What is our membership fee for?



  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,175
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    edited May 2016 #32

    Red Pennent is often said to be expensive but I wonder if people are comparing like with like. I have just paid £235 for 66 days European Personal and Breakdown cover. What are my alternatives? Very few that I have found. Margaret has a Flex account with Nationwide which includes supposedly free health cover so we thought we would use that to cover a cruise we are going on later in the year. When I phoned them to check about medical conditions I was told that it would cost me £250 extra. If I had been paying the £10 a month that would have increased the price to £370. That would have covered me for multi trips up to 31 days for the year so goodness knows how much that would have cost extra for the additional month? Fortunately Age Concern offer a good value policy for a 9 day cruise for just under. £80. Without the Club and Red Pennant it is unlikely that we could go abroad with our motorhome so to me that is worth the membership fee. I also like Club campsites as compared to a variety of commercial sites I have stayed on they are far superior and often cheaper. 


  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
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    edited May 2016 #33

    David we excluded our current medical issues as we have the EHIC card anyway and there was no additional cost.  However if we did include them there was an additional cost of about £240 for the year and the same applied to Red Pennant except with RP you
    pay a premium so Nationwide wins hands down.  


  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited May 2016 #34

    Red Pennent is often said to be expensive but .....

    It is when you're working and don't have the luxury or option to take 66 days holiday

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited May 2016 #35

    It may be a minor point  but the club (and the other one) does speak out for caravaners and MHers on national level, there's the approved service workshops for one, and they did bring to our attention, and helped opposed and changed (IMHO) the planned introduction of caravan MOT by the EU (no political statement implied). Without the two major clubs who would speak out of our behalf?

    There is also the help and technical section.

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
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    edited May 2016 #36

    It may be a minor point  but the club (and the other one) does speak out for caravaners and MHers on national level, there's the approved service workshops for one, and they did bring to our attention, and helped opposed and changed (IMHO) the planned introduction
    of caravan MOT by the EU (no political statement implied). Without the two major clubs who would speak out of our behalf?

    There is also the help and technical section.

    Can you please give any examples of the club speaking out for its members as it seems shoddy caravans are still being produced.  BTW the CC cannot take credit for the MOT for caravans not being introduced as that was a governmental decision and done before
    the club got involved.  Also I am sure that the club never introduced AWS workshops?

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2016 #37

    It may be a minor point  but the club (and the other one) does speak out for caravaners and MHers on national level, there's the approved service workshops for one, and they did bring to our attention, and helped opposed and changed (IMHO) the planned introduction
    of caravan MOT by the EU (no political statement implied). Without the two major clubs who would speak out of our behalf?

    There is also the help and technical section.

    Can you please give any examples of the club speaking out for its members as it seems shoddy caravans are still being produced.  BTW the CC cannot take credit for the MOT for caravans not being introduced as that was a governmental decision and done before
    the club got involved.  Also I am sure that the club never introduced AWS workshops?

    ...Both clubs lobbyed the govenment against c/van mots as they did to introduce a workshop scheme

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited May 2016 #38

    It may be a minor point  but the club (and the other one) does speak out for caravaners and MHers on national level, there's the approved service workshops for one, and they did bring to our attention, and helped opposed and changed (IMHO) the planned introduction of caravan MOT by the EU (no political statement implied). Without the two major clubs who would speak out of our behalf?

    There is also the help and technical section.

    Can you please give any examples of the club speaking out for its members as it seems shoddy caravans are still being produced.  BTW the CC cannot take credit for the MOT for caravans not being introduced as that was a governmental decision and done before the club got involved.  Also I am sure that the club never introduced AWS workshops?

    So are shoddy cars, houses, computers.... How could any club or  organisation fight 'poor' products with the any goverment or producer? It does not own the companies that make these things?

    The goverment (and all our political parties) opposed the scheme and it was being voted for all EU members at the EU parliament not at national goverment level. I certainly remember the club asking its members to write to their MEP and it lobbied for the scrapping of the proposed plans for a caravan MOT, which has not happened.

    Following meetings with EU officials The Caravan Club is pleased to see that yesterday's vote at the European Parliament in Strasbourg has confirmed previous indications that caravans (and other light trailers) will not be subject to MOT-type testing. 

    After a series of meetings of EU officials in Brussels, during November and December, it was clear that Club lobbying efforts had been effective and that it was highly likely that caravans and other light trailers would be removed from the scope of proposed testing. The European Parliament Transport Committee voted on 21 January 2014 to accept this, as did the full Parliament on 11 March 2014.

    The Approved Workshop Scheme was formed by the Caravan Club, National Caravan Council and Camping and Caravanning Club in 1998.

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,891
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    edited May 2016 #39

    BTW any one can open a CL, they do not have to belong to a club like the CC or C & CC!

    When was the planning condition removed that related to the persons using the CL being members of a recognised camping organisation?

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited May 2016 #40

    For me, CC is a horses for courses organisation. 

    I've moved my Insurance (or will do) from them and saved hundreds of pounds. Similar tale with Red Pennant.

    However, we use them for ferries, the odd decent site in the UK where they provide, normally, a high level of accommodation. We mainly use them for the CL network

    On saying all of the above I would say that the current Amateur (in every sense of the word) level of H.O management is the worst I've encountered in the last 25+ years of being a member. 

    I fully agree with Kennine's comment about bringing professionals in and I totally endorse IanH questioning of what the fee brings you. IMO this club is being badly managed and badly led.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited May 2016 #41

    but wouldn't you want professionals with some carvaning experience, or does that not matter?

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2016 #42

    For me, CC is a horses for courses organisation. 

    I've moved my Insurance (or will do) from them and saved hundreds of pounds. Similar tale with Red Pennant.

    However, we use them for ferries, the odd decent site in the UK where they provide, normally, a high level of accommodation. We mainly use them for the CL network

    On saying all of the above I would say that the current Amateur (in every sense of the word) level of H.O management is the worst I've encountered in the last 25+ years of being a member. 

    I fully agree with Kennine's comment about bringing professionals in and I totally endorse IanH questioning of what the fee brings you. IMO this club is being badly managed and badly led.

    ...Is your c/van not worth much as i find it difficult to see how you can save hundreds of pounds

  • groovy cleaner
    groovy cleaner Forum Participant Posts: 208
    edited May 2016 #43

    as a solo camper I think the club should offer a discount ,or an opt out of the magazine no magazine = less subs and as the Carvan club wont insure my camper I get Zero savings on anything else with them .

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
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    edited May 2016 #44

    Just looking at the 2014 account summary

    Club sites made a surplus of £1.3million

    Member Services made a surplus of 10.5million (club subscriptions £13.6million) £3.1 million costs for salaries, offices expenses etc..

    Insurance made a surplus of £6.1million

    Travel Service made a loss of £2.0million

    Marketing Services made a loss of £7.7million

    Miscellaneous Sevices made a loss of £3.6million

    Operating surplus of £4.5million

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited May 2016 #45

    For me, CC is a horses for courses organisation. 

    I've moved my Insurance (or will do) from them and saved hundreds of pounds. Similar tale with Red Pennant.

    However, we use them for ferries, the odd decent site in the UK where they provide, normally, a high level of accommodation. We mainly use them for the CL network

    On saying all of the above I would say that the current Amateur (in every sense of the word) level of H.O management is the worst I've encountered in the last 25+ years of being a member. 

    I fully agree with Kennine's comment about bringing professionals in and I totally endorse IanH questioning of what the fee brings you. IMO this club is being badly managed and badly led.

    ...Is your c/van not worth much as i find it difficult to see how you can save hundreds of pounds

    Write your comments here...Car insurance, amount saved £130. Caravan insurance amount saved £110. Red Pennant, amount saved £300+.

  • millielou
    millielou Forum Participant Posts: 41
    edited May 2016 #46

    Moan, moan ,moan, if you are not happy take your membership fees and use them on a commercial site and leave those of us members who appreciate the technical help, mayday, and information on U.K and European sites and travel, and try and find equivalent
    value of membership fee. It is also not just about the price of the fee, it's the peace of mind and like minded community that is the Caravan Club. I just wish people would feel lucky with what is available to us

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited May 2016 #47

    Great post, millielou. Say it like it is! Happy

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2016 #48

    Millilou......I addressed your point above.

    Do you never moan about the price of anything? Do you just pay whatever is asked, without questioning it?

    I'd hate to be paying your bills, if that's the case.

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited May 2016 #49

    I agree with Ian , what is wrong with questioning the price of a product or service , it's not moaning ,it's keeping the company's on their toes Cool

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited May 2016 #50

    Moan, moan ,moan, if you are not happy take your membership fees and use them on a commercial site and leave those of us members who appreciate the technical help, mayday, and information on U.K and European sites and travel, and try and find equivalent
    value of membership fee. It is also not just about the price of the fee, it's the peace of mind and like minded community that is the Caravan Club. I just wish people would feel lucky with what is available to us

    I fully agree, unless joining the club and/or going to club sites is some kind of comumity service, you have a choice to join/rejoin and a choice to go to club sites or. It is not about blindly going with the club, I look at what is on offer (every single
    time I go to a club site) and feel the cost is justified and value for money. I suspect that many do the same judging by the full three nights at the site I've just been to and looking over the bookings for May and June it is fully booked for about half the

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited May 2016 #51

    but wouldn't you want professionals with some carvaning experience, or does that not matter?

    Write your comments here...the current lot are all caravanners, yet you've had the Sites manager/head honcho reading about Broadway site on the forum because he didn't know what was happening and the Big Man acting like an idiot on TV. Don't get me started
    on IT brigade.

    There are lots of professionals who have had experience in the leisure industry, for that is what we are, only the CC are part time and unbelievably closed when people are most likely to be partaking of leisure.

    Sure, I'll stay because it still providers me with a service but unlike some members I don't believe it's the bees-knees and some members mistakenly believe a questioning of the status quo or HO decisions deserves to be met with the old refrain of "Well
    leave then". Carry on regardless.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,423
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    edited May 2016 #52

    I can endorse what Surfer has said regarding Nationwide Flex Plus, that includes recovery and repair. We used it last time out. Fantastic service from first phone call to landing back at home. Only issue was because we had dogs, but this is similar with RAC and AA. Green Flag might include dogs, not sure? Seems to be individual private recovery firms that set this rule. 

    I am sure that I have read somewhere that Club has around 200 people working at EG, not sure, does anyone know?

    Edit: correction! It is 800 staff, with 250 of those at EG! 

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2016 #53

    I think that's just the IT department, TtDA......Wink

  • millielou
    millielou Forum Participant Posts: 41
    edited May 2016 #54

    Millilou......I addressed your point above.

    Do you never moan about the price of anything? Do you just pay whatever is asked, without questioning it?

    I'd hate to be paying your bills, if that's the case.

    Write your comments here...of course I moan about prices, I don't think I'd be believed anyway if I said I didn't, but it just seemed to me that no one was seeing the positives,work out how much your membership costs per year (much less than National Trust
    that an earlier post mentioned) and see what you can buy for the equivalent amount each week, or not if you object so much to how it's run. Failing that do something about making changes from within. I still maintain it's good to have the back up behind you.
    We use club sites,occasionally C.Ls and commercial sites too, whichever fits the bill at the time. I wish ALL Happy caravanning/ motorhoming which is what it's really about

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2016 #55

    In what way do I have CC "back up" behind me, by paying the membership fee?

  • fur ball
    fur ball Forum Participant Posts: 155
    edited May 2016 #56

    If the name was caravan plc or caravan ltd people would be wary of the clubs advertising and question and check for themselves the products the club sells. However great advertising and sales people have convinced many that there acting in the members best
    interest and that the deals are fantastic. Some are very good some are not. I think the op raised a valid question, however as usual on here when someone questions the establishment or its ways the calls for them to leave are bandied around by the sheep who
    aimlessly follow what there told. I genuinely think with the club on board,some good advertising and the right approach we could get some members to believe the world is flat!

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,459
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    edited May 2016 #57

    Fur Ball, it is a private limited company


  • IamtheGaitor
    IamtheGaitor Forum Participant Posts: 529
    edited May 2016 #58

    professionals with some carvaning experience,

    Ahh yes, those who demonstrate their total idiocy and  lack of  caravanning capability on national TV making caravanning even more poorly regarded by the general public than it was before...... great advocates for the club for sure....

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
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    edited May 2016 #59

    we still haven't answered the OP's question and I very much doubt we can.  The reality is that CC ltd makes £10.5 million surplus on the membership fee and I get to call myself a member and get a piece of plastic with a number on it.!  My one positive benefit is being able to use CL's.  I guess there are many thousands of vanners who aren't members of the club and enjoy the hobby as much as we do.  IMO the discount line is spurious as we get better discounts as scout association members and the vouchers in the gardeners world magazine is the equal of the CC.

  • millielou
    millielou Forum Participant Posts: 41
    edited May 2016 #60

    I'm glad you feel there is at least one benefit Oneputt and for the benefit of the other person whose comment alluded to being sheep like, just because I defend aspects of the club does not necessarily mean I agree with everything across the board, I do
    not see the point in remaining in a group when there seems so much about it that you don't like or agree with

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited May 2016 #61

    there's also the club sites themselves of course.

    I too can't get over the fact that people complain about the club and membership (and CT as well) yet continue to be members/go to sites