I Remember When
And cotton
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Fishing with a bent pin
Talking to a bent copper
? ? ?
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Been there... had the sore ear...deserved it though, pity they can't do it now..
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Clip round the ear by villiage bobby for any transgression
Bobby, I seem to remember them. Aren't they extinct now?
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, Darning socks on a 'mushroom' in the army cadets.
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Wind up record player, 78rpm
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Foot operated headlight dip switch..
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, Cars that had no heater OR radio !!
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One dip Headlamp
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Getting my first (and only) photo from the German police, showing me breaking the speed limit ... Early seventies
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I remember when some people keep and butchered their own pigs
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I remember when some people keep and butchered their own pigs
Write your comments here...Some still do in Spain !!
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When there were 4 seasons
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Ten Bob note
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,Half -a -crown !! (used to wear holes in the pocket !!)
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White Fiver
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, Oh !! Where do you live Steve ??