Wet towels....
We have found the best way is to use a flannel in each hand to remove as much water as possible before using ( if necessary) a towel. This results in a very wet flannel and an almost dry towel. It is much easier to carry spare flannels than spare towels.
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Oooooh, sorry, but the thought of microfibre towels on my skin puts my teeth on edge
It's bad enough using the cloths to
clean the motorhome, they sort of catch on your fingers...brian, its not that kind of microtowel, I think you mean the ones that have small loops a bit like velcro, these type I hate myself as you say they stick and catch, especially on unshaven faces my OH reports. The micro towels we have are just like lovely
brushed cotten suede feel, they dry very quickly even hanging in the van.0 -
We have found the best way is to use a flannel in each hand to remove as much water as possible before using ( if necessary) a towel. This results in a very wet flannel and an almost dry towel. It is much easier to carry spare flannels than spare towels.
We do that aswell when its wet weather and can't get the towels out for a good blow, as you say drying is easy and taking half a dozen flannels away takes up very little room.
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Oooooh, sorry, but the thought of microfibre towels on my skin puts my teeth on edge
It's bad enough using the cloths to
clean the motorhome, they sort of catch on your fingers...brian, its not that kind of microtowel, I think you mean the ones that have small loops a bit like velcro, these type I hate myself as you say they stick and catch, especially on unshaven faces my OH reports. The micro towels we have are just like lovely
brushed cotten suede feel, they dry very quickly even hanging in the van.Ooh i'd love a link for those....they sound perfect
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They are like chamois leathers for drying humans off! Much beloved of competition swimmers and divers, can be purchased from sports shops and some leisure centres, and of course online. Wring out almost dry, old ones are brilliant for quickly wiping down
bathroom after a shower as super absorbent and dry quickly. Look on www.zoggs.com0 -
To avoid condensation we put wet towels in a plastic bag & hang them out when it stops raining even if that is next day. We always have 8 towels with us (all older hand towels so not large or thick) If necessary we dry them in site tumble dryer.
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Oooooh, sorry, but the thought of microfibre towels on my skin puts my teeth on edge
It's bad enough using the cloths to
clean the motorhome, they sort of catch on your fingers...brian, its not that kind of microtowel, I think you mean the ones that have small loops a bit like velcro, these type I hate myself as you say they stick and catch, especially on unshaven faces my OH reports. The micro towels we have are just like lovely
brushed cotten suede feel, they dry very quickly even hanging in the van.Ooh i'd love a link for those....they sound perfect
Sorry for the delay been gardening
Right the ones we have are Large towels Gelert, small towels Trekmates. Both makes are classed and sold as 'travel towels' we bought them in a popular large 'Direct' sports shop
this time of year you will usually find them on special offer.TTDA love your description "chamois leathers for drying humans"
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Oooooh, sorry, but the thought of microfibre towels on my skin puts my teeth on edge
It's bad enough using the cloths to
clean the motorhome, they sort of catch on your fingers...brian, its not that kind of microtowel, I think you mean the ones that have small loops a bit like velcro, these type I hate myself as you say they stick and catch, especially on unshaven faces my OH reports. The micro towels we have are just like lovely
brushed cotten suede feel, they dry very quickly even hanging in the van.Ooh i'd love a link for those....they sound perfect
Sorry for the delay been gardening
Right the ones we have are Large towels Gelert, small towels Trekmates. Both makes are classed and sold as 'travel towels' we bought them in a popular large 'Direct' sports shop
this time of year you will usually find them on special offer.TTDA love your description "chamois leathers for drying humans"
We sold them in swimming pools and sports centres at work! Great for packing up small, but not for wrapping round you when water runs out mid shower in van!
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Oooooh, sorry, but the thought of microfibre towels on my skin puts my teeth on edge
It's bad enough using the cloths to
clean the motorhome, they sort of catch on your fingers...brian, its not that kind of microtowel, I think you mean the ones that have small loops a bit like velcro, these type I hate myself as you say they stick and catch, especially on unshaven faces my OH reports. The micro towels we have are just like lovely
brushed cotten suede feel, they dry very quickly even hanging in the van.Thanks for enlightening me TG, they sound much nicer than microfibre....
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The best way is to avoid the problem by only going to hit places. If it rains, move on. We have never had a problem; the towels go an a discreetly placed rotary airer.
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I thought it was Page 3 that was non PC but my PC won't bring up page 2 so here is the posted I posted or didn't post
We bought four extra large (bath) and two large (hand) towels in 2009 Lifeadaventure brand the soft ones a bit like a suede finish. Not cheap but after perhaps 750 nights away they are still as good as new. Several advantages. Because they dry in
a different way (blotting rather than rubbing) they become less wet and are also said to be better for your skin because (according to my GP) they don't abrasively rub off natural oils. Being less wet and thinner they dry themselves much more quickly and also
take up less storage space. I don't recall ever drying them as such just spread out on the washroom rail. Washroom is heated according to season.0 -
I know this is talking about MHs but here is my input as a caravanner. I'm only talking about bath towels but if they need drying overnight we find that draping them over the car front seats usually does the job. If we need to dry them when on the move we drape them over the seats in the caravan. In southern europe in summer just leave them on the line overnight! We take a number of hand towels and dry them on an opportunity basis. This has done us over many years.
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Well our microfibre towels arrived on Saturday at Moreton warden office! I have to say that it was a new experience drying myself with what felt like a chamois cloth
they worked like a dream and were dry in under an hour! VERY IMPRESSIVE! Am now going to order a medium sized one for my wet hair!! Thank you!!!0