Caravanner of the Year on BBC this April!



    PATMAU Forum Participant Posts: 250
    edited April 2016 #212

    Well, could always join the C&CC, they wouldn't do anything like this, oh just a minute, wasn't it one of their sites which Jeremy Clarkson used for his caravan

  • Lansdorf
    Lansdorf Forum Participant Posts: 37
    edited April 2016 #213

    I hope you're venting your spleen directly to the club as well? The 'managers' can easlily avoid reading all this thread so I've written to Enquiries. There didn't seem to be a category of ''Television programmes" to complain about.

    I'm sorry that I can't identify with those who found the programme amusing. Public relations disaster.


    Write your comments here...

    I too have emailed "enquiries". I looked under "complaints" headings but could find nothing relating to Executive Committee and Chairman.

  • 19Gra40
    19Gra40 Forum Participant Posts: 49
    edited April 2016 #214

    what an embarrassing program , caravanner of the year was. Will NOT be watching the next episode. What a load of rubbish.

  • Silversided
    Silversided Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited April 2016 #215

    Perhaps the chairman and the committee are very clever and the object of this programme was to get members to leave the club in disgust in order to reduce pressure on sites at busy times!

  • tonytourer
    tonytourer Forum Participant Posts: 14
    edited April 2016 #216

    Rochelle, will there be a statement from the club about what went wrong tonight ??

    Agreed and supported.

    Based on my personal feelings and the clear impression received from previous posts can we ask for a response from Club management as to what they thought this programme would achieve? And please don't tell me it was just a bit of fun because I and others
    believe this has done irreparable harm to our organisation  


  • silverjudgel
    silverjudgel Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited April 2016 #217

    As a member of 35 years standing I feel that a special general meeting should be called to asses a vote of no confidence in the management team involved in the production of the production which broght the Caravan Club into disrepute.

  • Lansdorf
    Lansdorf Forum Participant Posts: 37
    edited April 2016 #218

    I stated when Rowena first raised this issue that, in my view, it is divisive and wrong to name someone as caravanner of the year. It's a leisure activity, not a competition, and one person's supposedly high standard will not be another's. What criteria
    can anyone use to judge who is best? What sets the judges above the rest of us? You guessed, I won't be watching.

    Write your comments here...

    This post says it all.


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2016 #219

    Well  it  seems  as  though  the  Beeb  has  found  Three  ******  to  replace Jewemy  Crapson,  the  Hamster  &  T'  Captain !

    And  all  at  our  expense  Yell

  • Runrig
    Runrig Forum Participant Posts: 186
    edited April 2016 #220

    And they say comedy TV is dead.

    That could not have been funnier with Peter Kay and Jonny Vegas as the caravaners ( or even dear chairman )

    Seeing as the reputation of caravaning is now well and truly trashed, I can't wait for next weeks episode. I wonder if the comedy comb-over will make a cameo appearance?

  • RKJ52
    RKJ52 Forum Participant Posts: 130
    First Comment
    edited April 2016 #221

    I hope you're venting your spleen directly to the club as well? The 'managers' can easlily avoid reading all this thread so I've written to Enquiries. There didn't seem to be a category of ''Television programmes" to complain about.

    I'm sorry that I can't identify with those who found the programme amusing. Public relations disaster.


    Write your comments here...

    I too have emailed "enquiries". I looked under "complaints" headings but could find nothing relating to Executive Committee and Chairman.

    Surely not, this is the Chairman who says the buck stops with him, so I am sure he knows what's going on. I am sure he will tell us that the majority of us wanted to see the Club made a laughing stock led by the Chairman who is an absolute ******. Do the
    honourable thing and RESIGN NOW.

  • Nellie
    Nellie Forum Participant Posts: 15
    edited April 2016 #222

    Radio 2, the well known pro caravanning radio stationWink, have been having sly digs all day.  I hoped tonights programme would give us the last
    laugh, but clearly not.

    Lets all hope this sorry excuse for TV isn,t on Gogglebox this Friday.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,908
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited April 2016 #223

    Just watched it after having recorded it earlier.  Nice to hear from a number of folk on here we haven't heard from for a while.

    In view of the comments, I wonder how many will watch the final next week?  I think that the programme did centre on the 'entertainment' aspect and lacked robust structure to be absolutely serious.  

    It wouldn't be any good me entering.  I don't think I could ever get my van as clean on the outside as some of those units and I doubt if I could reverse around that small island in one go.



  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,428
    10,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited April 2016 #224

    Just watched it after having recorded it earlier.  Nice to hear from a number of folk on here we haven't heard from for a while.

    In view of the comments, I wonder how many will watch the final next week?  I think that the programme did centre on the 'entertainment' aspect and lacked robust structure to be absolutely serious.  

    It wouldn't be any good me entering.  I don't think I could ever get my van as clean on the outside as some of those units and I doubt if I could reverse around that small island in one go.



    As a member of the Club Council will you be making the general feeling known, David?

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2016 #225

    Surprised  Very  Restrained  David  !!

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,399
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited April 2016 #226

    Radio 2, the well known pro caravanning radio stationWink, have been having sly digs all day.  I hoped tonights programme would give us the last
    laugh, but clearly not.

    Lets all hope this sorry excuse for TV isn,t on Gogglebox this Friday.

    Oh No Gogglebox! Didn't think of that, that means even more people will know about it if it is included on Gogglebox. More cringing.

  • ScreenName1C068EB2B5
    ScreenName1C068EB2B5 Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited April 2016 #227

    Just watched it after having recorded it earlier.  Nice to hear from a number of folk on here we haven't heard from for a while.

    In view of the comments, I wonder how many will watch the final next week?  I think that the programme did centre on the 'entertainment' aspect and lacked robust structure to be absolutely serious.  

    It wouldn't be any good me entering.  I don't think I could ever get my van as clean on the outside as some of those units and I doubt if I could reverse around that small island in one go.



    As a member of the Club Council will you be making the general feeling known, David?

    Write your comments here...

    Just watched it after having recorded it earlier.  Nice to hear from a number of folk on here we haven't heard from for a while.

    In view of the comments, I wonder how many will watch the final next week?  I think that the programme did centre on the 'entertainment' aspect and lacked robust structure to be absolutely serious.  

    It wouldn't be any good me entering.  I don't think I could ever get my van as clean on the outside as some of those units and I doubt if I could reverse around that small island in one go.



    As a member of the Club Council will you be making 

  • JA500
    JA500 Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited April 2016 #228

    This programme has made our pastime and the Club look like a bunch of amateurs. Where was the promotion of the benefits of caravanning/motor homing - freedom, on-board facilities, club site network, wide demographic membership ? Many view 'vanners as slow,
    cumbersome boxes that get in their way and as a problem - not as a passport to leisure freedom, whatever your age/background.

  • arkwilt
    arkwilt Forum Participant Posts: 6
    edited April 2016 #229

    As a member of 35 years standing I feel that a special general meeting should be called to asses a vote of no confidence in the management team involved in the production of the production which broght the Caravan Club into disrepute.

    I entirely agree with your post. It was bad enough when Jeremy Clarkson used caravans as a source of his type of humour, but when the caravan club themselves make us a laughing stock that is not acceptable. 

  • RKJ52
    RKJ52 Forum Participant Posts: 130
    First Comment
    edited April 2016 #230

    Just watched it after having recorded it earlier.  Nice to hear from a number of folk on here we haven't heard from for a while.

    In view of the comments, I wonder how many will watch the final next week?  I think that the programme did centre on the 'entertainment' aspect and lacked robust structure to be absolutely serious.  

    It wouldn't be any good me entering.  I don't think I could ever get my van as clean on the outside as some of those units and I doubt if I could reverse around that small island in one go.



    As a member of the Club Council will you be making the general feeling known, David?

    Totally agree with Tinny David. Can we trust you will get the Chairman to publish a statement on CT with an explanation of his actions, also confirmation as to who paid the repairs, and was it even his van.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,428
    10,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited April 2016 #231

    Thanks, rkj, that's what we need along with a resignation or two for getting it so hopelessly wrong.

  • ScreenName1C068EB2B5
    ScreenName1C068EB2B5 Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited April 2016 #232

    Well, Chamberlain tried to defend the indefensible,  look where that got him!

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 904
    250 Likes 500 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper
    edited April 2016 #233

    Please can the CC get the BBC to lose next weeks episode!!!!   That's was just awful. I wonder how many caravan dealers will go out of business after that show?!

  • Suppy
    Suppy Forum Participant Posts: 40
    edited April 2016 #234

    Oh dear... I'm afraid we were laughing, but from pure horror as much as anything else

    a couple of comments... 

    Firstly why was the youngest person 42... Really?  Maybe the applicants were a bit thin on the ground, but seriously, could you not have found a young couple or two to represent the future.  That this guy was with his mum rather than a friend/wife/partner
    is even more cringeworthy and reinforces a stereotype that in 4 years I've only ever seen once.  For clarity, I'm 42 and my Hb is 39...

    secondly if one of the challenges was to make both people take part in the challenges, why on earth would you not have made sure the women could actually manoeuvre their vehicles.  fair play to all of the ladies for giving it their best shot despite the
    reservations and useless instructions from their partners and very obvious nerves.  Really caravan club... You should not have allowed your female members to be portrayed as subservient and a bit woolly, and their partners as somewhat misogynistic and overbearing.

    Many, many of your members are female (myself included) and  many of us either share the towing or do the lions share... Some don't and that is fine as if you don't feel confident then towing is not a good idea, regardless of your gender... I'm  going to
    be generous here, and suggest that maybe the intention was to show that even someone who didn't know what to do, could still do ok (male or female) but I'm afraid this felt like it backfired and was something from the 1950's not 2106...

    so no doubt I'll get the odd sarky comment tomorrow as I think the programme reinforced the view that we all wear hideous clothing (bobble hats and cagoules are compulsory attire) are petty, old fashioned (not in a chic retro way) and are pretty hopeless...
    But whatever I face, I pity the people who actually took part, as I fear they have been portrayed in a manner in which they were not expecting.


  • Lansdorf
    Lansdorf Forum Participant Posts: 37
    edited April 2016 #235

    I would love to know who and how these 6 were considered to be the best in the club. Can we have an answer from the club please

    Hi rkj,

    The finalists were selected by our panel of judges based on their individual criteria. All entrants are members of The Caravan Club, and were judged on a series of fun challenges that tested the competitors’ skills in driving, towing, manoeuvring and pitching,
    as well as their superb knowledge about all things caravanning!

    Make sure you tune in tomorrow to see how it goes Smile

    Write your comments here...Sorry Rochell but I think the membership at large is now questioning the level of reasoning displayed by this panel of judges. And that's putting it politely.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,908
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited April 2016 #236

    I'm sure the general feeling of members will filter through to the powers that be, not only from Club Together but from other sources too, but I am going to be interested to see how it develops in the second programme.

    I woder how much the contestants were prepared for what tasks they had to do before they allowed themselves to be put forward as finalists?  I just got the impression that they all seemed more concerned about the presentation of their vehicles rather than
    manoeuvring the vehicle and putting up awnings?


  • Bugs
    Bugs Forum Participant Posts: 480
    edited April 2016 #237

    I'm still struggling to come to terms with how embarrassing that was to me as an ordinary, normal caravanner.

    Things like the Channel 5 "Carry On Caravanning" programme - which clearly set out to find people who they could use to pour ridicule on our hobby - funnily enough I can accept. As Channel 5 are notorious for that sort of sensationalist rubbish, such as Benefit Street - using extreme examples to try to say everyone on benefits is a scrounger etc etc which is clearly garbage.

    But this was BBC2 and the Caravan Club. A large TV Channel featuring a massive presence in the touring industry.

    OK, the membership tends to be older folks and doesn't represent the overall touring and camping community demographic.

    But what on earth did the Caravan Club hope to achieve via this programme?

    An increase in membership? Anyone looking at that programme and thinking this was a representation of the Caravan Club would run a mile away from joining.

    The mind boggles! Are the management of the Caravan Club REALLY this incompetent?


  • frontdoorlocked
    frontdoorlocked Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited April 2016 #238

    Never laughed as much in years!!! Cannot wait for next week.

    Embarssing and hilarious at the same time, we were waiting for Barbra Windsor to make an appeaprance in her bikini  Although kudos to the two ladies who 'aced' the reversing challenge, they have more guts than me to get in and give it a go in front
    of the OH

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2016 #239
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • SELL
    SELL Forum Participant Posts: 398
    edited April 2016 #240

    I Was impressed firstly with the lady who had never driven the motorhome before and the eighty year old for giving it a go, but big plus is has CT finally cracked the blank page syndrome as non on this thread. (lol)

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited April 2016 #241


    Many, many of your members are female (myself included) and  many of us either share the towing or do the lions share... Some don't and that is fine as if you don't feel confident then towing is not a good idea, regardless of your gender... I'm  going to
    be generous here, and suggest that maybe the intention was to show that even someone who didn't know what to do, could still do ok (male or female) but I'm afraid this felt like it backfired and was something from the 1950's not 2106... ......


    Don't let the user name confuse you .... it's my wife's. Wink

    In the last 3 & a bit years I've not managed to get my wife behind the wheel of my towcar when solo let alone while towing .... apprarently it's too big and it has a 'funny' column transmission selctor Innocent