Truma Water Heater electrical problem

MrGarval Forum Participant Posts: 120
edited March 2016 in Caravans #1


Further to my previous post a week ago can anyone help me as to why my Truma  Type US10 water heater fitted to my Bailey Senator 2007 model which stopped working on electrics but was fine on gas.

After various checks etc I find that the heater will work fine on electric if I turn the mains switch off for about 20 mins and then turn it back on. It is almost as if when uo to temperature something cuts it out and hold it cutout until it is depowered
from the mains for a while. After it has been depowered from the mains electrics and turned back on say 20 mins later or when hot water has been drawn off cooling it down, hey presto it works. Does this make sense to anyone more technically minded than me.
Any helo greatly received.


  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited March 2016 #2

    It reads like the thermal overheat cutout is faulty, usually close to the heater element.

  • MrGarval
    MrGarval Forum Participant Posts: 120
    edited March 2016 #3

    Many thanks for this advise, it certainly sounds very likely, I just have to find the item. Don't know if you read my previous post but I'm in Spain and will use heater by turning on/off as this works and try to sort out when we back to UK.
