Caravanner of the Year on BBC this April!



  • sailorgirl2
    sailorgirl2 Forum Participant Posts: 153
    edited April 2016 #572

    Very Sad! Not a good, or true representation of the Caravan Club....... In fact, Shambolic.

    Write your comments you mean this Forum or the programme?

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited April 2016 #573

    Well, I think the great British Caravanning fraternity have expressed what they think - me included and although posts may have been removed, I think the message re bafoonary will have reached EG Towers and there will be a little unease in the hallowed corridors!
     Thanks to CT for at least bearing with us while we ranted! Time to move on.

  • RKJ52
    RKJ52 Forum Participant Posts: 130
    First Comment
    edited April 2016 #574

    Well, I think the great British Caravanning fraternity have expressed what they think - me included and although posts may have been removed, I think the message re bafoonary will have reached EG Towers and there will be a little unease in the hallowed corridors!
     Thanks to CT for at least bearing with us while we ranted! Time to move on.

    Well at least until next week

    STANO Forum Participant Posts: 16
    edited April 2016 #575

    Just incase East Grinstead doesn't read these posts Why not send an email direct to this link www.caravanclub.CO.UK/contact- us  and register your disapproval.

  • Tco
    Tco Forum Participant Posts: 6
    edited April 2016 #576

    Sadly the club have shot themselves in the foot getting involved in this fiasco. The Chairman has made himself look a complete prune and done damage to the reputation of the club.

    He has proved that although it takes yeasr to build up a reputation as being a sensible and responsible organisation, it takes only one idiotic action to destroy it.  The TV company involved must be rubbing their hands together in delight at succeeding in
    persuading a (previously thought of) eminent person to play the clown for the general public's entertainment. 

      Suspecting how difficult it will be to unseat him, I call upon him to resign for bringing the club into disrepute.  His actions were a disgrace.Embarassed

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2016 #577

    Well, I think the great British Caravanning fraternity have expressed what they think - me included and although posts may have been removed, I think the message re bafoonary will have reached EG Towers and there will be a little unease in the hallowed corridors!  Thanks to CT for at least bearing with us while we ranted! Time to move on.

    I  reckon  there  will  be  loads  of  spare  Sites  Directories  available  for  next  year  Merve  !!  How  many  can  you  handle   Innocent ??

  • Tco
    Tco Forum Participant Posts: 6
    edited April 2016 #578

    Clearly someone is removing posts they don't agree with. Grow a pair and let us mere members know your playing at......If your complicit be prepared to justify yourselves. ? cannot censor all social media.....this is only going to get worse....just remember your not as big as Tesco or Vw.....bigger names have disappeared from the world than the CC who ignore what's staring them in the face.


    And posts as rude as this will get the thread closed down

    Write your comments here...there is nothing rude about the post of which you complain. It is merely stating facts, if in slightly colourful language. The attempt to censor member's views on their own forum only makes matters worse.

  • Sioban
    Sioban Forum Participant Posts: 6
    edited April 2016 #579

    A total insult to the membership. A lost opportunity to portray our amazing hobby, it just made us all look ridiculous. A sad day for the CC. 

  • ct955
    ct955 Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited April 2016 #580

    I did not enjoy the programme because I couldn't decide if it was meant to be serious or a comedy. I am disappointed that the club appeared to be taking it seriously.

    In my relatively short membership and use of club sites this was not a reflection of the people we have met. It will not stop us from caravanning or using club sites but I did suffer in the staffroom today! Luckily the jokes do not bother me.

    I do question the judgement of the chairman in tackling the slope with his van and allowing the footage to be shown. It is in my opinion a missed opportunity on the clubs part to promote caravanning but in the long term I doubt it will do permanent damage.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2016 #581

    I  bet  Rowena  is  glad  to  be  on  M/Leave  right  now  !!

    And  I  guess  RochelleCC  has  definitely  picked  the  shortest  of  short  straws.

  • catherinef
    catherinef Forum Participant Posts: 647
    edited April 2016 #582

    Not sure who raised but you are right CC have closed their Facebook page. Do they not realise this only makes it worse. Someone in the CC has cocked up (and I think we all know who) so just accept it, and do the honourable thing. Do you think he will have
    his membership cancelled?

    Write your comments here... Was me!  The page is totally blank.  So I think that's a measure of how bad the response is.  

  • ATDel
    ATDel Forum Participant Posts: 335
    edited April 2016 #583

    Clearly someone is removing posts they don't agree with. Grow a pair and let us mere members know WTF your playing at......If your complicit be prepared to justify yourselves. ? cannot censor all social media.....this is only going to get worse....just
    remember your not as big as Tesco or Vw.....bigger names have disappeared from the world than the CC who ignore what's staring them in the face.


    And posts as rude as this will get the thread closed down

    Write your comments here...there is nothing rude about the post of which you complain. It is merely stating facts, if in slightly colourful language. The attempt to censor member's views on their own forum only makes matters worse.

    Clearly we have different standards, please don't "try and sensor" my opinion!!!


  • Freddie101
    Freddie101 Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited April 2016 #584

    Please spare a thought for the good hearted but clearly inexperienced competitors. On face value they had no idea of what they were going to be asked to do. As members if we see people struggling we would offer help would'nt we and not humiliate them. So
    yes this programme made caravanners look inexperienced but anyone with half a brain cell would know that we are not all like that. The competitors had guts to join in and the CC should be ashamed of themselves for their part in their humiliation.

  • JimnyBobbins
    JimnyBobbins Forum Participant Posts: 61
    edited April 2016 #585

    I reckon most people, posting on here would fail the reversing test. 

    No sense of proportion.  

    the reversing part done inside the barn is the same as the dvla reversing part of the towing test. 

  • vivien
    vivien Forum Participant Posts: 449
    edited April 2016 #586

    I had a phone call from a night lorry driver yesterday early evening. Three fellow CC members told him about the program so had recorded it. This was the first chance he had had to veiw it after a 14 hour shift. His comment was below!

    'I have just wasted an hour of my life watching this sh*t, what the hell were the Caravan Club thinking? Who the hell was the idiot trying to drive up that hill? He needs his brains tested'!

    Another CC member who is leaving as he also said ' they look after my money, God help us'!

    I have ti agree!

  • kie68
    kie68 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited April 2016 #587

    I have watched the programme. I don't have a problem with any of the competitors on the show. There are a wide range of people who use caravans and motorhomes. My problem is purely with the chairman of the caravan club. Never has a chairman done more damage
    to a corporation since Gerald Ratner described their jewellery as crap. He came across as totally anal. It is going to take a lot of hard work from the marketing team to recover the image of the club. 

  • JCB4X4
    JCB4X4 Forum Participant Posts: 466
    edited April 2016 #588

    'They walk amongst us'  Worried.

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited April 2016 #589

    Will "a thousand quids worth of Wedgewood" have taken the weight over MTPLM and give the insurers a reason to reject any claim?

  • GodivaNige
    GodivaNige Forum Participant Posts: 606
    edited April 2016 #590

    Will "a thousand quids worth of Wedgewood" have taken the weight over MTPLM and give the insurers a reason to reject any claim?

    Regardless, fifty quids worth of melamine and clear plastic does the job just as well and doesn't mark one down as a pretentious fool (watch this post get swiftly removed Wink )

  • sherlockholmes
    sherlockholmes Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited April 2016 #591

    Oh dear, dear, dear… a caravaner for near 40 years, and all enjoyable. A club member for near 30 years, I feel compelled to add comment like so many others after watching Caravaner Of The Year! What an utter disgrace that our Senior representatives and
    the Caravan Club managed to get this so wrong! Such an opportunity missed to promote our club and the benefits that caravanning has to offer, and the professional way in which the organisation is run.


    This was a complete comedy farce, NO...not even funny, what ever do the clubs P.R. department do? Do we have one? did no-one even think, preview or think what the effects of such a poorly produced piece of TV would have on the Caravan Club??


    I do believe rather than organising future “Grand Annual Events” and “Glitzy Get Togethers” our senior club representatives should be out at sites meeting club members / wardens and getting back to grass roots of what its all about and what members want.
    I do believe they have got “To Big For There Boots”! It resembles a club for the elite at senior level. If I had produced such a piece of work for my current employers, I would be hugely embarrassed never mind the impact and perception that would have on the


    Remember what happened to Fred Goodwin, he was getting to big for his boots also!


  • MJ730
    MJ730 Forum Participant Posts: 184
    edited April 2016 #592

    Just wondering but if the club were set up by the BBC was poor Rochelle set up by the club to take the flak they knew would come.


  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited April 2016 #593

    Remember what happened to Fred Goodwin, ...

    He rode off into the sunset with a fistful of dollars..... Lesser mortals just get a P45.

  • Justus2
    Justus2 Forum Participant Posts: 897
    edited April 2016 #594

    I do believe rather than organising future “Grand Annual Events” and “Glitzy Get Togethers” our senior club representatives should be out at sites meeting club members / wardens and getting back to grass roots of what its all about and what members want.
    I do believe they have got “To Big For There Boots”! It resembles a club for the elite at senior level. If I had produced such a piece of work for my current employers, I would be hugely embarrassed never mind the impact and perception that would have on the
    company!  Remember what happened to Fred Goodwin, he was getting to big for his boots also!


    I agree !

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2016 #595
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • Pathfinder
    Pathfinder Forum Participant Posts: 4,446
    edited April 2016 #596

    I’ve started an alternative thread.  It is an invitation to all to turn your considerable talents to the positive side and tell CC Ltd what we would like to see and how it should be portrayed.     

    Write your comments here...and the title of the thread is..........

  • cariadon
    cariadon Forum Participant Posts: 861
    edited April 2016 #597

    I have read than many of you are going to cancell your bookings and also cancel your membership, how many have already done so, and will it mean that many sites will now have empty pitches on the weekend that the rest of us can now book, or have you calmed
    down and changed your minds. Just asking because we can all do and say what we think is a good idea only to regret it later.

  • JaRT
    JaRT Club Member Posts: 181
    100 Comments Name Dropper
    edited April 2016 #598

    My my somebody has been busy with the pruning shears since I last looked here.....

  • Disco2003
    Disco2003 Forum Participant Posts: 85
    edited April 2016 #599

    Schoolboy jokes about erections, boasting about a £1000 of Wedgewood, Gin and Tonic not level, damaging a caravan by irresponsible behaviour ( no doubt claiming it on Caravan Club Insurance) with all that so called experience not, as a judge, pointing out
    it is impossible to reverse a very small trailer. More and more. This unfortunately to me demonstrates the remote world that the people who run our club, sorry their business, live in. Very sad that they let this happen and allowed this portrayal of our hobby.
    Facebook page shut, and posts removed. What is going on. You can't blame the TV programme makers from showing what the Club set up. PS I thought you couldn't reserve pitches together on a Club Site?

  • RKJ52
    RKJ52 Forum Participant Posts: 130
    First Comment
    edited April 2016 #600

    I have read than many of you are going to cancell your bookings and also cancel your membership, how many have already done so, and will it mean that many sites will now have empty pitches on the weekend that the rest of us can now book, or have you calmed
    down and changed your minds. Just asking because we can all do and say what we think is a good idea only to regret it later.

    There is defintely a free pitch at Tewkesbury this weekend if anyone wants it, I have gone to Blackmore (CCC) instead.

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited April 2016 #601

    The Chairman and Executive Committee will probably go into hiding until the furore has died down and then it's busness as usual as by that time this farce will have been forgotten!

    I wonder who is instructing who to remove posts?