LPG prices
We're looking at the Gasit system for our caravan and have discovered that LPG at the forecourt is cheaper if not used for road fuel. I'm wondering if this is commonly accepted in garages or if there is just one price for all? I guess it's to do with the
tax rate so probably won't be much anyway.
Bolero Boy - how does the Countrywide gas point at Glastonbury work in this respect?
i have an account there, but i cant remember if i had to say what my usage was for....LPG car or heating/cooking in a MH...
nor do i know if this would influence the price i am charged....
obviously no pump price displayed (as in a garage) just my invoice each month, if i use them....
Many thanks for your reply. I only ask because on their web site Gasit sell a Fillpoint Information Ring & Body Protector marked "Leisure Gas System". They then go on to say ".....it also allows you to get cheaper gas at LPG filling stations who recognise
the LPG is being used for heating and not running the engine". Just wondered, thanks again.Chris