No wonder the Club has an image problem



  • Natasha2
    Natasha2 Forum Participant Posts: 306
    edited July 2016 #62

     If the Club are serious in attracting the younger element they need to change the perception and not necessarily the reality.

    InaD I am not saying that the caravan club members are old fogies, what I was saying is that the perception of many is that they are.

    Anyway I will say no more, I'm not allowed to post as I'm a non member. 

  • Hakinbush
    Hakinbush Forum Participant Posts: 286
    edited July 2016 #63

    Yep me too, coming up to 72 just come back from 28 days in France, threatened with floods ,fuel shortages, Brexit and the biggest probs I had was keeping my little Shi-tzu cool in the Dordogne with 35 temps, and Im a solo caravaner, and Im off to setthornes
    on the 28th for ten days, no toilet facilities there mate, just good friends and hopefully weather to match..

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,771
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    edited July 2016 #64

    Given the problem with a shortage of pitches the club needs to spend money on new sites before worrying about recruiting younger members as there is usually no room for them on site.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
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  • neveramsure
    neveramsure Forum Participant Posts: 713
    edited July 2016 #67

    I can’t see why image should play a part in the decision to stay at a site.

    If it is in the right location and has the desired facilities, surely only pitch prices could deter any would be campers and that would apply to any age of camper.

    Surely the main reason people join the club is to use CLs or CC sites. 

  • compass362
    compass362 Forum Participant Posts: 619
    edited July 2016 #68

    I can’t see why image should play a part in the decision to stay at a site.

    If it is in the right location and has the desired facilities, surely only pitch prices could deter any would be campers and that would apply to any age of camper.

    Surely the main reason people join the club is to use CLs or CC sites. 

    Write your comments here... excellent post , someone with some common sense at last , instead of waffle

  • neveramsure
    neveramsure Forum Participant Posts: 713
    edited July 2016 #69

    I can’t see why image should play a part in the decision to stay at a site.

    If it is in the right location and has the desired facilities, surely only pitch prices could deter any would be campers and that would apply to any age of camper.

    Surely the main reason people join the club is to use CLs or CC sites. 

    Write your comments here... excellent post , someone with some common sense at last , instead of waffle

    ThanksEmbarassed but I’ve never been accused of that before.InnocentSmile

  • black caviar
    black caviar Forum Participant Posts: 242
    edited July 2016 #70

    For me a brass band ,and a cream tea are quintessentially an english summer afternoon, after all if its good enough for royal ascot ,its good enough for cc lol :)

  • Bugs
    Bugs Forum Participant Posts: 480
    edited July 2016 #71

    Is it OK if I just have milk in my tea

    Not a fan of cream


  • Unknown
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  • Boff
    Boff Forum Participant Posts: 1,742
    edited July 2016 #73

    I think the OP made a perfectly succinct point about  image and was attacked right from the start with little if any attempt to explain why this aspect of a rally would not present a negative image. Perhaps it just proves her point. 

    Or perhaps someone who launches an attack based on image rather than any knowledge, shouldnt  be supprised when they get some push back. 

  • paul56
    paul56 Forum Participant Posts: 937
    edited July 2016 #74

    How may letters/comments have been written about the adverts in the Club magazine and you could argue this exactly backs up what the OP says about the image of the Club. 

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited July 2016 #75

    I think the OP made a perfectly succinct point about  image and was attacked right from the start with little if any attempt to explain why this aspect of a rally would not present a negative image. Perhaps it just proves her point. 

    Or perhaps someone who launches an attack based on image rather than any knowledge, shouldnt  be supprised when they get some push back. 

    I dont see where the OP has launched an "attack"  rather than expressed their opinion , but it seems lately that any non-member seems to be attacked for posting a subject to be debated .........

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited July 2016 #76

    Doesn't the National have all sorts of things going on for all sorts of age groups and likes and dislikes. I am not sure why having a brass band playing at a tea party should generate anything but a localised image at such a large event. If indeed it generates
    any image at all. Personally some thing  like the National does not appeal, how ever I very much like brass bands and as long as I can have coffee, rather than tea, it would be very nice if they just came and played on a selection of sites. Perhaps Sunday
    tea time.

  • mjh2014
    mjh2014 Forum Participant Posts: 130
    edited July 2016 #77

    I like concert bands, they are often community based and very inclusive, and play a wide range of styles of music. I used to play with one many years ago as a lone string bass player often doubling the tuba part. Not sure anyone could hear me though... And
    fortunately we never went marching Happy

  • Rubytuesday
    Rubytuesday Forum Participant Posts: 952
    edited July 2016 #78

    In my opinion if you asked campers and non caravanners what their image was of the Caravan Club  they would probably use the words 'stuffy', 'a club for old fogeys' 'not me' ' probably OK when I'm retired '

    Now you may not agree the Club is like that but impressions of other Clubs are probably not true either. If you asked anyone over 50 of their thoughts of a Club 18- 30 holiday they would mention drunkeness/collapsing in the streets/debauchery etc. This is
    obviously partly true but I would suggest that quite a number of the older end have a much quieter time

     Similarly if you suggested to CC members that they go to Malia or Faliraki for a holiday they would probably be aghast but we have been to both places and they are very nice.

     If the Club are serious in attracting the younger element they need to change the perception and not necessarily the reality. Even to me brass bands and tea parties are from my parents generation!

    Write your comments here...ery similar to what I said in my post Natasha , the C C still very much has that darby &Joan reputation Laughing but
    I believe they are trying to move forward but perhaps its us oldies thpat don't want change 

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited July 2016 #79

    Im sure the professional mqnagement at the CC head office would be happy to change the image of this being an organisation populated by wrinklies.


    There are well over a hundred amateur committee and council members interfering with the smooth running and decision making of the CC .

    If they ditched all those outdated and useless committees and councils populated by oldies, they would be free to rum the business in a professional and efficient manner.

    The club needs to move onwards and upwards. Those oldies are holding the business back.

    K Cool

  • kaenergas
    kaenergas Forum Participant Posts: 171
    edited July 2016 #80

    Well said Kennine, too many wrinkles in the decision making areas, they are only interested in looking after their particular life style needs or choices. 

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited July 2016 #81

    Are the younger generation stepping up to the plate though to run committees and District Associations etc etc?? 

  • Aspenshaw
    Aspenshaw Forum Participant Posts: 611
    edited July 2016 #82

    I read a CC report recently on the internet from which I had no doubt the CC is concerned about its aging member profile. In the past, the age profile has not been a problem because young family members become caravanners in time. However, this is not happening
    to the same extent nowadays. The push to allow tents on site is part of the CC's approach to attract a younger generation and build a more inclusive club. The premis is that a good proportion of 'tenters' will become caravanners/motorhomers. 

  • spk
    spk Forum Participant Posts: 406
    edited July 2016 #83

    not sure I like the idea. Part of the attraction of CC is the fact that generally it is older couples and few children. That is why as soon as our daughter was an adult we joined the CC

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited July 2016 #84

    I read a CC report recently on the internet from which I had no doubt the CC is concerned about its aging member profile. In the past, the age profile has not been a problem because young family members become caravanners in time. However, this is not happening to the same extent nowadays. The push to allow tents on site is part of the CC's approach to attract a younger generation and build a more inclusive club. The premis is that a good proportion of 'tenters' will become caravanners/motorhomers. 

    We certainly did, but not because we had ever stopped on a CC site. We tented for close on 30 years and whilst we had young children the last place we would have come is a CC site. They wanted a large field and the freedom to roam. I am all for tents being allowed, they permit our now grown up sons to meet up with us occasionally. In our experience, talking with others using them, that seems to be there main purpose / use.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited July 2016 #85

    I think the OP made a perfectly succinct point about  image and was attacked right from the start with little if any attempt to explain why this aspect of a rally would not present a negative image. Perhaps it just proves her point. 

    It was far from succinct to my mind. The OP failed to state exactly what the point of the post was. 

  • paul56
    paul56 Forum Participant Posts: 937
    edited July 2016 #86

    I think the OP made a perfectly succinct point about  image and was attacked right from the start with little if any attempt to explain why this aspect of a rally would not present a negative image. Perhaps it just proves her point. 

    It was far from succinct to my mind. The OP failed to state exactly what the point of the post was. 

    Does a post have to have a point? It has clearly generated a lot of discussion with both for and against comments. 

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
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  • Unknown
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  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited July 2016 #89

    Are the younger generation stepping up to the plate though to run committees and District Associations etc etc?? 

    Write your comments here...Are committees, district associations etc etc of any relevance in the 21st century to the vast majority of those who pay their annual subscription to the CC.

    Those committees could easily be dispensed with and over 90% of the CC customers would never notice.

    They are a relic of the 1960's  were important then -------not any more.


  • ocsid
    ocsid Club Member Posts: 1,395
    edited July 2016 #90

    Are the younger generation stepping up to the plate though to run committees and District Associations etc etc?? 

    Not in our experience and as Kennine points out it might not be of any relevence to the younger generation; is deeply to me.

    Then one observes neither is the hobby at all raging through that generation as it did the last, though one sees a bit more involvement as tenters in the other club.

    Whilst the club needs new blood it could so easily like M&S chase an age group where what we do is simply not "cool" and they would not dream of joining or "wearing the Tee shirt", that is till they mature to an age where image is not all. Identify and target your possible market.

    Rallying in our sphere is absolutely dying year on year, I hope it can change but the baffooning we see of the hobby in the media, even self inflicted does zero to achieve this.

  • IanBHawkes
    IanBHawkes Forum Participant Posts: 212
    edited July 2016 #91

    Are the younger generation stepping up to the plate though to run committees and District Associations etc etc?? 

    The simple answer is that the younger generation are not interested in committees or the running of any organisation, unless they are being paid for it! If the Caravan Club continue in this direction it will not be able to continue, is it time for the club
    to go over to be a completely business orientated and not have various committees doing this that or the other?