The perpetual CL

Every time I search for a CL by name that of a totally unrelated CL appears at the bottom of the list. I imagine that this alsomis happening to others. I won't advertise the name of the site but can't for the life of me see why it shou;d be occuring. I have
e-mailed the Comm. Manager to see of she can come upwith a reasonable explaination.
I've noticed this too, when searching for the CL we stayed in over Easter weekend
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Thanks for not doing so Susanb as threads with the title "Is it only me" are meaningless when you look at the index and are usually amended to give a clearer indication of the subject. I appreciate your frustration though.
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Not happening to me! Have you loaded a new programme Nellie? Could be linked to this, knowing the vagaries of this website!
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Nells, I just tried it, I chose 'Rose Cottage' to look for & 2 came up. It's working with ipad ok.
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That's what I am using as well Rocky!
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When I put Rose Cottage in then 2 do indeed come up in the drop down but if you proceed to Search then you get 3 with the 1 that doesn't belong at the top....'cos its in alphabetical order.
This looks to me to be a straightforward error and is unlikely to be browser related.
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We're off to Ninn Lodge Farm, Kent on Monday - we I did a specific search for that site I get 4 other CLs arrive too on the search list from all over the country???
But I do get a rogue one from the West Midlands regularly turning up on searches...odd.
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Hope it gets sorted, I typed in a CL in Cornwall that we sometimes use....first site which appeard was the one mentioned in the West Midlands, then the one we know then another unrelated site! It should be just the one site so obviously something has gone
wrong, Pleased to hear you have e mailed the CC nellie.0 -
I have just searched for Flagg Hall, and it came up first in a list of 2 with the other being the dreaded one!! I than tried to search for Wood View CL and got a list of 3 with the dreaded one first followed by 2 Wood Views!!
Very strange.
I received an automatic reponse from HO saying that thay "got the message". Wonder what will be the outcome when someone gets into the office on Monday and reads it. Perhaps I'll get a reply but I'm not holding my breath.
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Just tried searching for three different CLs, all three searches came up with the West Midlands site.
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Not happening to me! Have you loaded a new programme Nellie? Could be linked to this, knowing the vagaries of this website!
It seem, tda, that you are the odd one out this time, fortunately. I have uploaded Windows 10 but it was happening before that, and continues to do so. I wonder if it is peculiar to Google Chrome, though?
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I think they'll have to sort it Nellie, it's a major fault and needs attention! Roll on the new web site...
Well that was due in the "first quarter" . Yet again they fail to deliver.
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Just done the same. Searched for Manor Bungalow CL in Lincolnshire and not only that one, but came up with one in the West Midlands! Not fixed.
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Just done the same. Searched for Manor Bungalow CL in Lincolnshire and not only that one, but came up with one in the West Midlands! Not fixed.
Doubt it will be fixed before Monday, and as it has been going for a while, and was mentioned in a previous post, it could well be after the time cows come home.
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Why cant you look at CLs by numbers which are in the book>?
I think that the arguement from HO is that every 2 yrs a site's number will probably change. what this should cause a problem on a computer driven system beats me. However they are supposed to be the experts.
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I 've got the idea of this thread but what is an "alsomis" ? I thought typo but can't work it out
BB it was supposed to read "also is", but I am prome to try typing too quickly and occasionally insert a letter from the bottom row when I mean to hit the space bar.
Hope thismhelps.
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Looks as this might just be a problem with English sites. I looked for our own CL last night and it came up no problem. I then looked a few minutes ago for a CL we use near Edinburgh but didn't put in the postcode and got it and the one along the road but
nothing else. I am now using Windows 10 but not with Google so can't blame it on them. Kellysmum0 -
I'm also getting the identical problem with Scottish and Welsh sites and I'm getting the problem with Chrome and Firefox on Windows 10 and on my Android tablet. The problem occurs when you enter the name of a CL and nothing else and then select the Search
button at the bottom of the screen. The expected CL's are displayed along with a CL from the West Midlands that shouldn't be there.Alan
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Perhaps they had to code the app with at least one CL being returned on a search to prevent an empty string and just picked this one at random.
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Hi Cyberyacht. My experience as a CL owner is that when I reported an issue about the app not showing our CL (Cholsey Grange) when searching on EHU, the issue was acknowledged by HO and then fixed within about 10 days. As with all IT issues, they need
to be understood, fixed and then tested before release. I realise there are more issues to be fixed, but I think that HO is working hard to get this right. On a related note (as I have said elsewhere) if you (or any other member) have / has strong opinions
about the clubs policies or how it does things and really want to help the club, then you can apply to become a 'Nominated Member' of the Club Council. The Club is run by it's members as you'll find if you look at the section called 'How
the Club is run' on the main website.0 -
CY this is occurring when I search using the full web site and not the app. It could well have been occuring from before the time that the app was introduced. I thought it was just a short term anomily but it has persisted for quite a while now.
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I have had a response from Rochelle:-
Thank you for your email. I’m afraid I’m not really sure what you mean by your previous email. Would you be able to send a link or a screenshot of the problem? That way we can work on resolving this problem for you quickly.
If I knew how to send a screen shot I would have done so, but being unable to I did another search and the same result ensued, so I've sent her the link. All I hope is that when she opens the link it shows both the CL I searched for and the other unwanted
one. Will keep you all updated.:-
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Thanks for the update Nellie,
That pesky West Midlands site is trying its hardest to get noticed
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Hi everyone,
Sorry to hear that so many of you have had this problem. It looks to be an error the CL site page in question. I've notified our IT department and will let you know when this has been rectified.
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Well nth, at least you got a reply. I emailed them on 1 April and no reply yet, perhaps they thought it was an April fool :-) I think they have misunderstood and don't realise that any CL searched for by name comes up and includes this CL.
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Deep joy!
Having tried the name of CL only route when searching, lo and behold, the wonders of Wolverhampton! Never mind, at
least one CL owner is getting some great publicity via Club. I bet a few others could wish for such service!0