Curtains whilst in storage

Scottjames1uk Forum Participant Posts: 17
edited November 2016 in Storage #1

Do you have your curtains open or closed over winter storage? After reading loads of different posts i am leaving my blinds open so there is no strain on the springs, fixed bed raised and cushions away from the wall.Not bothering with moisture traps. I also
visit my van every couple of weeks so this will air it out a bit. Thanks in advance


  • campbell91
    campbell91 Forum Participant Posts: 29
    edited November 2016 #2

    hi, i've not had my caravan long and started to leave blinds closed but learnt after checking up after a week was having trouble opening them so now i just close the curtains,  but while looking around the storage 1 caravan has a cover, most have shut the
    blinds, some curtains closed and 1 completly open, so I think its personal choice, having curtains closed while in storage stops other peaking inside to see what you got, and on the plus side with curtains closed it would stop some of the harmful sun rays
    bleaching the furniture, my vote is blinds open...curtains closed....good luck

  • dmiller555
    dmiller555 Forum Participant Posts: 717
    edited November 2016 #3

    Same here, that is what my caravan maker recommends. I also use moisture traps. Your van will breath as it heats up and cools down and each time it cools it will draw in moisture laden air. 

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited November 2016 #4

    Been at this a long time 30+ years leave blinds open and close curtains, as said stops folk looking in. The added benefit of having curtains closed is they are then straight rather than bunched up at the sides, this helps prevent them getting mould on them.
    Like others we pull cushions away from the sides and open top lockers to allow air to circulate. We once left the bathroom door open, but no longer do that as it was difficult to close it after the winter until the van warmed through.

  • commeyras
    commeyras Club Member Posts: 1,853
    1000 Comments 250 Likes
    edited November 2016 #5

    Me too. Blinds open and curtains closed etc as Tammygirl

  • tigerfish
    tigerfish Forum Participant Posts: 1,362
    edited November 2016 #6

    Blinds and curtains open.  Not bothered if anyone does look in nothing there to steal and i'm quite proud of my caravan.

    Been doing it this way for over 35 years, keeping each van on average 7 years, none have had any damp and none have showed any signs of upholstery fading etc.  as far as i am concerned curtains are purely to enhance the internal look of the van and have never been pulled across. Blinds down at night but never during storage.

    I use the van up until about mid november and then winterize it, draining all fluids down, fridge door and freezer wedged open etc. EHU connected even where stored and heater set not to allow internal temp below 8 degrees.  Then in mid Feb I take a trip out to the van taking a good book and a flask. Turn the heating full up for a minimum of 2 hours to warm the old girl through.  Then when we start using her again in the first couple of weeks in March shes not too far in Cold Soak!


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,405
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    edited November 2016 #7

    Our blinds pull up from the bottom, so on the sides that get the low winter sun we pull them up about two thirds, then the black fly screen down from the top. Have never pulled the curtains. The only time they get unbunched is to vacuum any dust off. As
    this van has the Alde heating the cushions are not actually against the wall of the van, so we leave them in situe. However, on our previous van we did pull them away from the side.

  • tombar
    tombar Forum Participant Posts: 408
    edited December 2016 #8

    I leave blinds and curtains open, as the space between window and blind/window could be a moisture trap.  I try and have as much air circulating as possible.  Leave the bed up, but take the cushions and store them in my back bedroom.  Also have moisture traps in the caravan, in fact I have three spaced about, and take the battery out and have that in the house (usually under a chair out of the way

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited December 2016 #9

    We normally just pull the curtains to, but last winter was a particularly wet/damp one in our area and the white curtain liners had damp spots on them, whereas previous winters there was no problem. Thankfully it wiped off and the main curtain material was unnafected.

    So I decided it had everything to do with the weather and luck of the draw, so this year just leaving the blinds up as usual and the curtains left in the open position.