Newbie through France, and Spain to Gibralter

Camelrib Forum Participant Posts: 2

Hello all.

Just about to post this and the computer crashed Sealed !

So here goes again !

We have just bought our first motorhome, a Bailey Autograph.

We are planning to take a week to drive down to Gibralter where we are taking a week long sailing training course.

We have found a site 25 miles from Gib, "Camping Bella Vista" at Manilova where we would like to leave the van for the week and travel to Gib by Taxi and return a week later to take a longer route home.

Could we beg some advice and tips from any members please .

Has anyone had experience of this site ? Do you think we are running a security risk leaving the van unattended for a week on the site ?

We have been advised that taking a vehicle into Gib over the border is a hassle, and probably finding somewhere in Gib to leave it would be difficult. Has anyone had experience of this ?

We live in Kent and have obviously heard all the stories of problems in Calais. Have people had problems in Calais ? We have considered using  Dover to Dunkirk and Portsmouth to Cherbourg or St Malo, either out or return.

Should we consider buying some camping cheques, are they readily accepted in Europe ?

Looking forward to hearing any advice that anyone can offer.

Many Thanks

Chris and Valley



  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited September 2016 #2
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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,165
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited September 2016 #3

    One important thing to do is to check with your insurance company that they would be happy for you to leave the motorhome unattended for a week?


  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited September 2016 #4
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  • Camelrib
    Camelrib Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited September 2016 #5

    Many thanks for all your replies.

    Valuable advice. We are on a steep learning curve ! Nothing like diving in at the deep end.

  • crusader
    crusader Forum Participant Posts: 299
    edited September 2016 #6

    As DD said it's not difficult to drive into Gib but que's are always there and not a lot of parking never mind long stay

  • obbernockle
    obbernockle Forum Participant Posts: 616
    edited September 2016 #7

    There should be no problem leaving your van at Bella Vista. Lots of people do that. Just book your pitch for the total stay. It's always wise to tell the staff your going off for a week, and I would say you will have no worries. By the way, this is probably
    one of the best winter sites in Spain. The CC deal for a 30 day stay is great as it includes 16a electic.