Lack of sockets and lamp ....

kdee69 Forum Participant Posts: 226
edited October 2016 in Motorhomes #1

We only have one plug socket above our sink (not the best place) and one behind the passenger seat (not including any in the bedroom area) and I really want a lamp  - I find the lighting either too bright or too targetted). for this reason,
I'm considering a cordless lamp - that way I can place it anywhere. Here's the but, the ones I've seen are either like a "desk" type work lamp or something horrid that has mood lighting
Laughing. Anyone come up with a better way for lighting without the need for a socket or has a lovely cordless lamp that they can share
info/photos of?


  • mcpezza
    mcpezza Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited October 2016 #2

    Hi kdee69.

    You could consider a 12v Led lamp and take power from a suitably fused source nearer to your prefered location. Is the bathroom close? Usually some 12v power there. Current consumption would be minimal with a Led lamp.


  • kdee69
    kdee69 Forum Participant Posts: 226
    edited October 2016 #3

    Hi kdee69.

    You could consider a 12v Led lamp and take power from a suitably fused source nearer to your prefered location. Is the bathroom close? Usually some 12v power there. Current consumption would be minimal with a Led lamp.


    Great idea but unfortuntely not close - thanks for posting this though

  • QFour
    QFour Forum Participant Posts: 442
    edited October 2016 #4

    You could try one of these in your LED Lighting circuit

    ( Wireless Remote LED Light RF Dimmer Controller Control 12V 8A single color led )

    You can buy them on ebay for about £6 and they will dim LED Lighting. All the unit does is switch the power on and off at different frequencies so the lights dim. The Laika MH we have has it built in so when you hold the light switch the lights dim
    until you let the switch go.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited October 2016 #5

    Our MH was the same so we matched the original sockets and fitted a second in the kitchen and two in the lounge area. You wouldn't know it was other than original. 

  • kdee69
    kdee69 Forum Participant Posts: 226
    edited October 2016 #6

    Great ideas all...I'm going to have a look at the Remote LED so thank you

  • rayjsj
    rayjsj Forum Participant Posts: 930
    edited October 2016 #7

    Our MH was the same so we matched the original sockets and fitted a second in the kitchen and two in the lounge area. You wouldn't know it was other than original. 

    Write your comments here...that would be my solution too. You cant have too many mains sockets. 

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited October 2016 #8

    Added quite a few to my trailer caravan, in the places where they are needed. Easiest way is to use a power extension cable pluged into a socket with cable routed away from sight, if you dont feel confident wiring in permanently and don't have a pal who
    is an electrician. Taking off the plug allows cable to go through small holes and it should be straightforward to put plug back again.

    Just watch out for total load as you can't do this and stick a 3kW heater in each socket!

  • Gordon Craig Powell
    Gordon Craig Powell Forum Participant Posts: 54
    edited February 2017 #9

    I used a mobile caravan specialist in local town and basically went bonkers in one visit.... double 240v and 12v fitted either side in the garage; @ 6 matching 240v and double usb's in the van - have a think in advance, do it once and put more than you think you need in!! Sure they could also fit lights into circuit as well for you.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited February 2017 #10

    I had the same issue on one of our vans. Discovered that the fridge was actually plugged into a hidden socket beneath the fridge itself. Was able to covert this to a double socket and then run what in effect was an extention cable from this. Like Nav says, watch the load mind. I also like CPs idea of fitting one of those sockets which has integral USB ports.