Caravanner of the Year on BBC this April!



  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited April 2016 #602

    Have I missed it, or has there been no input from head office explaining the head office reason why they were so proud to portray the caravanning fraternity in such a manner.

    K Cool


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,165
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    edited April 2016 #603

    What I wonder were the CC marketing department thinking about, letting managers anywhere near this production!  My daughter works in the marketing department of a large organisation and her take is that when management get involve in stuff they don't understand
    it usually balloons out of control.  She said when they, the marketing department have control, their mantra is always reputation of the organisation. Her advice to the CC is don't let managers anywhere near TV cameras

  • flatcoat
    flatcoat Forum Participant Posts: 1,571
    edited April 2016 #604

    I can assure the poster above that unless the CC come up with a good explanation I will not be renewing. I don't have a problem with it being light entertainment and not meant to be taken seriously, however If that was the case then I do have a problem with
    the CC actively supporting it as something it wasn't meant to be.

  • RKJ52
    RKJ52 Forum Participant Posts: 130
    First Comment
    edited April 2016 #605

    Have I missed it, or has there been no input from head office explaining the head office reason why they were so proud to portray the caravanning fraternity in such a manner.

    K Cool


    Kennine, you are expecting too much for them to raise their heads above the parapet, but we know they are watching as posts keep disapearing (and facebook closed) if anyone put thes the blame at an egocentric Chairman.

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited April 2016 #606

    Is it December when the flurry of online bookings take place! Well there's going to be lots of room and choice for me now

  • Aspenshaw
    Aspenshaw Forum Participant Posts: 611
    edited April 2016 #607

    Grenville and some of his management colleagues were at the West Central Q&A. I gained the impression they knew much more about what is going on than members give them credit. Ordinary people do not make exceptional TV. It was a mistake to get involved in
    this given the way the BBC turned out the first episode. But just because one mistake - in my eyes - has been made is no reason for me to walk away from being a member. I expect membership will flourish as we attract the escapists who realise they can be something
    completely different on a caravan site. Life on site could become more interesting.

  • ClubMember250538036E
    ClubMember250538036E Forum Participant Posts: 13
    edited April 2016 #608

    Does anyone know how many votes the Chairman received at the last election? It seems that there are at least 600 members who will vote against him if he doesn't do the decent thing and resign.

  • RKJ52
    RKJ52 Forum Participant Posts: 130
    First Comment
    edited April 2016 #609

    Grenville and some of his management colleagues were at the West Central Q&A. I gained the impression they knew much more about what is going on than members give them credit. Ordinary people do not make exceptional TV. It was a mistake to get involved in
    this given the way the BBC turned out the first episode. But just because one mistake - in my eyes - has been made is no reason for me to walk away from being a member. I expect membership will flourish as we attract the escapists who realise they can be something
    completely different on a caravan site. Life on site could become more interesting.

    But they will feel so inadequate without their Wedgewood, and think of the additional expense of having to buy new colour co-ordinated underwear.Happy

    PATMAU Forum Participant Posts: 250
    edited April 2016 #610

    Can't find my 2 earlier posts from yesterday.  Have I been victim of the phantom post cutter.  Mine didn't mention he who must not be named, but did suggest that for next weeks final they could have toilet paper folding origami style, but what is wrong with
    that, lol.

  • eyebrowsb
    eyebrowsb Forum Participant Posts: 554
    edited April 2016 #611

    Can't find my 2 earlier posts from yesterday.  Have I been victim of the phantom post cutter.  Mine didn't mention he who must not be named, but did suggest that for next weeks final they could have toilet paper folding origami style, but what is wrong with
    that, lol.

    You have just spoiled the plot PatMau. They wanted to keep it a secret. lol  

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2016 #612

    'They walk amongst us'  Worried.

    And,  sadly,  they  breed  as  well  Embarassed

    PATMAU Forum Participant Posts: 250
    edited April 2016 #613

    Can't find my 2 earlier posts from yesterday.  Have I been victim of the phantom post cutter.  Mine didn't mention he who must not be named, but did suggest that for next weeks final they could have toilet paper folding origami style, but what is wrong with
    that, lol.

    You have just spoiled the plot PatMau. They wanted to keep it a secret. lol  

    Ah, lynnruby, sorry for the spoiler alert, lol.

  • geordie01
    geordie01 Forum Participant Posts: 108
    edited April 2016 #614

    What a sorry excuse of a tv programme, I turned it off after the guy ripped the back off his caravan it had to be setup no one could be that stupid

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited April 2016 #615

    Wanna bet?

  • Tarmyn
    Tarmyn Forum Participant Posts: 49
    edited April 2016 #616

    So sad , been a loyal member of the club for the last 25 yrs and to see all these comments most of them I agree with ! 

  • Maggie
    Maggie Forum Participant Posts: 37
    First Comment
    edited April 2016 #617

    My advice is for the members to take an extra blood pressure tablet and have an afternoon nap, there there it'll be alright tomorrow.

    Write your comments here...Of course Dave there is nought to get all hot and bothered about. What was seen on last nights show is so familiar to the rallying fraternity. Thats what rallies are about. The chairman was just catering for the regional and district


    Write your comments here...What nonsense Kennine, having rallyed ffor over forty years believe me this is not what rally's are all about. Far from it. 

  • JayEss
    JayEss Forum Participant Posts: 1,663
    edited April 2016 #618

    I'm not sure that calling for the resignation of Grenville Chamberlain is directing dissatisfaction at the right target. 

    My membership was hanging in the balance before this programme due to the Broadway debacle which as far as I'm aware Grenville Chamberlain was not made fully aware of. The buck does indeed stop with the Chairman but as in Government there are rafts of advisors
    doing the groundwork which is then signed off by the Chairman and committee. Our chairman clearly intended to see the profile of the club raised in a light hearted way. If it was misjudged then so be it. These things happen. The CC has always been the butt
    of jokes and nothing is likely to change that.

    In my view the problems lie elsewhere. There's a managing director responsible for the day to day running of the business side of things. Marketing, promotion, estate management and membership issues falls under his remit.  That is where I have my issues
    with the CC. 

  • Wigwam47
    Wigwam47 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited April 2016 #619

    Maybe you would change this post now the program has been on

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited April 2016 #620

    My advice is for the members to take an extra blood pressure tablet and have an afternoon nap, there there it'll be alright tomorrow.

    Write your comments here...Of course Dave there is nought to get all hot and bothered about. What was seen on last nights show is so familiar to the rallying fraternity. Thats what rallies are about. The chairman was just catering for the regional and district


    Write your comments here...What nonsense Kennine, having rallyed ffor over forty years believe me this is not what rally's are all about. Far from it. 

    Write your comments here...You are entitled to your opinion. But  You forget,  I have rallied for many years and have seen examples of all the dressing up and pretty van competitions E.t.c  that the chairman has included in his programme,  on various rallies

    As I said elsewhere , IF the chairman had named the programme " Rallyist of the year" there would have been no adverse comments from the vast majority of the caravanning fraternity. 



  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,896
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    edited April 2016 #621


    Write your comments here...What nonsense Kennine, having rallyed ffor over forty years believe me this is not what rally's are all about. Far from it. 

    Come on Maggie. Top of the list of current rallies on the Club website is Dyfed Centre running a car and caravan reversing competition. The sort of thing that was in the TV programme.

  • pete57
    pete57 Forum Participant Posts: 59
    edited April 2016 #622

    Personally i don't care what other people MAY think of us caravanners after watching this programe, but i am glad that it has highlited the standard of driving (or lack of) displayed. Just being able to put a caravan on the back of a car and drive on the
    roads with NO test of any sort is IMO frightening.



  • carvanner100
    carvanner100 Forum Participant Posts: 42
    edited April 2016 #623

    Why any one complains about he BBC, i do not  understand

    This is the caravan club shooting, the caravan  club it members and caravaners in general, in the  foot

    It  was the Caravan club that devised the tests, and then judged ,and picked the finalist, not the BBC

    The programme would have been viewed by the Caravan  Club, and passed before  transmission as in there view, a good portrayal and advertisement of the reality of the   club , the pastime, and it members today

    The BBC simply transmitted how the  Caravan  club, the chairman, and the committee  of the  Caravan Club ,view it members, the pastime  ,and their vision of the  Club and caravanning.

    The programme shows, that  probably many of the individuals employed by the Caravan Club,  who where  involved with the programme, seemed to have  no idea of the reality of today's members.  Probably due to not owning a caravan,  or motor home, and have no first hand, real up to date practical experience of the pastime, as it is today

    It also shows  the out of touch mentality, of the Chairman, the upper echelons of the Caravan Club, and many that are employed by them

    So now we know  what these people are like , if these people  get chosen again to lead the club, then the members have only them selves to blame 

  • JohnM20
    JohnM20 Club Member Posts: 1,421
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited April 2016 #624

    My thoughts about the programme have been said many, many times throughout this thread. It was an inept embarrassing portrayal of what was purported to be not just your average caravanner but the best selected by a competition. It was utter drivel and in
    no way reflected what I have seen on sites over the last 40 years. As for the chairman's stupid attempt to get up that hill, words almost fail me. Such an irresponsible thing to attempt, and for what reason? It was obvious before he strated that he was never
    going to make it and, attacking any hill at speed is completely the wrong way to get up, even if there hadn't been the obvious problem with angles.

    The whole programme suggested that this behaviour, as portrayed, was what all caravanners do. Nothing could be further fro the truth.

    Whoever from the CC was involved in commisioning this debacle should seriously consider their position and, at the absolute minimum issue an apology to all members for portraying us as they did. The chairman stated in the programme that the buck stopped
    with him. Well, Mr Chamberlain, the buck has stopped so it is time to go and let someone with more common sense and ability take charge before you sink the ship completely.

    I cannot recall any thread with so many postings in such a short time and from so many members. This in itself says a great deal about the abilities of some at the helm of the Caravan Club.

  • carvanner100
    carvanner100 Forum Participant Posts: 42
    edited April 2016 #625

    What is the point of not renewing your  membership, cancelling holidays etc

    What is needed is a change  of Chairman, the executive committee, and those that are out of touch  with  the pastime, and its membership, as it is today 

  • Bob2112
    Bob2112 Forum Participant Posts: 276
    edited April 2016 #626

    It was only a telly programme. It's not real.

  • flatcoat
    flatcoat Forum Participant Posts: 1,571
    edited April 2016 #627

    The last thing I ever wanted when buying a caravan is to take part in rallies! I would rather not have a van. However This programme seemed to be aimed at that sector which is a small section of the caravanning community, not the wider range of members and caravanners. We all have a van for different reasons. I do accept the BBC will have engineered the programme to show a certain slant and producers will and do put intense pressure on participants to create 'good' TV without thought for the impact on those concerned. However an organisation of the scale of the CC should be clued up when it comes to PR and simply should not have allowed itself to get involved in this programme. 

    The members (who pay the chairmans wage.....) deserve an explanation, and today, not next week/month/year/never...... 

  • Phil
    Phil Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited April 2016 #628

    Think of it this way, the only contact that G Chamberlain and the exec committee has with members of the club is in their dealings with the outdated regional and district rally committees. He will never come in contact with normal CC members.
    He would therefore think that this type of programme is what the CC is all about.

    No doubt, with this programme, he has inadvertantly pleased the tiny rallying community, but has really offended the vast majority of normal caravanners.

    K Cool


    K, I've not bothered to read all the way through this post, and am certainly not a supporter of CC Management, however it just so happens that GC does mix with we lowly members of the CC. He was pitched up on the pitch next to our on the Much Wenlock site
    a couple of years ago.

    Write your comments here...

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited April 2016 #629

    As for the chairman's stupid attempt to get up that hill, words almost fail me. Such an irresponsible thing to attempt, and for what reason? It was obvious before he strated that he was never going to make it and, attacking any hill at speed is completely
    the wrong way to get up, even if there hadn't been the obvious problem with angles.


    We are not familar with the vehicle used, but thought he was using a 4x4 however obviously never selected the 4x4 drive or didn't know where it is in his vehicle.  That is in addition, to defying the laws of physics.

  • MartinJK
    MartinJK Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited April 2016 #630

    Its not really worth making any comment. ITS ALL BEEN SAID, VERY EMBARRASSING !!!

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited April 2016 #631

    Wednesday nights have never been so exciting, I'm going to make next Wednesday a 'fish and chip' night with my cider(s), and get a few friends in Happy

    .... if I have any left after last Wednesday Sad
