CLs - The jewel in the CC's crown

Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
edited February 2016 in Certificated Locations #1

Imo, Cl's are a huge asset for CC customers. Most are in lovely rural locations and make an excellent base to tour the surrounding area. 



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  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,418
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    edited February 2016 #2

    Have you been on a Marketing course K, getting some practise in on a captive audience? Happy

    They are though, certainly!

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited February 2016 #3


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,418
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    edited February 2016 #4

    Ah, charm offensive course!Laughing

  • Vicmallows
    Vicmallows Forum Participant Posts: 580
    edited February 2016 #5

    My gripe is that you have to pay £48 /year in order to use (privately owned) CL's!  You will note that I am NOT a CC member. (I am a member of the 'other' club and don't value any of the other 'benefits' I might gain by joining). 

    Now, a 'restricted membership' which simply gave one the ability to use CLs really would appeal.  I wonder if anyone has actually done the (commercial) sums?Sad

  • moonchip
    moonchip Forum Participant Posts: 106
    edited February 2016 #6

    We haven't tried any CL's yet but intend to change that this year know I know what I'm doing with caravans. Thankfully we can just go for the 'views & location' as we're all set up for full wild camping

  • ChrisRogers
    ChrisRogers Forum Participant Posts: 435
    edited February 2016 #7

    CL's / CS's jewel in the crown for both clubsSmile, that's all I use now ,(and rallies,THS from other club) well worth the membership
    fee from both clubs. Just got back from a 3 night February midweek break, did not have EHU used gas  / 12v, so a cheaper rate and the site to ourselves, good location and near a cycle path.

  • moonchip
    moonchip Forum Participant Posts: 106
    edited February 2016 #8

    CL's / CS's jewel in the crown for both clubsSmile, that's all I use now ,(and rallies,THS from other club) well worth the membership
    fee from both clubs. Just got back from a 3 night February midweek break, did not have EHU used gas  / 12v, so a cheaper rate and the site to ourselves, good location and near a cycle path.

    That looks lovely Chris, where was that ?

  • ocsid
    ocsid Club Member Posts: 1,395
    edited February 2016 #9

    I know many members value them a great deal but I am concerned  that neither club values them anything like as much.

    I despair at the unbalance in their loss from the system relative to the addition.  Much I suspect is loss from the ageing of the owners but feel the legislation limiting to 5 units (caravans and motor homes) itself brings no incentive for the network to grow new blood.

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited February 2016 #10

    Yes Cls are great and we use them in preference. Just a word of warning to CL wners-you are in many cases pricing yourselves out. No need for all singing all dancing. Also make sure your prices are up to date. No excuse for websites to be out of date. Nothing
    will deter revisits than to find the prices exceed those quoted

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,909
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    edited February 2016 #11

    I don't think CLs are the jewels in the crown at all. I haven't been to many but honestly they weren't jewels at all. They were fields, and nothing to be proud of at all.



  • tigerfish
    tigerfish Forum Participant Posts: 1,362
    edited February 2016 #12

    Then I'm sorry Eurotraveler, but you obviously havent tried the right CL's.  The ones that I use all have grass maintained at the correct length, all have EHU's and several have taps to each pitch thus allowing permanently connected water supplies.  All for an average nightly cost of about  £13.

    I recommend that next time you want to use one, check it out first using Google Earth. That saves disapointment!


  • ChrisRogers
    ChrisRogers Forum Participant Posts: 435
    edited February 2016 #13

    CL's / CS's jewel in the crown for both clubsSmile, that's all I use now ,(and rallies,THS from other club) well worth the membership
    fee from both clubs. Just got back from a 3 night February midweek break, did not have EHU used gas  / 12v, so a cheaper rate and the site to ourselves, good location and near a cycle path.

    That looks lovely Chris, where was that ?

    Write your comments here...

    C&CCWink Newlands Farm, Riccall, on A19 4 mile north of Selby.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,418
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    edited February 2016 #14

    Have to agree with TF euro traveller, there are some really lovely CLs. Sometimes location is almost everything if you like CLs, and in Summer, nothing can beat having a well cut meadow with wonderful views to yourself with just the wildlife sharing it.
     No need for much else in that instance! Likewise, there are a lot of really lovely well thought out garden type CLs nowadays as well, some with a lot more than what you might need! Part of their charm and attraction is the sheer diversity.

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,909
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    edited February 2016 #15

    Thanks Tigerfish, I appreciate your reply. My CL days were before Google Earth and before reviews and photos on line. I tried a dozen or so, maybe twenty, and there were some shockers.  I gave them up.

    And Chris Rogers photo on here is better than those were, but to me is just a field. I don't want to sit in a field. 


  • chatterbox
    chatterbox Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited February 2016 #16

    On the other side of the coin club sites are  akin to pitching up on a huge asphalt car park. To us its getting close to nature and enjoying unbroken views of the countryside.. But each to its own, as along as we enjoy ourselves thats the object of choosing
    to go caravanning.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited February 2016 #17

    Yes Cls are great and we use them in preference. Just a word of warning to CL wners-you are in many cases pricing yourselves out. No need for all singing all dancing. Also make sure your prices are up to date. No excuse for websites to be out of date. Nothing will deter revisits than to find the prices exceed those quoted

    We tend to use the main sites, but if we were to use a CL it would be the all singing variety and I am sure we are not alone. If it has similar facilities to a CC site, I am not sure why one should expect it to be a great deal cheaper. You are after all paying for location and exclusivity.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    edited February 2016 #18

    Thanks Tigerfish, I appreciate your reply. My CL days were before Google Earth and before reviews and photos on line. I tried a dozen or so, maybe twenty, and there were some shockers.  I gave them up.

    And Chris Rogers photo on here is better than those were, but to me is just a field. I don't want to sit in a field. 


    Well a field is certainly better than a car park, like some of the caravan club sites we've stopped on!!

    Edit...Sorry chatterbox, just noticed your post, after I'd sent this reply.

  • paul56
    paul56 Forum Participant Posts: 937
    edited February 2016 #19

    Another vote in favour of the CL - we have used Club sites and they do serve a purpose but I would rather have 5 vans in a field with water, waste and electrics and with views of fields, livestock and sounds of birdsong than dozens of vans in rows and rows.
    Yes the facilities are usually very good, the grass immaculate and the pitching posts gleaming but in my humble opinion, they are regimented, one up from car parks and one looks very much like another. 

  • Longtimecaravanner
    Longtimecaravanner Club Member Posts: 643
    edited February 2016 #20

    Yes Cls are great and we use them in preference. Just a word of warning to CL wners-you are in many cases pricing yourselves out. No need for all singing all dancing. Also make sure your prices are up to date. No excuse for websites to be out of date. Nothing
    will deter revisits than to find the prices exceed those quoted

    We tend to use the main sites, but if we were to use a CL it would be the all singing variety and I am sure we are not alone. If it has similar facilities to a CC site, I am not sure why one should expect it to be a great deal cheaper. You are after all
    paying for location and exclusivity.

    I don't even expect similar facilities for a non cheaper price as I think that I am paying for the exclusivity of staying with just four other vans rather than one hundred or so on a car park. The only thing I do expect is only five vans on a site as that
    is what I am paying for.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,831
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    edited February 2016 #21

    Although we have enjoyed stays at Chatsworth and Rosedale Abbey ( just a large CL in my opinion!), we just don't like the regimented rows of caravans in the car park environment that seems to be the norm for most Club sites. We have stayed at some wonderful
    CLs (and CS's) and if it wasn't for these, I doubt I would bother with either Club membership. Our favourite is at an equestrian centre, set in an orchard with a stream running along the bottom - beautiful views in all directions, peace and tranquility - and,
    oh - a very smart toilet and shower block as an added bonus. This is what we enjoy about caravanning but a good job that everyone doesn't feel the same - otherwise we wouldn't be able to get on these sites!

  • wye
    wye Forum Participant Posts: 241
    edited February 2016 #22

    We are at a CL at the mo , we have only used club sites twice in 15 years , I have stayed on dairy farms , hill farms wiv lambs everywhere , we love the peace and quiet as this weekend we are the only ones here , we are happy without electric hook up sad
    to see so many closing , so come on campers keep support ing them .

  • mjh2014
    mjh2014 Forum Participant Posts: 130
    edited February 2016 #23

    I don't see it as an 'either/or'. Sometimes my very definition of happiness is 'sitting in a field', but sometimes I want full facilities. This summer we will be on a club site for a few days, followed by a festival for four nights, followed by various CLs,
    a commercial and another club site. I love the choice, diversity and freedom of caravanning. We have stayed on some great CLs and some great Club Sites.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,508
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    edited February 2016 #24

    I suspect CLs are mainly jewels in the crown for the tugger with a 4x4! For a motorhome owner there are many things to be wary of, not least the prospects of getting stuck in a muddy field. Then there are the questions of access and isolation. Many times
    I look at an OS map and decided that CL is not for me. I sometimes wonder who decides that a CL is suitable for motorhome owners or not?


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,831
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    edited February 2016 #25

    Peedee - having pulled our friends (in a motorhome) off muddy or even just wet fields twice in the last few months, I have to agree.  They have now moved back to tugging - not because of that though - they just wanted more space.

  • Unknown
    edited February 2016 #26
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  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited February 2016 #27

    Yes Cls are great and we use them in preference. Just a word of warning to CL wners-you are in many cases pricing yourselves out. No need for all singing all dancing. Also make sure your prices are up to date. No excuse for websites to be out of date. Nothing will deter revisits than to find the prices exceed those quoted

    We tend to use the main sites, but if we were to use a CL it would be the all singing variety and I am sure we are not alone. If it has similar facilities to a CC site, I am not sure why one should expect it to be a great deal cheaper. You are after all paying for location and exclusivity.

    the problem, Steve, is economics....

    with only five vans in a site, its hard for a CL owner to make a return on any investment in showers and toilets without ramping up prices....

    for those that wish to 'glamp' with shower blocks, toilets ehu, etc (what next, a shop, playground.....) there are many club sites that offer these at the appropriate price levels....

    a countryside cl offering 'location' as its no1 asset need not tart it up into something its not....a full fat campsite....hence the exemption from planning..any more and you have to scratch 'location' from that asset list as the site would not be able to exist.

    ..five vans, nice location, owner costs at a minimum, CL visitors enjoyment at a maximum.....

    simple, cheap, good value.

    ...not just small 'club' sites.....please not.

    We go to Cirencester Park quite a lot. I just did a search on the new app and there are 6 CL's with hardstanding, EHU and shower / toilet within 25 miles and 11 within 30 miles. This works out at just under 10% of available CL's with these facilities. We would certainly give consideration to staying on one of these, and would not mind paying as much as we do at Cirencester Park. As you say it is economics, it all depends how many feel as we do. Clearly if there are enough, more CL's are likely to go this route.

  • tigerfish
    tigerfish Forum Participant Posts: 1,362
    edited February 2016 #28

    Peedee,  I know what you mean, and despite what you say its not just Motorhomes that suffer. I once booked into a CL not far from Salcombe in Devon. On arrival I found the entrance very difficult with a long van, but once in I quickly realised that due to the narrowness of the access lane there was little chance of me getting out again without damage! Sadly  I was proved right!  The site  was in a lovely area, but was really only suitable for small MH's and short two berth caravans. It should have made that clear!

    That episode taught me to always check the proposed site out on Google Earth. It has saved me making a similar mistake on a couple of occasions since!


  • neveramsure
    neveramsure Forum Participant Posts: 713
    edited February 2016 #29

    As someone who mainly uses CLs and CSs they are the “jewel in the crown” for me.

    I also choose CL sites that have a shower and toilet and am prepared to pay a little extra for the privilege. We all have differing needs and tastes and it is not helpful for other members to look down on or mock other members for wanting some facilities
    on a CL site. After all some of us have small basic units while others have large units with all mod con’s.

    By reading the revues first and using Google maps I have been very happy with the sites chosen so far.Smile    

  • Unknown
    edited March 2016 #30
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  • SimonfKnight
    SimonfKnight Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited March 2016 #31

    As someone who mainly uses CLs and CSs they are the “jewel in the crown” for me.

    I also choose CL sites that have a shower and toilet and am prepared to pay a little extra for the privilege. We all have differing needs and tastes and it is not helpful for other members to look down on or mock other members for wanting some facilities
    on a CL site. After all some of us have small basic units while others have large units with all mod con’s.

    By reading the revues first and using Google maps I have been very happy with the sites chosen so far.Smile    

    Here here!! Not every one has full facilities built into their caravan!!


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