What is our membership fee for?



  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,173
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    edited May 2016 #62

    David we excluded our current medical issues as we have the EHIC card anyway and there was no additional cost.  However if we did include them there was an additional cost of about £240 for the year and the same applied to Red Pennant except with RP you
    pay a premium so Nationwide wins hands down.  



    To me it would be complete folly to exclude conditions and rely solely on the EHIC Card. I also have to say that Red Pennant have never charged me extra for any medical condition unlike most other insurance companies.


  • Lansdorf
    Lansdorf Forum Participant Posts: 37
    edited May 2016 #63

    Leaving aside all the negative comments (mine included) regarding the COTY fiasco, there are some interesting gripes in this thread. Unfortunately I have no way of knowing which ones are well founded as I have never studied the machinations of the club's
    admin. What I have found with "commercial" sites is that you have to shop around for the cheapest ones and that is not always convenient if they are not where you want to be. On top of that, commercial sites usually charge a deposit which in my experience
    is  not refundable. Also, I have found that once the site fees on commercial sites have been paid there is no refund if you have to leave early. We arrived on one close to the Dorset coast and paid for the week. The next day we found that we were going to
    have to attend a funeral later in the week, cutting our stay short by 2 days. No refund. I have never had this problem with a CC site as credit has been offered for later use.

    The club administration may have faults and may need a bit of pruning but what really is the problem? I wish someone would make a definitive list ............with solutions.

    Personaly we fined the club runs fine. The sites and facilities generally are very well maintained. What exactly do we want? I know there is no logic to the toilet block issue. Aside of the proper campers in tents or with small camper vans, the rest of us
    have M/homes or caravans with washroom / toilet facilities but still choose to stay on a site with a toilet block. This is why the less popular CC sites are the ones with no facilities.  Clearly there is a wide variety of personal preferences. Do we really
    expect the CC to please us all?

    I have no problem with the membership fee...we got our combined membership back in discount when we bought ski gear for the grandchildren. But that aside, £48 is a very small percentage of the annual cost of caravaning. How much of the CC "surplus" goes
    into aquiring new sites, refurbishing existing sites? Quite a lot I would imagine.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
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    edited May 2016 #64

    How much of the CC "surplus" goes into aquiring new sites, refurbishing existing sites? Quite a lot I would imagine

    Or Surreptitiously trying to divest themselves of 3 popular sites!

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    edited May 2016 #65

    How much of the CC "surplus" goes into aquiring new sites, refurbishing existing sites? Quite a lot I would imagine

    Or Surreptitiously trying to divest themselves of 3 popular sites!

    I knew about Bristol and Broadway haven't heard of a third, which one is that?

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
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    edited May 2016 #66

    Bakers it was Broadway.  Since Jayess and other challenged the club the reponse was that the application was a mistake by the clubs agents, i.e. Savilles.  Since they were rumbled the club still haven't had the courtesy to make a statement of intent on this
    very popular site.  See Uthread 'Broadway' in UK touring

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited May 2016 #67

    How much of the CC "surplus" goes into aquiring new sites, refurbishing existing sites? Quite a lot I would imagine

    Or Surreptitiously trying to divest themselves of 3 popular sites!

    I knew about Bristol and Broadway haven't heard of a third, which one is that?

    Write your comments here...Braemar for example. One of my favourite CC sites. Now a private site and even more popular.


  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited May 2016 #68

    Just looking at the 2014 account summary

    Club sites made a surplus of £1.3million

    Member Services made a surplus of 10.5million (club subscriptions £13.6million) £3.1 million costs for salaries, offices expenses etc..

    Insurance made a surplus of £6.1million

    Travel Service made a loss of £2.0million

    Marketing Services made a loss of £7.7million

    Miscellaneous Sevices made a loss of £3.6million

    Operating surplus of £4.5million

    There are some serious loss-making sectors there that need addressing.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
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    edited May 2016 #69

    Sorry Bakers got my wires crossed can't remember the site name, think its in Somerset, no doubt someone will come to the rescue

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited May 2016 #70

    Just looking at the 2014 account summary

    Club sites made a surplus of £1.3million

    Member Services made a surplus of 10.5million (club subscriptions £13.6million) £3.1 million costs for salaries, offices expenses etc..

    Insurance made a surplus of £6.1million

    Travel Service made a loss of £2.0million

    Marketing Services made a loss of £7.7million

    Miscellaneous Sevices made a loss of £3.6million

    Operating surplus of £4.5million

    Write your comments here...which begs the question, What is to happen to the Department Managers who fail to run their departments efficiently causing huge trading losses.


  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2016 #71

    How much of the CC "surplus" goes into aquiring new sites, refurbishing existing sites? Quite a lot I would imagine

    Or Surreptitiously trying to divest themselves of 3 popular sites!

    I knew about Bristol and Broadway haven't heard of a third, which one is that?

    It was Broadway, Minehead and Cadeside......these are all owned by the Club, not leased. All three (and there may be more that we haven't spotted) were put forward to the Local Authority planners for redevelopment for housing "because they no longer met the needs of the Club".

    The Club put out a rather weak response saying that it was all a mistake by their agents and have, so far, declined to provide a full, proper explanation. See the 'Broadway Part2' thread under UK Sites

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited May 2016 #72

    It may be a minor point  but the club (and the other one) does speak out for caravaners and MHers on national level, there's the approved service workshops for one, and they did bring to our attention, and helped opposed and changed (IMHO) the planned introduction
    of caravan MOT by the EU (no political statement implied). Without the two major clubs who would speak out of our behalf?

    There is also the help and technical section.

    Can you please give any examples of the club speaking out for its members as it seems shoddy caravans are still being produced.  BTW the CC cannot take credit for the MOT for caravans not being introduced as that was a governmental decision and done before
    the club got involved.  Also I am sure that the club never introduced AWS workshops?

    ...Both clubs lobbyed the govenment against c/van mots as they did to introduce a workshop scheme

    They may have done so after the government published a long paper on why the government would not be introducing a MOT, but they never initiated it.  

    Due to the cost of implementing a MOT system for caravans, the government was never going to go ahead with the idea anyway and thsi was back in 2012.  

    So no neither of the clubs helped very much and not sure why people believe this myth, but then as we have seen lately the CC spin doctors are excellent.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2016 #73

    Neither of the clubs campaigned effectively about the problems with gas regulators blocking.

    Neither of the clubs campaign to get a safe, easy to use spare wheel carrying method on caravans.

    The CC ran an article 'exposing' the fact that some leisure batteries don't work......but wouldn't say which ones.

    Neither of the clubs campaign to improve the build quality of caravan.....they simply extoll their virtues in pointless reviews.

    There is an awful lot more that they could do for the money they receive.

    PITCHTOCLOSE Forum Participant Posts: 658
    edited May 2016 #74

    We recently bought some stuff from cotswold outdoor shop, using our cc card we got 15% discount which nearly recouped the fee.

    You get access to the CC network, advice, other discounts, magazine,  site network, travel service, insurance services, a body to lobby parliament on issues affecting our hobby.

    Weather that is worth £48 a year I don't know and of course you may use none or all of the services offered but that's a choice you make but Ian if you are so against the club and everything it offers (or doesn't ) why join, if the grass is greener elsewhere
    move on.

    I am not in any particular camp but can see the pros and cons of the club and choose to stay. We belong to the other club also and find their booking service and pricing for club sites atrocious, deposits cannot amend on line, hidden pricing but we choose
    to stay for other things.

    Write your comments here...uncle tom cobley and all get 15% off

  • Lansdorf
    Lansdorf Forum Participant Posts: 37
    edited May 2016 #75

    So, my previous post provoked a few slightly caustic replies but still no one has come forth with a sensible solution. Many of you seem to know far more than I do about what the club is doing, or not doing (things I'm too old to worry about) so does anyone
    have any solutions? I'm not having a go at anyone here I'm asking a serious question.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited May 2016 #76

    How much of the CC "surplus" goes into aquiring new sites, refurbishing existing sites? Quite a lot I would imagine

    Or Surreptitiously trying to divest themselves of 3 popular sites!

    I knew about Bristol and Broadway haven't heard of a third, which one is that?

    It was Broadway, Minehead and Cadeside......these are all owned by the Club, not leased. All three (and there may be more that we haven't spotted) were put forward to the Local Authority planners for redevelopment for housing "because they no longer met
    the needs of the Club".

    The Club put out a rather weak response saying that it was all a mistake by their agents and have, so far, declined to provide a full, proper explanation. See the 'Broadway Part2' thread under UK Sites

    Thanks for coming back on that.  News to me

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited May 2016 #77

    So, my previous post provoked a few slightly caustic replies but still no one has come forth with a sensible solution. Many of you seem to know far more than I do about what the club is doing, or not doing (things I'm too old to worry about) so does anyone
    have any solutions? I'm not having a go at anyone here I'm asking a serious question.


    Perhaps that while some may grumble (with some truth I would add) about the management of the club past the 'site level' most are happy with the end result which is the high standards found on club sites, well for me anyway

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited May 2016 #78
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited May 2016 #79

    Neither of the clubs campaigned effectively about the problems with gas regulators blocking.

    Neither of the clubs campaign to get a safe, easy to use spare wheel carrying method on caravans.

    The CC ran an article 'exposing' the fact that some leisure batteries don't work......but wouldn't say which ones.

    Neither of the clubs campaign to improve the build quality of caravan.....they simply extoll their virtues in pointless reviews.

    There is an awful lot more that they could do for the money they receive.

    Write your comments here...I fully agree !!!

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,769
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    edited May 2016 #80

    Neither of the clubs campaigned effectively about the problems with gas regulators blocking.

    Neither of the clubs campaign to get a safe, easy to use spare wheel carrying method on caravans.

    The CC ran an article 'exposing' the fact that some leisure batteries don't work......but wouldn't say which ones.

    Neither of the clubs campaign to improve the build quality of caravan.....they simply extoll their virtues in pointless reviews.

    There is an awful lot more that they could do for the money they receive.

    Write your comments here...I fully agree !!!

    Probably the thing the members of both clubs would most like to see from these clubs. A service to deal with members problems that was effective would probably double membership overnight.

  • Boff
    Boff Forum Participant Posts: 1,742
    edited May 2016 #81

    At the public meeting I attended earlier this year which the question of Broadway et al  was raised.   The following statement was made by I think Grenville Chamberlin

    " The Caravan Club is not a campaigning  organisation"

    So don't expect them to go into bat for you!


  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited May 2016 #82

    At the public meeting I attended earlier this year which the question of Broadway et al  was raised.   The following statement was made by I think Grenville Chamberlin

    " The Caravan Club is not a campaigning  organisation"

    So don't expect them to go into bat for you!


    Write your comments here...Is that the same GC who so admirably demonstrated how to tow a caravan safely in the COTY TV programme.

    K Happy

  • volvoman9
    volvoman9 Forum Participant Posts: 1,053
    edited May 2016 #83

    Thats the lad Undecided
