Congratulations to our Customer Service team!

The Caravan Club has been awarded first place in the prestigious ‘Top 50 Companies for Customer Service 2016’ awards in the travel and hospitality category. The Club also came second in the ‘Best Email’ category across all UK companies that entered the awards.
The Caravan Club’s customer service team is made up of over 140 employees at its East Grinstead head office as well as a network of sites staff across the UK. For the full story, visit our media centre:
Congratulations on the award, well done.
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You have to ask?
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congrats to the CC .having my own business i know important customer service is and sometimes how difficult it is to admin it.
Brian & Jo
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Huh! Not sure if Insurance dept is included in this award, but we have just had a shocking time with Devitt! Looked at quote, read all small print, looked fine, took out policy. Then the emails started, we need this, that and the other. Phoned up, got someone
on auto pilot not really listening, thought we had it sorted, sent them what they requested.....but no. Yet another "phone us urgent" call today! Still not enough for them. Only blood sample and DNA test missing! (We have never made a claim by the way, for
vehicle we wanted to insure, and haven't made a claim in last 10 years for any of other vehicles we own, so not exactly bad customers!)In meantime, looked at other quotes, couple of £ dearer with C&CC, took that out, told Devitt to get lost. Appalling way to conduct business, and not the first time we have had less than helpful time via Devitt/ CC. We shall not be considering them again,
nor shall we be recommending them to others.0 -
I have always found that the CC telephone staff do the job that they are paid to do.
Whilst this may sound a little sarcastic, sadly it's not what is found in many organisations these days.
So, if we have descended to the level where simply 'doing the job' deserves a reward.......then well done!
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Huh! Not sure if Insurance dept is included in this award, but we have just had a shocking time with Devitt! Looked at quote, read all small print, looked fine, took out policy. Then the emails started, we need this, that and the other. Phoned up, got someone on auto pilot not really listening, thought we had it sorted, sent them what they requested.....but no. Yet another "phone us urgent" call today! Still not enough for them. Only blood sample and DNA test missing! (We have never made a claim by the way, for vehicle we wanted to insure, and haven't made a claim in last 10 years for any of other vehicles we own, so not exactly bad customers!)
In meantime, looked at other quotes, couple of £ dearer with C&CC, took that out, told Devitt to get lost. Appalling way to conduct business, and not the first time we have had less than helpful time via Devitt/ CC. We shall not be considering them again, nor shall we be recommending them to others.
I am sorry to read your comments on the service from our motor insurance department. I will be looking into this with The Manager of the Caravan Club Insurance Department at Devitt to see what happened on this occasion.. Insurers need certain information from you and will contact you if it has not been received, but this is for your protection as they do not want any member to be without insurance cover. I am sorry if this caused you inconvenience.
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Huh! Not sure if Insurance dept is included in this award, but we have just had a shocking time with Devitt! Looked at quote, read all small print, looked fine, took out policy. Then the emails started, we need this, that and the other. Phoned up, got someone on auto pilot not really listening, thought we had it sorted, sent them what they requested.....but no. Yet another "phone us urgent" call today! Still not enough for them. Only blood sample and DNA test missing! (We have never made a claim by the way, for vehicle we wanted to insure, and haven't made a claim in last 10 years for any of other vehicles we own, so not exactly bad customers!)
In meantime, looked at other quotes, couple of £ dearer with C&CC, took that out, told Devitt to get lost. Appalling way to conduct business, and not the first time we have had less than helpful time via Devitt/ CC. We shall not be considering them again, nor shall we be recommending them to others.
I am sorry to read your comments on the service from our motor insurance department. I will be looking into this with The Manager of the Caravan Club Insurance Department at Devitt to see what happened on this occasion.. Insurers need certain information from you and will contact you if it has not been received, but this is for your protection as they do not want any member to be without insurance cover. I am sorry if this caused you inconvenience.
Hope this reply from Jean at the CC will now be visible after blank page.
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Huh! Not sure if Insurance dept is included in this award, but we have just had a shocking time with Devitt! Looked at quote, read all small print, looked fine, took out policy. Then the emails started, we need this, that and the other. Phoned up, got someone
on auto pilot not really listening, thought we had it sorted, sent them what they requested.....but no. Yet another "phone us urgent" call today! Still not enough for them. Only blood sample and DNA test missing! (We have never made a claim by the way, for
vehicle we wanted to insure, and haven't made a claim in last 10 years for any of other vehicles we own, so not exactly bad customers!)In meantime, looked at other quotes, couple of £ dearer with C&CC, took that out, told Devitt to get lost. Appalling way to conduct business, and not the first time we have had less than helpful time via Devitt/ CC. We shall not be considering them again,
nor shall we be recommending them to others.Hello
I am sorry to read your comments on the service from our motor insurance department. I will be looking into this with The Manager of the Caravan Club Insurance Department at Devitt to see what happened on this occasion.. Insurers need certain information
from you and will contact you if it has not been received, but this is for your protection as they do not want any member to be without insurance cover. I am sorry if this caused you inconvenience.We too had a similar experience last month when we changed to CC insurance. OH dealt with it, but several phone calls and asking for proof of NCD, or whatever its called these days. Took much time, which he spent sorting. He asked for a paper policy and
insurance certificate to be posted out - got one eventually, but several chases.Not sure I'd have carried on like it but cancellation fee would have been incurred.
Hopefully we'll have no cause to claim, like ttda no claims for 10 years plus, hope we don't have to put their claims handling to the test.........................
Only just seen this thread or I would have commented earlier
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TDA has spotted this thank you! Firstly, thanks to Jean for at least responding, grateful for this.
To bring up to date, a couple of days ago we received two letters from the Club/Devitt. First one was a written request for yet more information. The second letter, which arrived the same day, was couched in threatening terms, stating that unless they received
the information requested, our policy would be terminated. Bearing in mind that my OH had by this time had enough, having sent out the first tranch of information required, then cancelled when they wanted even more, despite the fact (as Dave has rightly mentioned)
the quote we were given was based upon the fact they had checked our no claims anyway via whatever central information dept Insurance companies use! Of course we had so much no claims, they had checked to give us quote!!!!The whole experience of trying to take out this insurance turned into a fiasco. We value our time, and don't want to spend it on emails, phone calls, chasing up centrally held information just to claw back a few pounds. Life is way too short and precious
for such garbage in this age of doing things easily elsewhere. We had no such issues with the C&CC. What concerned us most was the thought of having to make a claim if taking out the initial policy was this difficult!This was our experience, and I am happy to pass this on as a review of the service we received. We have moved on.
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I would hasten to add that like others, away from the Insurance section, never had anything but lots of help from other sections of Club, and find site staff very nice and professional!
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Just dissecting the recent posts a little,
Proof of NCD is a PITA, surely in this day and age NCD is kept on a database that all Insurers can access. Just why we need to provide this in writing is beyond me.
No NCD is not kept on a database, only claims history.
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Thanks Jean. That confirms what we had supposed. The quote we were given was based on a no claims period, something my OH never mentioned, but that must have been checked elsewhere. Devitts already had this information, gleaned from who knows where, but
still wanted us to search out and provide duplicate information. (some insurance companies do use a central database, that does show the claims history of applicants, their way of reducing fraudulent claims, and not taking on repeat offenders) What irritated
my OH so much was that all through the process, from seeking quote to taking out the policy, there was no mention that we would be required to provide this, that and the other, after we had taken out the policy. If hoops have to be jumped through, then the
assault course to reach the finish needs to be clearly marked! We were actually requested to provide no claims history for another of our vehicles! It's a mind boggling mix up, and not one we will repeat in a hurry. We had no such hassle from C&CC insurers,
they quoted, we bought, end of story!Apologies to OP by the way, it hadn't been my intention to hijack this thread, but no doubt it is being avidly followed by a few!
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We take pleasure from the OP about good service - thank you. However the forum is the place where everyone has the right to express their feelings and opinions and The Club is certainly robust enough to take all forms of feedback. We do take pride in the standard of customer service we provide and we are confident that the partners we work with do the same and identify with our values. Sometimes however, things do not go to plan (and there is always a reason why) and on those occasions we investigate and, where necessary, address any issues to prevent it from happening again. I will be responding offline to takethedog along's comments on the service received on this occasion.