Caravanner of the Year on BBC this April!



  • paul56
    paul56 Forum Participant Posts: 937
    edited April 2016 #392

    Phew, some passionate posts....

    CC brand: Although the show may not enhance the brand I struggle to see what the real impact would be. Will membership fall, will CC sites become empty, will CLs take themself off the network?

    Personal brand: Well my friends, etc do not really pass any comment on my lifestyle / hobby and most probably - like when my footie team loses -  may give me 5 mins ribbing in the pub.

    The general public view: Well I think they have far more important things to be worrying about.

    IMHO, it's a TV programme and tomorrow's chip paper that most will not dwell on; or take too seriously.

    As always, I do respect the passionate responses from those with differing views.


    Write your comments here...

    Well said Mickx.  My views entirely.

    Agree with all that's been said but this was also an opportunity to positively promote both caravanning and the Club and it has potentially turned to ridicule. 

  • cariadon
    cariadon Forum Participant Posts: 861
    edited April 2016 #393

    I seem to be lucky in that my friends prefered to watch the supervet and so far have had no comments. I think the whole concept was very amaturish, very similar to the old films on Parthe pages on you tube. If they wanted to do this they should have looked
    into in a proffessional way and asked for feedback. There is more to being a caravanner than putting up a straight awning.

  • ocsid
    ocsid Club Member Posts: 1,395
    edited April 2016 #394

    Seems to be a split vote at the moment, 50/50, only 6 days to go for part 2 Wink

    Is it?

    I am not left with the impression the stance of the  reviews are balanced or anything like, here or elsewhere.

  • Skyerod67
    Skyerod67 Forum Participant Posts: 40
    edited April 2016 #395

    The programme was a total farce - I would like to know how, out of all our members the participants were selected.

    A splendid opportunity to promote the Club gone to waste and yet another opportunity for Jeremy Clarkson to ridicule us.

    How did a contestant manage not to even make a passable attempt at reversing AT ALL!

    I am joining the C & CC next year as they are more in touch with the real world.


  • jamesbofishman
    jamesbofishman Forum Participant Posts: 25
    edited April 2016 #396 thoughts exactly!!

  • GrumpySteve
    GrumpySteve Forum Participant Posts: 20
    edited April 2016 #397

    As others have stated this was an opportunity to show the Club ( caravanners & motorhomers ) in a positive light rather than reinforcing the negative view put forward by the likes of Clarkson. I thought the show was amusing in places but bore no similarity
    to anything occurring on a CC site. Others have said that it was akin to rallying - if so then thank goodness I don't take part. People will watch this and assume this is just how CC members behave. When were the heats held prior to this final?

  • baileybear
    baileybear Forum Participant Posts: 19
    edited April 2016 #398

    Although I haven't read this entire thread, I ahve read enough comments to agree that this progamme should never have been aired as a "serious" look at caravanning! I don't recall seeing anything asking for people to apply for this "competition", (not that
    I would have entered anyway-wouldn't want to show everyone else up-lol!!), so where did they come from? It has certainly not done our hobby or the industry any favours, and IMO should have been pulled when the previews were seen. Presumably the Club had some
    input over the final show content and must have realised this was not a favourable showing for it's members. Has the Club received payment for this debacle?

  • flatcoat
    flatcoat Forum Participant Posts: 1,571
    edited April 2016 #399

    If this was intended as serious promotion of caravanning then it has missed by a mile. As far as I am concerned it was set up as 'entertaining' TV at the expense of those taking part and the Club itself. Were there any heats? If so then God help those who
    failed to get through those given the dire skills of most of the semi-finalists. IF this was a supposedly serious attempt at a competition why weren't contestants required to demonstrate attendance on a CC towing/driving course as an absolute basic requirement?!
    This forum represents the Club that most of us on this forum pay to be a member of and therefore it is a legitimate platform to air critical views. If the Club cannot be bothered to respond with a statement on here explaining the logic behind the show then
    I will not be renewing my membership. 

  • andybe
    andybe Forum Participant Posts: 37
    edited April 2016 #400

    I too have emailled Nick Lomas. I cannot begin to comprehend how and why this programmer was ever thought to be a 'good idea'

    The Caravan Club used to be an organization to be proud of. Sadly  It has now been reduced to a laughing stock

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,894
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited April 2016 #401

    I too have emailled Nick Lomas. I cannot begin to comprehend how and why this programmer was ever thought to be a 'good idea'

    The Caravan Club used to be an organization to be proud of. Sadly  It has now been reduced to a laughing stock

    Or the righteous indignation of some members posting here is the laughing stock? 

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited April 2016 #402

    Seems to be a split vote at the moment, 50/50, only 6 days to go for part 2 Wink

    Is it?

    I am not left with the impression the stance of the  reviews are balanced or anything like, here or elsewhere.

    Oh dear, seems sarcasm and a winking eye is lost with you Laughing

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited April 2016 #403

    Well I can't be bothered to Email anyone, I have caravanning to do. Looks like it upset everyones cornflakes, how sad.

  • scottyepb
    scottyepb Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited April 2016 #404

    Just watched this programe and it must be a wind up how can the caravan club stoop so low to be linked in any way shape or form to this rubbish.

  • dianeray520
    dianeray520 Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited April 2016 #405

    it is bad enough when caravaners are put upon by the motoring press and almost every roaduser without the club adding to the ridiculing with a totaly ill judged piece of banal programing , a very sad day!

  • Chestrefeldian
    Chestrefeldian Forum Participant Posts: 53
    edited April 2016 #406

    I emailed the club last night and requested a response before taking any furyher action myself. If I had asked for insurance, ferries etc. I would have received a response by now but on this subject the silence I'd deafening. I'm seriously considering leaving
    the club after 31 years despite potentially having to seek new insurances ferry bookings etc. Come on club say something.

  • eyebrowsb
    eyebrowsb Forum Participant Posts: 554
    edited April 2016 #407

    This is what the Radio Times said before it was aired.

    If your opinion of caravan owners is not something that could be printed in a family magazine, this may change your mind. At the very least it will make you chuckle. It follows the Caravan Club’s first-ever two-day competition to find the country’s top
    caravanning enthusiast, an event they hope will introduce sceptics to the joys of caravanning. 

    Not sure it achieved anything apart from the chuckle.

  • DavidC
    DavidC Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited April 2016 #408

    It was like Top Gear for caravans organised by the Caravqan Club. They must all be mortally embarassed by the extremely poor and amateurish presentation.

    And please tell me the DG or whatever did not literally drive up that slope without checking in any way?? It was staged for TV with a factory hack van I hope

  • dianeray520
    dianeray520 Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited April 2016 #409

    I do not think the club will comment . i just hope the club did not have to pay any expenses to the "expert" judges

    if the 6 couples taking part are the best in the club then gawd help us all

  • RKJ52
    RKJ52 Forum Participant Posts: 130
    First Comment
    edited April 2016 #410

    I emailed the club last night and requested a response before taking any furyher action myself. If I had asked for insurance, ferries etc. I would have received a response by now but on this subject the silence I'd deafening. I'm seriously considering leaving
    the club after 31 years despite potentially having to seek new insurances ferry bookings etc. Come on club say something.

    Of course they are busy removing e-mails, ask Kennine, my last one only lasted 37 minutes. Not rude, just happened to mention the company the Chairman is the General Manager of; I give this one a bit less as they are now monitoring permanenty I would guess
    timed at 13.05.

  • Chestrefeldian
    Chestrefeldian Forum Participant Posts: 53
    edited April 2016 #411

    Our chairman has been well pilloried in this thread, and justifiably so!  I'm prepared to accept that originally this was entered into with the best of intentions, however, as filming progressed and the programme makers requests became more unlikely, he
    should have pulled the club's involvement, not to have done so shows extreme naievity. The question arises: was he under pressure from the DG and the paid management of the club (or company)  to continue?

    Will he resign? - Unlikely

    Will anyone do anything about him come the AGM? We'll have to wait and see, but probably unlikely. So we, as members, will get what we deserve.

    Write your comments here...Some of us might not be members come the AGM I'm sorry to say ... after 31 years. Such a pity. 

  • RKJ52
    RKJ52 Forum Participant Posts: 130
    First Comment
    edited April 2016 #412

    Cancelled this weekends bookings as a point of principle, have gone elsewhere. Have also written to Nick Lomas as well as Chair, no replies I am sure. We need to remind all to vote at teh next AGM - timed 13.07, let's see hpw long this one stays.

  • marchhare
    marchhare Forum Participant Posts: 48
    edited April 2016 #413

    I too have sent an E Mail to Nick Lomas. Am I expecting a reply....not really because that is how this "club" now seems to work. Given that input on CT from the CC was quite intense prior to the programme, comments from the CC seem now to be non existant.
    Come on guys, someone somewhere has dropped an almighty clanger. Why not own up to it and let the members know why the CC sanctioned the release of this show.

  • Dickie
    Dickie Club Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2016 #414

    Come on Caravan Club man up and give a response, just doing nothing will only make us members more upset than we are already. 

  • Sir Bruin
    Sir Bruin Forum Participant Posts: 90
    edited April 2016 #415

    Well, I rather enjoyed it

  • speedbird22
    speedbird22 Forum Participant Posts: 14
    edited April 2016 #416

    I dont know who authorised this nonsense,but the programme makes caravanners look stupid..just the effect the media would like..?

    Embarrassing.............sterotypes all trotted out...

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited April 2016 #417

    Nearly spilt my cider, best laugh in a long time. It's not a sad day, the sun is shining, blue sky, my caravan is being prepared for an adventure, we are not at war. Just a programme making fun at our pastime, I'll watch it again next week and then move
    on. I'm more worried about the sanity of the Clubs members, giving up membership, never using a Club site again, jumping off the Humber bridge, does it really affect you so deeply? Exactly what difference will it make to your planning, pitching, erecting,
    sitting out and enjoying your chosen hobby.

  • Hakinbush
    Hakinbush Forum Participant Posts: 286
    edited April 2016 #418

    Youve cancelled a weekend booking cos of a tongue in cheek program on the BBC which most people found laughable at best, it beggers belief how many posters are on the verge of slashing there wrist's over a holliday busness which some people still think is
    a cosy club...

    Cancelled this weekends bookings as a point of principle, have gone elsewhere. Have also written to Nick Lomas as well as Chair, no replies I am sure. We need to remind all to vote at teh next AGM - timed 13.07, let's see hpw long this one st

  • mazvw42
    mazvw42 Forum Participant Posts: 24
    edited April 2016 #419

    I also enjoyed it and can't really see what everyone is getting so annoyed about, it was what it was, entertaining and a look at the British public doing what they like doing.  

  • kenexton
    kenexton Forum Participant Posts: 306
    edited April 2016 #420

    Toe curlingly,cringe making - my OH made me watch it, which I did with horrible fascination-my fellow "Sausages"..

  • speedbird22
    speedbird22 Forum Participant Posts: 14
    edited April 2016 #421

    also the chairan didnt do himself any favours..pulling a van up an incline with a 2 wheel drive tug?    we all know how motorcaravans..can go "anywhwre" suggested by the judge...anywhere that doesnt involve mud or wet grass...i have pulled several such
    gin palaces off their grass pitches..