Caravanner of the Year on BBC this April!



  • goperson
    goperson Forum Participant Posts: 41
    edited April 2016 #332

    Mr chairman Grenville Chamberlain

       Caravaner of the year shown on BBC in no way reflects anything a person would do to warrant this title and only shows a bunch of people picked at there very best for entertainment by lack of caravan skills, this is such a wasted opportunity not only
    for the CC but also tens of thousands of ordinary caravaners who's hobby laid open to ridicule with leadership lacking organisation of Dads Army.

         The above is just a general comment but Mr Chairman your participation in the show has demonstrated such a lack of your ability in understanding towing caravans more practice would seem in order.

          I assume the decision on the format was a collective one after much research but the person who has the final yes should now explain to membership how this unfortunate reflection on my club happened and can they still lead my club.

  • Fiestaracing
    Fiestaracing Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited April 2016 #333

    I too watched the COTY programme and I was bemused at just what the purpose really was of making such a show. If it was meant to be serious then it blatantly failed. As a comedy of errors - it succeeded. Quite how the CClub thought that this would promote
    the Club and its members in a positive light needs to have a re-think. The concept could and should have worked and made into a great platform for the Club. It failed dismally. Whoever came up with this idea should consider not coming up with any more. It
    was cringeworthy!!

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,894
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    edited April 2016 #334

    I wasn't as appalled or embarrassed as many of you. I've seen some caravan owners doing all those things and behaving in all those ways so many times in real life. That's how some of them are. All pretty true to life I thought. 

  • Simpleton855
    Simpleton855 Forum Participant Posts: 72
    edited April 2016 #335

    It certainly appears to have touched a nerve with some of you guys.

    I personally expected it to be a light-hearted look at caravanning and that`s exactly what it was. Anybody who expected a serious bit of TV when it was titled `caravanner of the year` needs to lighten up a bit.

    I`m amazed that members on here are talking about leaving the club on the back of this, it really is cutting your nose off to spite your face!

    Use and enjoy the club for what it gives you, life is too short to worry about what others think about caravanning.

    I even enjoyed watching that clown rip the back off his van...

  • hostahousey
    hostahousey Forum Participant Posts: 7,903
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    edited April 2016 #336

    It certainly appears to have touched a nerve with some of you guys.

    I personally expected it to be a light-hearted look at caravanning and that`s exactly what it was. Anybody who expected a serious bit of TV when it was titled `caravanner of the year` needs to lighten up a bit.

    I`m amazed that members on here are talking about leaving the club on the back of this, it really is cutting your nose off to spite your face!

    Use and enjoy the club for what it gives you, life is too short to worry about what others think about caravanning.

    I even enjoyed watching that clown rip the back off his van...

    Write your comments here...That was't a clown ,it was Captain Mannering, ....I think!!

  • FamilyCaravanner
    FamilyCaravanner Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited April 2016 #337

    Sorry but it failed miserably at being light hearted - the p taking at work this morning is unbelievable...people really think we are all like this - anal(knicker folders!), crap drivers and all over 60! 

  • Simpleton855
    Simpleton855 Forum Participant Posts: 72
    edited April 2016 #338

    Sorry but it failed miserably at being light hearted - the p taking at work this morning is unbelievable...people really think we are all like this - anal(knicker folders!), crap drivers and all over 60! 

    And you`re really bothered about what others think?

    Get a grip.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2016 #339
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • jamesbofishman
    jamesbofishman Forum Participant Posts: 25
    edited April 2016 #340

    Come on Rochele you were the first to start this topic and surely you were not advertising it without seeing it first? Your comments are conspicuous  by their absence!



  • Hakinbush
    Hakinbush Forum Participant Posts: 286
    edited April 2016 #341

    Sorry but it failed miserably at being light hearted - the p taking at work this morning is unbelievable...people really think we are all like this - anal(knicker folders!), crap drivers and all over 60! 

    And you`re really bothered about what others think?

    Get a grip.


  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited April 2016 #342

    I do wonder how long the club will allow honest comment from their members via this thread.  It's not the first time that quite innocent threads discussing senior CC management decisions have mysteriously disappeared. 

    Once the CC chairman has done the honourable thing and resigned, the CC will be able to continue as before, but hopefully will have taken note of the  management failure in partaking in this programme which has spoiled the reputation of the CC in the short term. 


  • eyebrowsb
    eyebrowsb Forum Participant Posts: 554
    edited April 2016 #343

    We are delighted to announce that our ‘Caravanner of the Year’ competition was filmed by the BBC and will be on
    BBC2 on 20 and 27 April!...

    ..Tune in and watch, and don’t forget to tell your friends and family about it too!


    We certaily did Rochelle.  Not sure I want to tell my friends and family though.  lol  I am having to wear a wig now to go out........


  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited April 2016 #344

    Sorry but it failed miserably at being light hearted - the p taking at work this morning is unbelievable...people really think we are all like this - anal(knicker folders!), crap drivers and all over 60! 

    And you`re really bothered about what others think?

    Get a grip.


    Plus another, I shall carry on as before, who cares. All this moaning just reinforces others opinions that caravan owners are all 'stuffed shirts'.

  • paul56
    paul56 Forum Participant Posts: 937
    edited April 2016 #345

    Watching the clown rip the back off his van was fun (bearing in mind who he is) ...but as has been said who is paying for it and who's van was it (missed the begginning!)? As with others I am of the opinion that this was an opportunity missed to promote
    caravanning and the Club. What a shame and whoever sanctioned this in the CClub should consider their position. Fancy dress and cooking skills is it next week...riveting tv

  • MrWBolton
    MrWBolton Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited April 2016 #346

    Embarresed! If this show was advertised to be what it clearly intended to be, It's title should have been 'Carry on Caravaning' That way we would have expected a p**s take.

    The amount of ridicule that this programme has brought on passionate club members is scandelous..Shame on both the BBC and the CC.

    I too feel the Charman's resignation would be  wholly appropriate. Should he choose to stay, it will only be until the next membership vote!


  • Rubytuesday
    Rubytuesday Forum Participant Posts: 952
    edited April 2016 #347

    Waiting with great anticipation for the club mag 

    lets see how Grenville talks himself out of this one ,

    Or Will He Undecided

    proberly blame it all on the editing by The BBC , but in all fairness were the heck did they get the contestants from 

  • Simpleton855
    Simpleton855 Forum Participant Posts: 72
    edited April 2016 #348

    As with others I am of the opinion that this was an opportunity missed to promote caravanning and the Club.

    Seriously though, how exactly could the show have promoted the club and caravanning?

    Those who have zero interest in caravanning are unlikely to be swayed by 60 minutes on TV. It`s a hobby you either get, or you don`t.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,840
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    edited April 2016 #349

    Not all of them were over 60 - there was the delightful young couple with the camper van and the eriba, and not all of them were 'stuffed shirts'. I though the 2 women who drove in the driving skills section who had never towed/driven the motorhome before were incredibaly brave and very good.  It showed what people can do if they put their mind to it.  We all know that the awning is a 'divorce in a bag' and have quietly laughed behind the curtains on site (as I am sure others have at us on occasion) - so what's new there? Lighten up everybody and stop taking yourselves so seriously

  • ianbh
    ianbh Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited April 2016 #350

    Agree with previous comments. What is the Club thinking of. The programme made the point these were the best caravannners in the club membership. If this is the image the Caravan Club want to project maybe I am in the wrong club. These people belong in a sit com. I've been caravanning since 1968, campervans and caravans and have rarely seen such complete incompetence.

  • festerbestertester
    festerbestertester Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited April 2016 #351

    I have just managed to watch IT.

    The excuse may have been put forward that it was lighthearted.....I for one am gob-smacked fancy ripping the back out of a caravan like that.

     Fancy suddenly saying to partner YOU WILL DRIVE.....I know what my reply would have been....bullying or what?

    White gloves...!!!   How dare he?

    Joke or not I will now reconcider re-joining next year which also means not re-insuring with you.

    On the plus side we did laugh...but only because of how ridiculous the programme was.

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited April 2016 #352

    Seems to be a split vote at the moment, 50/50, only 6 days to go for part 2 Wink

  • Canenriot
    Canenriot Forum Participant Posts: 113
    First Comment
    edited April 2016 #353

    I persevered with the program as I was pleasently surprised to see David (young man of 42) on the program as I used to work with him  quite a few years ago and I felt he was portrayed as he actually is, and he also does have an excellent knowledge of both caravans and motorhomes. I thought it was stupid to get his mum to do a reverese at 82 when its quite clear she does not tow the caravan , i felt they were using her for the entertainment factor which i think was cruel but good on her she had a go.

    Words fail me in respect of the chairman was he for real ?

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2016 #354

    We were at Ferry Meadows when they were doing some "extra" filming and the way they were putting questions to people on site as to what they wanted on film,  and after last nights showing,and talking to some friends just now, it should have rung alarm bellsUndecided

  • JaRT
    JaRT Club Member Posts: 181
    100 Comments Name Dropper
    edited April 2016 #355


    Not all of them were over 60 - there was the delightful young couple with the camper van and the eriba, and not all of them were 'stuffed shirts'. I though the 2 women who drove in the driving skills section who had never towed/driven the motorhome before were incredibaly brave and very good.  It showed what people can do if they put their mind to it.  We all know that the awning is a 'divorce in a bag' and have quietly laughed behind the curtains on site - no what's new there? Lighten up everybody and stop taking yourselves so seriously

    However it's not about 'lightening up' there is a serious issue here and that is one of how our leisure time pursuit is promoted to the general public, many of whom already have a downer on us. Now when you talk about 'lightening up' I laughed with most people at the antics of Clarkson because that was his brief ie to take the mickey out of us and that was fine (puls of course he is a bit of an oaf) - do I expect our Chairman and the Caravan Club to collude in such 'mickey taking'?? well no sorry I do not. I expect the club and it's senior members to be ambassadors for the hobby particularly in a program such as this.


    The bottom line is either the Chairman and senior staff were incredibly niave and were led by the producers in the aim of making a 'good' TV program or they colluded with them knowing how the progtram was formatted. Either way the Chair is simply not fit for the office he holds because it shows a serious lack of good judgment.


    The simple question to ask should have been 'will this program enhance the image of caravanning and the caravan club in the eyes of the general public', it's obvious the answer would be 'no' but then we are talking here about somebody who thought it was possible to get their 'van up a slope that to anbody with any sort of experience would/should realise was impossible without damaging your 'van.



  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2016 #356
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited April 2016 #357

    Not all of them were over 60 - there was the delightful young couple with the camper van and the eriba, and not all of them were 'stuffed shirts'. I though the 2 women who drove in the driving skills section who had never towed/driven the motorhome before were incredibaly brave and very good.  It showed what people can do if they put their mind to it.  We all know that the awning is a 'divorce in a bag' and have quietly laughed behind the curtains on site (as I am sure others have at us on occasion) - so what's new there? Lighten up everybody and stop taking yourselves so seriously

    Write your comments here...Who says that this programme is not a correct representation of certain groups within the caravanning community. Has nobody been to a CC rally ???.  Anybody who rallies will have seen those types of activities many times.  So please don't knock it, ralliers will have enjoyed it. 

    When to start worrying is when on any CC site site, the Warden staff knocks on your door wakening you up, donning his white gloves and demanding to look inside your Knicker cupboard to check that they are colour co-ordinated. Happy


  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited April 2016 #358

    We are delighted to announce that our ‘Caravanner of the Year’ competition was filmed by the BBC and will be on
    BBC2 on 20 and 27 April!

    We hope it gets you in the mood for getting out there and enjoying the summer season on our wonderful sites network.

    The enthusiasts were faced with a variety of challenges covering activities such as manoeuvring, navigation, hospitality and caravanning knowledge.  There was also the precision challenge of the Concours D’Elegance which demanded much polishing and primping
    of their vehicles!

    The first programme will introduce the entrants and whittle them down to the three finalists.

    Tune in and watch, and don’t forget to tell your friends and family about it too!

    Follow us on Twitter
    and like our Facebook page
    Caravanner of the Year
    and don’t forget to use the hashtag!

    Posters get sanctioned or banned of making inappropriate remarks on the CT forum which is mainly viewed by CC members, however the Chairman of the Caravan Club has brought the Club into disrepute and embarassed its members and as per CC regulations should
    resign with immediate effect.

  • Catsparkey
    Catsparkey Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited April 2016 #359

    Well Well Caravanner of the Year. April 1st has passed... Grenville what on earth were you doing trying to take that van up that slope? Anyone with an ounce of experience  (and you say you're the head walla and Judge) would have known the outcome. I was
    in  tears of laughter at the confused look on the two faces looking at the damage just caused. 

    To the ladies who did the reversing well done as previous posts my SWWBO would have said thats your job.

    It was lighthearted in some respects but to suggest it was you caravanner of the year and with over a million members with respect where on earth did these people win through their respective heats?

    Credit to the contestants their outfits were in fine form.

    I think it was more fitting for a 21st century Carry on Camping sequel and there's part two next week.

  • PaulTS
    PaulTS Forum Participant Posts: 9
    edited April 2016 #360

    Well, what a furore, wherever you look on social media. And rightly so. What on Earth is the Caravan Club thinking? You've managed to make all of us caravanners look ridiculous, by putting geeks and eccentrics in front of the cameras! Surely the Caravan
    Club should be promoting caravanning and not opening us all up to ridicule and perpetuating old myths. You have perpetuated a widely held view (and one that hitherto has only been promoted by Top Gear) that we are all eccentrics and geeks! The Caravan Club
    has truly let us all down. Your Communications Department really has messed up this time. And how you are going to limit the damage with another 'episode' scheduled Heavens only knows. This has done irreparable damage and made fools of the vast majority of
    your 'normal' members. You should hang your heads in shame.

  • IainM1970
    IainM1970 Forum Participant Posts: 170
    edited April 2016 #361

    I didn't mind it ... not really routed in reality, but hey ho.