Fresh water yes or no?



  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited August 2016 #422

    I always use our old whistling gas kettle to make my first cuppa of the morning. It's the only way I can wake Mrs M up!! Wink

  • kaenergas
    kaenergas Forum Participant Posts: 171
    edited August 2016 #423

    Everyone to his own preference, my only objection is a small minority of wild campers is the mess they leave behind and dumping of waste or toilet tanks. I spend a few months a year in Spain, and a lovely beach setting has this last year been closed to MH
    because of the dumping of toilet tanks etc. Those few mindless idiots has lost a great setting for MH users. Many a time early morning as I pass to go walking in the hills I have thought what a lovely place to wake up in .

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited August 2016 #424
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  • Unknown
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  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited August 2016 #426

    I always use our old whistling gas kettle to make my first cuppa of the morning. It's the only way I can wake Mrs M up!! Wink

    But does she then leap out of bed make the tea and bring you a cup whilst you recover from the effort of putting the kettle on?

    Mrs M doesn't really do leaping out of bed in the morning - she does a pretty nifty "roll over and pretend not to hear the kettle" routine though! Laughing

  • QFour
    QFour Forum Participant Posts: 442
    edited August 2016 #427

    Everyone to his own preference, my only objection is a small minority of wild campers is the mess they leave behind and dumping of waste or toilet tanks. I spend a few months a year in Spain, and a lovely beach setting has this last year been closed to MH because of the dumping of toilet tanks etc. Those few mindless idiots has lost a great setting for MH users. Many a time early morning as I pass to go walking in the hills I have thought what a lovely place to wake up in .

    Sadly there are a number of people from all walks of life who throw their rubbish away and spoil our beautiful planet, it's such a shame.  On the last CL we were on a caravan departed from further up the field and left behind a collection of rubbish and a puddle of something or other.  I've also seen owners allowing their dogs to toilet on sites, sorry for mentioning the dog word.  So yes some MH owners are inconsiderate but so are many other people.  It really annoys me!

  • kaenergas
    kaenergas Forum Participant Posts: 171
    edited August 2016 #428

    Deleted UserUser I would hardly call people whingers that complain about such acts like emptying toilets in areas where people go with children to enjoy thier leisure time. As I said before in any walk of life a few spoil for the rest.

  • Unknown
    edited August 2016 #429
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  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited August 2016 #430

    So, Mr warden,a kettle of water is still out of the question then!!??Undecided

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2016 #431

    there are three separate issues here....

    should members be able to collect water and dump waste at CC sites (for a fee)

    some members like to wild camp

    some vanners (MH and caravanners, members and non-members, site users and non site users) are less than tidy and leave (all sorts of) rubbish behind.

    the three are not necessarily connected....


    I thought that only the first issue was being discussed? 

  • Unknown
    edited August 2016 #432
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  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited August 2016 #433

    lazy, wasteful campers (MH or caravanners) are just that......irrespective of services on offer......

    I would agree BB. If the CC offered the service there would almost certainly be a charge and the sort of person who would dump waste indescriminintley, would probably not be prepared to pay.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited August 2016 #434
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  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2016 #435

    there are three separate issues here....

    should members be able to collect water and dump waste at CC sites (for a fee)

    some members like to wild camp

    some vanners (MH and caravanners, members and non-members, site users and non site users) are less than tidy and leave (all sorts of) rubbish behind.

    the three are not necessarily connected....


    I thought that only the first issue was being discussed? 

    yes, as tou say, the first one is the OP.....

    i was just responding to the posts above that suggested there might be a link between between them.....

    you know, the sort of rubbish like 'if the CC allowed this service it would encourage wild camping'.....

    or equally the next 'logical conclusion'....'wild camping encourages the indiscriminate dumping of waste....'

    one could easily reverse this statement and 'conclude' that the CC offering a place to dump waste would reduce the amount of wild campers dumping indiscriminantly'....

    neither statement is wholely true....

    lazy, wasteful campers (MH or caravanners) are just that......irrespective of services on offer......

    As far as I can see providing the facility by the CC could be seen as condoning wild camping. 

  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited August 2016 #436

    This has nothing to do with wild camping but should the CC offer a service for members to be able to fill up with fresh water and dump grey & black waste for a fee.  As I see it most of the CC sites we have been on the MHSP design and placement on the site
    would make this a bit of a tricky feat having to drive right round most sites then heaving off heavy metal drain covers and driving out again unlike other sites where the MHSP is near the site entrance or easily got to with a grid type affair to drop waste

    So would say as the CC redesign the points over the next 20 years they can offer the service then but it begs the question why its going to take 20 years to remove a drain cover and replace with a grid..........

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2016 #437

    In most cases it should be possible to replace the cover with a grid I agree. As to where on site that is another matter. Wherever it is on site one way systems usually dictate those on site make a round trip. 

  • QFour
    QFour Forum Participant Posts: 442
    edited August 2016 #438


    As far as I can see providing the facility by the CC could be seen as condoning wild camping. 

    and we couldn't possible have that!  Goodness me no, as of course anyone who wild camps should be arrested and imprisoned for life, at the very least. 

  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited August 2016 #439


    As far as I can see providing the facility by the CC could be seen as condoning wild camping. 

    and we couldn't possible have that!  Goodness me no, as of course anyone who wild camps should be arrested and imprisoned for life, at the very least. 

    Write your comments you are just being silly a simple public flogging would suffice......

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2016 #440


    As far as I can see providing the facility by the CC could be seen as condoning wild camping. 

    and we couldn't possible have that!  Goodness me no, as of course anyone who wild camps should be arrested and imprisoned for life, at the very least. 

    Sarky! As one who has wild camped in a considerate manner I am not about to say that. However I see no reason for the CC to make provision for anyone not using their site nor for any other site owner to do so. If that is required I believe that the C & CC
    make such provision.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited August 2016 #441
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  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited August 2016 #442


    As far as I can see providing the facility by the CC could be seen as condoning wild camping. 

    and we couldn't possible have that!  Goodness me no, as of course anyone who wild camps should be arrested and imprisoned for life, at the very least. 

    Sarky! As one who has wild camped in a considerate manner I am not about to say that. However I see no reason for the CC to make provision for anyone not using their site nor for any other site owner to do so. If that is required I believe that the C & CC
    make such provision.

    Write your comments here...but at say £5 for 100l of water and to allow the emptying of waste it would be a nice little earner for the clubs coffers as a certain Del Boy used to say.

  • QFour
    QFour Forum Participant Posts: 442
    edited August 2016 #443


    As far as I can see providing the facility by the CC could be seen as condoning wild camping. 

    and we couldn't possible have that!  Goodness me no, as of course anyone who wild camps should be arrested and imprisoned for life, at the very least. 

    Spending holidays on waste ground and car parks is punishment enoughWinkLaughing

    Well it might be but of course wild camping is nothing like that, as you would know if you actually knew anything about it.   I'll be honest, I'm really at a loss to understand some of the comments on here, especailly the comment about "condoning wild camping".  

    We're members of the Caravan Club and we use Club Sites and CL Sites.  Sometimes it suits us to use pub stops or to do some wild camping.  Countries like France provide facilities at very little cost for MHs and it would be good to know that the Caravan Club would consider doing the same. 

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited August 2016 #444
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  • Blackdeath
    Blackdeath Forum Participant Posts: 69
    edited August 2016 #445


    As far as I can see providing the facility by the CC could be seen as condoning wild camping. 

    and we couldn't possible have that!  Goodness me no, as of course anyone who wild camps should be arrested and imprisoned for life, at the very least. 

    Sarky! As one who has wild camped in a considerate manner I am not about to say that. However I see no reason for the CC to make provision for anyone not using their site nor for any other site owner to do so. If that is required I believe that the C & CC
    make such provision.

    We are not asking the CC to make provision for 'anyone.'  We are suggesting the CC makes provisions for those of their members who have motorhomes and would find such a facility useful. I appreciate there are members on here who seem to think the CC exists
    just to provide facilities for those who prefer to nest on a site for a week but a large percentage of us don't. I don't think it unreasonable, as paid up members, to ask the club to think about providing something for us. They are keen enough to take our

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2016 #446

    Yep they take your subs. Part of the deal. If you don't like the deal (which many do) then why be a member? As far as I am concerned the facilities are for those using a site. If it was such a big earner as Q4 suggests I am sure that many entrepreneurs will
    be rushing to set up sites. Have you approached the Dragon's Den team with a business plan Q4? 

  • Unknown
    edited August 2016 #447
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  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited August 2016 #448

    I do tend to agree that the facilities on sites are provided for those using the sites. Folk join the CC for all sorts of reasons, some just for insurance/ferry arrangements, some for CLs, some for CC sites. 

    I'm not sure exactly what the scale of demand for the facilities being discussed on this thread is, but I'm pretty sure that if it was significant then private/commercial sites would be clamouring to offer them, at a price!

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited August 2016 #449
    Member Benefits

    • Member rates at over 200 Club sitesscattered across stunning locations throughout the UK
    • 2,500 small 5 van, privately owned places to stay
    • Exclusive discounts on caravan and motorhome insurance
    • Free technical help and advice on all things touring - plus free car and caravan matching service
    • Monthly magazine worth £40 a year and free download of the magazine app


    Above are the benefits of being a member as stated on the website. Nowhere does it say anything about dropping in to fill with water / discharge waste, with or without charge. Personally, I don't have anything against it, for a charge at suitable sites, where units don't add to traffic on site, or possibly out of peak when sites are less busy. However, why would any current or prospective member think it should be available at present

  • Unknown
    edited August 2016 #450
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  • Unknown
    edited August 2016 #451
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