Do you want to live to 130?

Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
500 Likes 1000 Comments
edited June 2016 in Food & Drink #1

Hi all. I have only recently come across this wonder food which is so easy to make it ain't true. Some of you will know about it and some won't but I think it's worth spreading around. The food or rather the culture I refer to is KEFIR. The best way to learn about it is by putting kefir in the search engine of Google and YouTube and reading about it and listening to people that already use it. If you like Greek yogurt or natural yogurt you're gonna love it! Basically, Kefir (Kee-fir) is a culture grown in full fat organic milk. You can buy kefir 'grains' over the Internet or if your local health store does it, from them. There are two distinct types - milk kefir and water kefir. Water kefir is grown in spring water and fed with organic  sugar and just drunk like water and the milk kefir is grown just in organic milk as the milk has its own sugar And can be turned into a delicious yogurt type food.  Kefir is basically bacteria and protein but this is good bacteria for you gut. The average person has 90% bad bacteria and 10% good - kefir reverses those figures and gives you 90% good bacteria. You've all heard of Yakult and Activia- Kefir out performs these commercially produced products massively. For instance, Activia has 7 strains of good bacteria whereas Kefir has up to 52! If you want a really healthy gut then learn about it- I feel different after a month on this food and I mean healtier!  The folk you hear about living to 130 in the Caucasus Mountains know the power of Kefir. They have it every day. We mix soft fruit, natural juices, mango, banana, nuts and all sorts with ours with a good high speed blender. We will never have to buy yogurt again and we can choose the flavour we want and it's much cheaper. Do yourself a favour and find out about Kefir today. The health benefits are amazing with claims that some cancers can be cured by the stuff 


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,907
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    edited June 2016 #2

    Interesting information Merve.  I can't spot where it says I'll live to 130, but if it makes folks feel better, it could be worth a try.  This is what I found:

    There are some good blog posts and videoson how to make kefir, but the process is very simple:

      • Put 1-2 tablespoons of kefir grains into a small jar. The more you use, the faster it will culture.
      • Add around 2 cups of milk, preferably organic or even raw. Milk from grass-fedcows is healthiest. Leave one inch of room at the top of the jar.
      • You can add some full-fat cream if you want the kefir to be thicker.
      • Put the lid on and leave it for 12-36 hours, at room temperature. That’s it.
      • Once it starts to look clumpy, it is ready. Then you gently strain out the liquid, which leaves behind the original kefir grains.

    Now put the grains in a new jar with some milk, and the process starts all over again.


  • briantimber
    briantimber Forum Participant Posts: 1,653
    edited June 2016 #3

    Thanks Merve, will give it a go....Cool

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited June 2016 #4

    Interesting information Merve.  I can't spot where it says I'll live to 130, but if it makes folks feel better, it could be worth a try.  This is what I found:

    There are some good blog posts and videoson how to make kefir, but the process is very simple:

      • Put 1-2 tablespoons of kefir grains into a small jar. The more you use, the faster it will culture.
      • Add around 2 cups of milk, preferably organic or even raw. Milk from grass-fedcows is healthiest. Leave one inch of room at the top of the jar.
      • You can add some full-fat cream if you want the kefir to be thicker.
      • Put the lid on and leave it for 12-36 hours, at room temperature. That’s it.
      • Once it starts to look clumpy, it is ready. Then you gently strain out the liquid, which leaves behind the original kefir grains.

    Now put the grains in a new jar with some milk, and the process starts all over again.


    Write your comments here...yes that sounds about right David. You will need to buy organic milk and use plastic sieve, spoons etc- it doesn't like metal apparently and have a decent blender. For the water kefir all you need is spring water and organic sugar.  The Kefir grains will grow and take up more of the jar as it is a living medium. Now, you can either give your friends and neighbours some as I have mine, or, if you can't find anyone whose interested and believe it or not,there are those who aren't, you can simply whizz up the grains you don't need into your lovely yogurty drink. After all, that is where the bacteria is produced. They reckon there are 5 billion or is that trillion? Bacteria in a small glass! The bacteria are protected apparently (and I ain't no scientist) by the milk. It acts as a buffer. The bacteria passes from the stomach to the gut and literally starts to destroy the bad bacteria and colonise the gut. You may find that initially your toilet habits change a little. It's the bacteria working- don't worry about it! Youl'll find that flatulence will decrease and what you do have won't clear a room in 5 seconds flat!! This stuff is so powerful and to prove it, they injected it with   E-Coli and within 24 hrs, it had been completely overwhelmed by the kefir and completely destroyed!!! We started about 4-5 weeks ago and are already benefiting from it. My wife, who has suffered with indigestion for years has found that it has virtually stopped and is becoming less and less frequent.  It will tackle Irritable bowel Syndrome, Leaky gut, indigestion and a host of other troubles and it makes you feel great. It's rather like having a pet- you have to feed it and look after it otherwise it dies but it doesn't need walking and you don't have to remember the poo bag! I hope you all give it a try and keep it going. It's a very powerful aid to good gut and general health! It's cheap, it's easy and it's delicious. What is there not to like.

  • ChefJim
    ChefJim Forum Participant Posts: 104
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    edited June 2016 #5

    Double chips fish and mushy peas, will I live to be 130yrs old, no but at least I'll die happy and well fed.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited June 2016 #6

    The  Very  Thought  fills  my  heart  with  terror !!  Having  seen  technology  race  from  (just)  post  war  crystal  sets,  past  diodes,  thro  pentodes,  cold  cathodes  up  to  and  beyond  transistors,  chips,  I.C.s  etc  etc,  just  think  what  they  could  use  to  keep  us  paying  taxes  ad  infinitum  Surprised so  as  to  keep  the  Denizens  of  The  Palace  Of  Westminster  overly  well  paid  !

    No  Thank  you  very  much,  I'll  join  Jimbo  in  another  plate  of  fish  &  chips  down  at  the  Greasy  Spoon  if  you  don't  mind  !! 

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited June 2016 #7

    Oh ABM you disappoint! I don't know why I try, I really don't!

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited June 2016 #8

    Double chips fish and mushy peas, will I live to be 130yrs old, no but at least I'll die happy and well fed.

    Write your comments here...spoken like a squaddie Jimbo! This does not replace F&Cs it simply keeps you gut flora in balance and gives you a healthy gut so that it can deal with the F&Cs more efficiently that's all!!!

  • ChefJim
    ChefJim Forum Participant Posts: 104
    First Comment
    edited June 2016 #9

    Ex Para and retired chef and I really don't think my wife would take kindly to yet another jar of something growing in the kitchen, she already complains about my sour dough culture.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited June 2016 #10

    Oh ABM you disappoint! I don't know why I try, I really don't!

    Well  I  need  to  keep  my  sylph-like  figure  to  fit  my  nice  warm  winter  fleece  
    Laughing  !!

  • briantimber
    briantimber Forum Participant Posts: 1,653
    edited June 2016 #11


  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited June 2016 #12

    Ex Para and retired chef and I really don't think my wife would take kindly to yet another jar of something growing in the kitchen, she already complains about my sour dough culture.

    Write your comments here...Sour dough- that's good Jimbo! But please read about Kefir- most amazing health benefits and cheap too. A wonderfully powerful probiotic drink which is a natural anti biotic. I love my food and my Weber is my favourite toy but
    I want to caravan for many more years if I can and by compromising a bit, I stand a better chance of doing so. At work the other day at St Barts in London, myself and a works colleague decided we would reach the forth floor by using the stairs. He is some
    20+ years younger than me. Not only did I not rest on the way up but when he finally appeared,  he was in a right state!!! Eating the correct things and not carrying around the 9 or 10 lbs I've lost has made a hell of a difference. Kefir has helped me achieve
    that and a healthy gut to boot! 

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited June 2016 #13

    Fourth floor! That's hardly strenuous. Having just got back from a short trip on Ventura, I've been doing stairs from Deck 5 to Deck fifteen several times a day plus a couple of trips round the promenade deck. Still put on a pound or two though. Yell

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited June 2016 #14

    Just an update- my son in law has suffered from lacto intolerance for years and has to get lacto free milk. We sent some Kefir with my daughter up to Scotland as we had heard that kefir cures many
    conditions as it reverses the 90% bad bacteria into 90% good bacteria in the gut. He was able to eat a milkshake the other day with 3 or 4 scoops of ice cream in it with no ill effects. He said he was waiting for the pains to start
    after the hour- nothing!! I can only lead the horse to water - I can't make it drink!!

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited June 2016 #15

    Fourth floor! That's hardly strenuous. Having just got back from a short trip on Ventura, I've been doing stairs from Deck 5 to Deck fifteen several times a day plus a couple of trips round the promenade deck. Still put on a pound or two though. Yell

    Write your comments was strenuous for him Cyber!!