Caravanner of the Year on BBC this April!



  • Disco2003
    Disco2003 Forum Participant Posts: 85
    edited April 2016 #722

    Now come on folks, let’s keep a level head about this (or you G&T will be in trouble) I think we should all have a measured response to this (3 ½ inches either side I seem to remember) WE will end up going round in circles otherwise (the wrong way and backwards)
    Keep the gloves (white of course) on and have a fair fight. Let’s keep together as we now can book pitches next to each other) Let push together up the slope of criticism (minding our back end of course ) And drive on forward (selecting 4 wheel drive of course)
    Remember, reversing a  Motor Home is just as difficult as a Car with Caravan or short trailer. Let’s be fair and find our allocated pitches.

  • carvanner100
    carvanner100 Forum Participant Posts: 42
    edited April 2016 #723

    We folks I've just had a reply to my email to the club. You will of course form your own opinions regarding the reply!!

    Thank you for your email.  We appreciate you taking time to contact The Club and we have taken on board the points that you raise.  

    Reviews of the Caravanner of The Year programme in the national media have been, in the very large majority, positive. The amount of coverage that we have received equates to over 30 million of the general public having had the opportunity to see, hear
    or read about The Caravan Club - this is unprecedented in The Club’s history.   BBC Radio 2 Breakfast Show presenter, Chris Evans, talked positively about the programme, two days in a row. The day after the programme he said ‘what a show… it was brilliant
    last night… we’ve got another Bake Off on our hands’.  The BBC One Show also invited participants, their vehicles and judges to be on the show where we took the opportunity to talk about the many benefits of our pastime and encouraged people to get out and
    explore the great outdoors.  

    The overwhelming sentiment on social media following the airing of the programme was positive, and we ranked fourth in Twitter trends on the night. Many of our industry colleagues in caravan and motorhome manufacturing and retail have actively engaged
    in supporting this initiative.

    We appreciate your feedback and we are sorry you were disappointed with the programme.  

    Robyn Millward 

    Email Support Team


    East Grinstead House, East Grinstead

    Write your comments here...

    Talk about denial . As a humorous program to be laughed at, no doubt many viewer enjoyed it 

    However as per normal, the members speak, and if the higher echelons of the Caravan club do not like what the members say, they simply brush it aside, and the dreaded threatened use of the guidelines reappears, in an attempt to bring the lower echelons
    into line

    There are even rumours of a super injunction being applied for Wink

  • eyebrowsb
    eyebrowsb Forum Participant Posts: 554
    edited April 2016 #724

    Is that to stop next weeks episode Caravanner100?  lol

    STANO Forum Participant Posts: 16
    edited April 2016 #725

    You too Landsdorf" Ivory towers" Mffia on your trail.Well not till Monday Anyway at the earliest.

  • 19Gra40
    19Gra40 Forum Participant Posts: 49
    edited April 2016 #726

    Have just looked on Twitter site, I cannot believe how many people thought it was  brilliant, I must have missed something,who are these people? obviously not caravanners lol.

  • Lazylady
    Lazylady Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited April 2016 #727

    I found the whole programme embarassing. How you can expect to encourage new members  ,it was a farce . I would imagine there will be a drop in sales of caravans and motorhomes. I think I will remove my club badge, made us all

    laughing stocks





  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,429
    10,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited April 2016 #728

    Have just looked on Twitter site, I cannot believe how many people thought it was  brilliant, I must have missed something,who are these people? obviously not caravanners lol.

    When I last looked a lot of the comments were from staff of CC.

  • flatcoat
    flatcoat Forum Participant Posts: 1,571
    edited April 2016 #729

    Can the CC give the links to all those positive press reviews please? At the moment I am struggling to find any That aren't taking the Micheal...... I remain unconvinced Chris Evans was being entirely serious......

  • JaRT
    JaRT Club Member Posts: 181
    100 Comments Name Dropper
    edited April 2016 #730

    We folks I've just had a reply to my email to the club. You will of course form your own opinions regarding the reply!!

    Thank you for your email.  We appreciate you taking time to contact The Club and we have taken on board the points that you raise.  

    Reviews of the Caravanner of The Year programme in the national media have been, in the very large majority, positive. The amount of coverage that we have received equates to over 30 million of the general public having had the opportunity to see, hear or read about The Caravan Club - this is unprecedented in The Club’s history.   BBC Radio 2 Breakfast Show presenter, Chris Evans, talked positively about the programme, two days in a row. The day after the programme he said ‘what a show… it was brilliant last night… we’ve got another Bake Off on our hands’.  The BBC One Show also invited participants, their vehicles and judges to be on the show where we took the opportunity to talk about the many benefits of our pastime and encouraged people to get out and explore the great outdoors.  

    The overwhelming sentiment on social media following the airing of the programme was positive, and we ranked fourth in Twitter trends on the night. Many of our industry colleagues in caravan and motorhome manufacturing and retail have actively engaged in supporting this initiative.

    We appreciate your feedback and we are sorry you were disappointed with the programme.  

    Robyn Millward 
    Email Support Team
    East Grinstead House, East Grinstead

    Write your comments here...

    Talk about denial . As a humorous program to be laughed at, no doubt many viewer enjoyed it 

    However as per normal, the members speak, and if the higher echelons of the Caravan club do not like what the members say, they simply brush it aside, and the dreaded threatened use of the guidelines reappears, in an attempt to bring the lower echelons into line

    There are even rumours of a super injunction being applied for Wink

    How strange - identical to the response I got!!


    They are clearly NOT interested in what a lot of grass roots members are thinking.

  • catherinef
    catherinef Forum Participant Posts: 647
    edited April 2016 #731

    If the response has been largely positive, why was it necessary to close the Facebook page?

  • JayEss
    JayEss Forum Participant Posts: 1,663
    edited April 2016 #732

    It's starting to get a few positive tweets but it's more from the caravan press and industry. Chris Evans has helped get some positive comments but it's unmissable in a jaw dropping unreality tv sort of way. Caravanners are the main group tweeting negatively

    I think the programme is something or nothing personally but the CC seems to have misjudged the feelings of an awful lot of members. 

  • catherinef
    catherinef Forum Participant Posts: 647
    edited April 2016 #733

    I see the AGM appears to be held around October and full members can vote by post or online if you can't attend.  Think I shall definitely be casting my vote this year.

  • JayEss
    JayEss Forum Participant Posts: 1,663
    edited April 2016 #734

    I vote every year. I vote for female candidates and anyone who appears to be under retirement age. I don't feel represented by the current executive committee or club council at all. 

  • marchhare
    marchhare Forum Participant Posts: 48
    edited April 2016 #735

    We folks I've just had a reply to my email to the club. You will of course form your own opinions regarding the reply!!

    Thank you for your email.  We appreciate you taking time to contact The Club and we have taken on board the points that you raise.  

    Reviews of the Caravanner of The Year programme in the national media have been, in the very large majority, positive. The amount of coverage that we have received equates to over 30 million of the general public having had the opportunity to see, hear
    or read about The Caravan Club - this is unprecedented in The Club’s history.   BBC Radio 2 Breakfast Show presenter, Chris Evans, talked positively about the programme, two days in a row. The day after the programme he said ‘what a show… it was brilliant
    last night… we’ve got another Bake Off on our hands’.  The BBC One Show also invited participants, their vehicles and judges to be on the show where we took the opportunity to talk about the many benefits of our pastime and encouraged people to get out and
    explore the great outdoors.  

    The overwhelming sentiment on social media following the airing of the programme was positive, and we ranked fourth in Twitter trends on the night. Many of our industry colleagues in caravan and motorhome manufacturing and retail have actively engaged
    in supporting this initiative.

    We appreciate your feedback and we are sorry you were disappointed with the programme.  

    Robyn Millward 

    Email Support Team


    East Grinstead House, East Grinstead

    Write your comments here...

    Talk about denial . As a humorous program to be laughed at, no doubt many viewer enjoyed it 

    However as per normal, the members speak, and if the higher echelons of the Caravan club do not like what the members say, they simply brush it aside, and the dreaded threatened use of the guidelines reappears, in an attempt to bring the lower echelons
    into line

    There are even rumours of a super injunction being applied for Wink

    How strange - identical to the response I got!!


    They are clearly NOT interested in what a lot of grass roots members are thinking.

    Write your comments here...I have received exactly the same E Mail, word for word, but from Karen Apling of the E Mail support team. No recognition of the comments from members on CT. Guess we were all wrong and the programme has been a brilliant PR coup
    for the CC.

  • DebBell
    DebBell Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited April 2016 #736

    I have received the same reply - clearly the members opinion counts for nothing !!!!!! Disgusting 

  • smjdmfsf
    smjdmfsf Forum Participant Posts: 28
    edited April 2016 #737

    As new caravaners (2 years) I found the programe entertaining and took it for what it was a bit of fun and in fact showed that like us some members do not take ourselves too seriously. What I did find offensive was the number of members posting on here that
    the Chairman should resign all because he damaged his van and allowed the programe to be shown in the first place. Personally I think too many members on here have too high opinion of themselves and are very quick to condem others for trying something they
    would not. We are a couple in our mid 40's who use our van all year round and find most members helpful and friendly, we have encounter all walks of life young and old and I strongly believe this programe will only have a positive effect on our hobby. Please
    people stop being so serious caravaning is supposed to be fun, sit back have a glass of wine and relax. I say well done Caravan Club

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,399
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited April 2016 #738

     Why can't the CC just admit they have messed up and apologise, instead of sending out silly emails,which none of us believe. They shouldn't care what Chris Eva's thinks - they should care what their paying members think!

  • eribaMotters
    eribaMotters Club Member Posts: 1,245
    1000 Comments 250 Likes Name Dropper
    edited April 2016 #739

    To many pages to sift through, so I'll get to the point. I enjoyed the show. I have caravaned for 14 years and what I saw reflects elements of what I have seen on sites, not just CC sites, both at home and abroad.

    I saw the show not as a members recruitment exercise but as entertainment, and in that it did a good job.

    If members cannot see what is infront of them they need to open their eyes.Get real and as Ken Dodd used to say, exercise your chuckle muscles.


  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited April 2016 #740

    I can only say that in my opinion far too many people commenting here are taking this programme (and themselves) way too seriously. TV programmes like this are supposed to be entertaining, it was never going to be an in-depth look at caravanning for the
    masses, it is a light-hearted pseudo-competition. Not serious at all, I disagreed with some of the elements shown but on the whole I enjoyed it as the car-crash tv it was clearly intended to be. 

    I totally distance myself from those here claiming to speak for 'the membership', everyone knows the majority of people who post on a forum like this do so to complain, while those who are happy with the status quo just carry on with their lives regardless.
    Really if anyone is embarassed to own a caravan or motorhome after this then why did they buy one in the first place if they are such sensitive souls, after all there have always been people out there ready to poke fun at us whenever the occasion arose.


  • RKJ52
    RKJ52 Forum Participant Posts: 130
    First Comment
    edited April 2016 #741

    I can only say that in my opinion far too many people commenting here are taking this programme (and themselves) way too seriously. TV programmes like this are supposed to be entertaining, it was never going to be an in-depth look at caravanning for the
    masses, it is a light-hearted pseudo-competition. Not serious at all, I disagreed with some of the elements shown but on the whole I enjoyed it as the car-crash tv it was clearly intended to be. 

    I totally distance myself from those here claiming to speak for 'the membership', everyone knows the majority of people who post on a forum like this do so to complain, while those who are happy with the status quo just carry on with their lives regardless.
    Really if anyone is embarassed to own a caravan or motorhome after this then why did they buy one in the first place if they are such sensitive souls, after all there have always been people out there ready to poke fun at us whenever the occasion arose.


    I think I could agree with you Alison if it had been advertised as a bit of fun both by the BBC and the CC. However, the club promoted it as Caravanner of the Year and gave the impression it was about those who could drive and manouvere their outfits in
    the most efficient way. Caravanning is for fun, not lining up my knickers in the corrcet fashion or measuring my awning to 3.5 inches. It should also have demonstrated a level of skill in handling caravans not taking the back end off in a display of egocentrical
    bravado. (We are all still waiting for the club to confirm who paid for the damage, their silence says it all, we have). Carrying a thousand quids worth of wedgewood obviously does not improev one's driving skills, so either call the programme carry on caravanning
    or make it a sensible competition. As it stands it is just a joke, which has been identified my National and international press.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,429
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    edited April 2016 #742

    Smjdmfsf and EribaM, you share similar views. I think a lot of people would agree that the program made good light entertainment but you miss the point that it wasn't billed as such and set out to make us believe it was a serious competition. No big deal,
    I can live with and laugh at that.


    What went wrong was CC lending its name to the fiasco and the Chairman showing disrespect to the Club and its members by presenting himself in the way he did and making a hash of the manoeuvres. What a shop window for the Club! How can we have faith in
    the judgement of people who allowed this to take place?


    Then the corporate mail arrives attempting to put a positive spin on things which further shows they are treating members with disrespect.

  • RichardPitman
    RichardPitman Forum Participant Posts: 127
    edited April 2016 #743

    I have just received the standard email response to my own email objecting to the programme, and before reading any of the recent responses on this thread, my reaction was that the CC are in denial, frantically attempting to justify a PR disaster.

    I enjoyed Top Gear, and have no problem whatsoever with their taking the mick, everyone knows that TG was intended as entertainment. Quite what the object of COTY was is lost on me, nearly as risible as the ridiculous Caravan TV channel on satellite.

  • carvanner100
    carvanner100 Forum Participant Posts: 42
    edited April 2016 #744

     Why can't the CC just admit they have messed up and apologise.

     they should care what their paying members think!

    Write your comments here...


     Admit their wrong, care about what the paying member of the club think

    HA HA HA HA stop it,  my stomachs hurting Happy

  • zummerset2
    zummerset2 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited April 2016 #745

    Just watched first part of this programme will not be watching second part. Thought I would be looking at people who deserved winning the Title but, what a load of rubbish no wonder why other road users think caravaners are morons if the people taking part
    are meant to be the cream of the club members. The idea of the show is fantastic and if you do a second series please drivers who know what they are doing.  

  • OnlyJen
    OnlyJen Forum Participant Posts: 146
    edited April 2016 #746

    I can only say that in my opinion far too many people commenting here are taking this programme (and themselves) way too seriously. TV programmes like this are supposed to be entertaining, it was never going to be an in-depth look at caravanning for the
    masses, it is a light-hearted pseudo-competition. Not serious at all, I disagreed with some of the elements shown but on the whole I enjoyed it as the car-crash tv it was clearly intended to be. 

    I totally distance myself from those here claiming to speak for 'the membership', everyone knows the majority of people who post on a forum like this do so to complain, while those who are happy with the status quo just carry on with their lives regardless.
    Really if anyone is embarassed to own a caravan or motorhome after this then why did they buy one in the first place if they are such sensitive souls, after all there have always been people out there ready to poke fun at us whenever the occasion arose.


    Agreed but....

    For the fact it opened with a statement of anything but fun, referring to those who have "battled through to the Semi finals" as "the elite"  and all judged by the "aristocracy".

    Anyone tuning in to watch the "elite" perform masterpiece executions of caravanning craft whilst the "aristocracy"  trashed nice new-looking caravans in boys-own pranks would, I'm afraid, go away with a very jaundiced view of those who like to enjoy the
    great outdoors.

    Nothing to do with me really Allison, I don't rally, have a state of the art "go anywhere" 4WD camper and see the CC as a service provider and not a "club" but taking a backseat indifferent view it was silly, gender-stereotyped and painted caravanners as
    very odd people indeed. 


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,083
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    edited April 2016 #747

    So come on be honest, are you going to watch next week? Bet you do!

    Bet you I don't!! Never ever watch any "Reality"TV. What a bl**dy waste of time!!

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,396
    10,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited April 2016 #748

    I keep hearing mention of a cooking competition and fancy dress in the next programme. Is this really true? Are there video clips confirming this?

  • Wezweld
    Wezweld Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited April 2016 #749

    Light hearted fun, NOT! I have never been so embarrassed to be a member of a club.  I will now remove all my caravan club sickers from my van in fear of being ridiculed over this fiasco of a show. I have entered track tests etc. This I have no words for.
    Mr chairman you should resign for this. Caravans have a hard enough time, this just makes it worse. 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,083
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    edited April 2016 #750

    For thise who missed the show 

    I don't think anyone missed it Viv, seems like a good turnout Happy Was that the correct phrase / description?


    Pleased to say that I missed it, and will certainly not bother to watch any other episode of it either. However glancing at some of the comments on here I certainly glad I didn't waste my evening.

  • marchhare
    marchhare Forum Participant Posts: 48
    edited April 2016 #751

    Looking on You Tube and the teaser for episode 2, it seems that one of the tasks involves navigation on the road. Guess what happens........they all seem to get lost, who would have thought that.