Happy Valley returns

Just hoping the second series will be as good as the first, looking forward to this.
Excellent the first one , but hope they haven't overdone it with the second series, I'm looking forward to it too
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Be interesting to see if its a continuation of the first series, as James Norton still seems to be around or whether there are new story lines. As JN is quite a sought after actor these days I doubt it will be a bit part?
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Not a series I've watched but from the trailers, the title seems singularly inappropriate.
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Looking forward to the new series, really enjoyed the first .
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Just watched the first episode, thought it was really good......
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Already a couple of interesting stories developing.
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Good first episode, interesting story lines developing.
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It's worth waiting for ValDa...
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And what a cast. Amelia Bullmore, Kathleen Kelly, to name but two ...
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Started to watch it on "I player" last night. The programme was spoiled by exceptionally poor sound recording. The dialogue was sometimes difficult to follow . Gave up in the end.
All the other BBC programmes are recorded to a high quality. Why put this one out with a sound deficiency?.
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There are very many comments about the poor sound around the internet!
We thought it was incredibly bad
Agree bad sound could really spoil the full series, I would think it has already been recorded.
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Watched this last night, looks like being just as good as the last series.
We recently bought a sound bar to improve the quality of sound on the tv but even with this we had to revert to subtitles.
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Not a series I've watched but from the trailers, the title seems singularly inappropriate.
Its actually an extremely appropriate title.
As well as being blatently ironic, it also bears witness to the amount of `exotic` substances grown and smoked down the valley towards Hebden Bridge.
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There was a woman from the programme making dept being interviewed on the BBC news about the atrocious sound quality. She was full of excuses. Apparently there are no sound quality issues according to the programme makers. What a ridiculous point of view.
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Too like and enjoy a programme like this i have too warm too the character but i,m afraid i cant in this case.Sarah Lancashire represents a not very nice example of a police officer who is permantly miserable and appears to be carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders she also seems to think she is the police dept and the rest are just makeing up the numbers.Her attitude towards her superior officer and other officers is also very poor.I know for some this can make an interesting character but not for me.
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I watched the BBC news programme this morning where they were trying to defend the sound quality and one guy said it was not so much a sound problem but a dialect problem, that is just a excuse, I was born and bred in the Calder Valley and all the filming
is done within 10 miles of my house and I could not understand half of it. I think Sarah Lancashire is a fantastic actress but to me it is mainly her dialogue I am struggling with, she seems to be making the 'mumbling' part of her interpretation of the part
she is playing. Apart from that moan I think it is a great drama, and edge of the seat stuff! Come to think of it I can hear it a bit better then too0 -
From a sound point of view I think it could apply to lots of programmes we see on TV these days. Its as if the sound engineers give the background sound priority over the speech. We are both a bit on the deaf side so can struggle a bit. As we are so used
to Scandi Drama's we just put the sub titles on if we can't hear it properly. Makes watching Shetland easierDavid
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Like most I feel the back ground sounds blanks out the actors speech. I'm watching an Amazon prime series 24 at the moment and the musical background at times abliterates the speech , one of the worst , but a great series.
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We're glad it's not just us then, we also had problems trying to hear the dialogue in Happy Valley. Started to think it was our TV but other programmes are ok. Didn't make much difference turning sound up either but strangely it was clearer in standard
definition than HD. The first series of Happy Valley was perfectly clear, so perhaps it is something to do with a different director who insists they all mumble!0 -
Jamaica Inn was the apogee of sound track inaudibility though.
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You are not alone, normal speech OK on normal volume setting but by gawd, she does mumble and it was incoherent.
wife and I have given it up as a bad job!Thoroughly enjoyed the first series and were looking forward to new one!The hint of using sub titles is good and we will try again!