually - I removed it because it was an unfortunate personal comment about an individual. If it had been about an individual member on here, we would have objected - but apparently, personal comments about the CM are seen as fair game?



  • Bob2112
    Bob2112 Forum Participant Posts: 276
    edited May 2016 #151

    Now then Bug, there have been several comments on his striking hairstyle. Why did you pick on mine ?