Caravaning during winter
I just put a "hat" on the aquaroll, something like wood level ramp underneath and bring the pump in at night.
It's got to be sustained sub zero conditions to need more than this.
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Interestingly, we too have only occasionally enjoyed sub zero temperatures while Caravanning in winter, so a folded tarpaulin laid on top is all that we have ever used. On the other hand if I was planning to spend an important period like Christmas in the
van, with unknown weather, I don't think that £33 would be a lot to pay for extra security.Write your comments here...With the way the seasons are changing you are more likely to get sub zero temps and snow in Feb if at all now
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However in the last 12 years I would have used it once.
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Are you advising the OP that because you have only used your caravan in sub zero temperatures once in 12 years, that they don't need insulation? I'm not sure how your point is relevant to their enquiry. Perhaps you could explain further so that we can all
learn.The point is simply that we are away 2 weeks in December and there is only one time (-14C at night and below freezing all day) that I considered it to be a problem
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I just put a "hat" on the aquaroll, something like wood level ramp underneath and bring the pump in at night.
It's got to be sustained sub zero conditions to need more than this.
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Interestingly, we too have only occasionally enjoyed sub zero temperatures while Caravanning in winter, so a folded tarpaulin laid on top is all that we have ever used. On the other hand if I was planning to spend an important period like Christmas in the van, with unknown weather, I don't think that £33 would be a lot to pay for extra security.
If needed I could happily buy three 6pt milks from the likes of Tesco, pour the milk away, rinse and fill the bottles. Keep two in the shower and one by the sink for £4.50 and use the site facilities for wash, shower, shave etc. If we expect very severe weather we take a rounded bottom bucket for waste water.
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My apologies EasyT et-all. It's clear that my sense of value for money differs from your own and several others on this thread. You see, I spent more than £33 on a bottle of whisky with my shoping this week, and we spent a lot more on a pub meal last week.
It's too easy to assume that because people own a caravan and a car big enough to tow with, that half a tank of fuel or £33 for a cover doesn't need budgeting for. In our case, we wouldn't buy three six pint milks to throw away just for water bottles, though
I might be tempted into a four pack of still water for £1, in fact we do - for drinking. Where we'd draw the line is making trips to the site ablutions in sub zero temperatures, to save £33. Perhaps we're luckier than some others, I'm sure that we are.0 -
We have caravaned in the winter a lot over the passed 15 years , just a bit of common sense needed really , like others I have an insulated Aqua roll cover been used a few times , keeping the water off the ground is a good tip keeping an eye on yr local weather forecast is sensible too , take yr pump in if its gonna be particularly cold , keep warm and enjoy , we have had some very enjoyable trips during the winter ..
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My apologies EasyT et-all. It's clear that my sense of value for money differs from your own and several others on this thread. You see, I spent more than £33 on a bottle of whisky with my shoping this week, and we spent a lot more on a pub meal last week.
It's too easy to assume that because people own a caravan and a car big enough to tow with, that half a tank of fuel or £33 for a cover doesn't need budgeting for. In our case, we wouldn't buy three six pint milks to throw away just for water bottles, though
I might be tempted into a four pack of still water for £1, in fact we do - for drinking. Where we'd draw the line is making trips to the site ablutions in sub zero temperatures, to save £33. Perhaps we're luckier than some others, I'm sure that we are...A lot on here are from the generation of Do I want it yes, do I need it ?? ,When money was was used for essentials ,not like the throw away society of today,
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We are four seasons tourers as well. Recall having to dig aqua roll out of snow one year, never mind defrost it! In days long ago before weather apps were invented! You get by easily enough though, with a bit of common sense and being prepared.
Our first trip out a couple of years ago in our new MH was in December, hard frost, got down to around minus 11c up in Durham, bit of snow as well. Site taps were frozen, all bar one by toilet block. Warm and cosy in van though, it was lovely being out and
about, enjoying Christmas lights, browsing Xmas markets, we shall do same again this year.0 -
My apologies EasyT et-all. It's clear that my sense of value for money differs from your own and several others on this thread. You see, I spent more than £33 on a bottle of whisky with my shoping this week, and we spent a lot more on a pub meal last week. It's too easy to assume that because people own a caravan and a car big enough to tow with, that half a tank of fuel or £33 for a cover doesn't need budgeting for. In our case, we wouldn't buy three six pint milks to throw away just for water bottles, though I might be tempted into a four pack of still water for £1, in fact we do - for drinking. Where we'd draw the line is making trips to the site ablutions in sub zero temperatures, to save £33. Perhaps we're luckier than some others, I'm sure that we are.
Indeed no need to budget here either. Simply that I am unlikely to need means that I am unlikely to buy. How many possesions does a fella need?
I have neeeded to protect the aquaroll/water container (before aquarolls) once in 35 years of caravanning. Cost for me is not a consideration these days.
Also had to cuddle the butane once for 10 mins to get it too gas before changing to propane 30 years ago!
As for whisky my favourite is Aberlour. Only around £26 for a bottle of 10 year old.
Also like Asbach Uralt Brandy which is a tad dearer.
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We love winter motorcaravaning, yes the nights are long but cosy pubs with roaring fires, games of Backgammon back at base and lazy get ups are the order. Making the most of short crisp and frosty sunny days wrapped up in appropriate clothing and coffee shop stops are there to enjoy. Just hunker down when the weather is inclement with a good b&w movie. Oh, bliss!
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North Norfolk beaches on cold sunny days are a delight. Very few people around to spoil the tranquility, perfect. Poor weather, stay in listening to music, catching up on the reading, play board games, chat and generally just lounge around, perfect.
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We love going away in winter too, it can be interesting in Scotland in winter but its nice getting up to a hard white frost, lovely blue skies and sunshine. Days are shorter but but we like to take our time over breakfast watching the day wake up. Coming
back to the van late afternoon to hot chocolate and watching a bit of tv then having a snooze before dinneryes we love winter camping
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BB, we are coming round to doing more Autumn/Winter months in Spain. When we left last year we were not sure if it was for us. However I really do hate the dark, dull, wet weather we seem to be getting more and more of up here these days. It seems from the
begining of October until the end of December its just miserable, not cold just miserable. I love the cold, crisp sunny days of a true winter but in the last few years we have not seen them for more that a few days rather than the 3 months we used to have.
Already planning next years trips and its looking very much like we will be in Spain from October until just before Christmas.0 -
No votes for winter caravanning here, we are just back from a European tour and once the heating had to go on and we had to start eating indoors for us it was time to go home.
But if you go to Southern Spain you don't have to put the heating on and go indoors.
AD have you ever thought about going to Croatia in the Spring and then Spain/Portugal in the Autumn/Winter instead of the other way round, just curious by the way not criticising.
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However I really do hate the dark, dull, wet weather we seem to be getting more and more of up here these days. It seems from the begining of October until the end of December its just miserable, not cold just miserable. I love the cold, crisp sunny days of a true winter but in the last few years we have not seen them for more that a few days rather than the 3 months we used to have.
I suspect that in a past life I was a hedgehog.
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No votes for winter caravanning here, we are just back from a European tour and once the heating had to go on and we had to start eating indoors for us it was time to go home.
But if you go to Southern Spain you don't have to put the heating on and go indoors.
AD have you ever thought about going to Croatia in the Spring and then Spain/Portugal in the Autumn/Winter instead of the other way round, just curious by the way not criticising.
Not really thought about doing it that way but with the Croation sites closing en-mass 1st week in October it could be a idea. This year however the weather has been very kind in September (unlike las year) and was pretty grim there in Spring so as always
its pot luck.Wondered as we have been giving it some thought. I guess there are plus's and minus's with both. Early spring this year France was terrible and Spain was a bit wet, I know it settled down come June but then got very hot. While across in Austria/Italy/Croatia
you have the German holidays to contend with and the sea in Croatia hasn't had time to warm up, just thinking allowed, decisions, decisions.0 -
If it helps average temps, precip and sun hours for Istria are:
April 12.6C 112mm 177 hours
May 17.1C 104mm 235 hours
Jun 20.8C 104mm 254 hours
Jul 23.5C 77mm 300 hours
Aug 23.2C 97mm 277 hours
Sep 19.1C 175mm 203 hours
So in general spring (May) is cooler, drier and sunnier than September. Obviously water temp will be a lot cooler.
This is HR meteo data.
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Cheers Guys, at risk of getting told off for taking over this thread (apologies to the OP) We are going to try it AD possibly next Spring, yes I do have some German but its a bit rusty.
To put it back on thread, winter caravanning is fine as long as you take the precautions mention early on
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Indeed David, here is the Sept data - Istria was very hot in fact 94 percentile hot on historic data. Climate change in Croatia is very obvious as summers are getting hotter and hotter. Apologies for bring off topic.