Wonderful Copenhagen??

JayVeeYork Forum Participant Posts: 23

Having taken the plunge last year to go abroad (after positive and encouraging comments from you good folks out there!) my hubby now wants to get all adventurous and go again, this time to Denmark via Holland (which is where we went on our first 'abroad'
foray last year) then Germany and across to Denmark.  Needless to say, yet again I am less than keen as I get v stressed at the thought of all that driving (and I never even get behind the wheel!).  Help!  Any advice would be much appreciated.  We live in
E Yorks so want to go from Hull again.  Cheers!


  • BlueVanMan
    BlueVanMan Club Member Posts: 384
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    edited February 2016 #2

    Denmark is a marvellous country and must have the most courteous and relaxed drivers in Europe. It is a bit of a trek through Germany but well worth it. Consider some less obvious places such as Ribe on the West coast of Jutland. Also check with DFDS just
    in case you can get on the commercial ferry from Immingham direct to Esbjerg. So go for it and have a fabulous time

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited February 2016 #3

    We absolutely love Denmark, been several times. Ribe is a lovely town but there are so many delights. Skagen's interesting too. What aspect of the holiday do you need help with? Places to visit, sites? What are your interests? Our visits included fishing, historical trails and places to walk.

    One thing I will say is that the Danes are very like us! Similar food, humour, shared heritage and so friendly! Walk down most Danish streets and the folk there look just like those on our eastern coastal town high streets, JayVee! Not surprising really, much the same gene pool! Grimsby for example has many Danish connections and a couple of my visits were work related, building those connections with the Danes.

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited February 2016 #4

    Like that Rodgers and Hammerstein song " there ain't nothing like a Dane" Wink

  • JayVeeYork
    JayVeeYork Forum Participant Posts: 23
    edited February 2016 #5

    Hi Micksf,

    thanks for you encouragement; really my problem would in no way be with Denmark or indeed its 'so like us' inhabiitants, it's the thought of having to go such a long way (even though my lovely hubby does all the navigating and driving).  Why oh why did DFDS
    stop that Newcastle ferry?!!  Don't they realise we would've used it to get to Denmark?!!!  One other kind comment seemed to underline the long route through Germany.  Is it best to get to Holland, drive right through to Germany then stop there for a night
    or two before going onto Denmark?  I know I was terrified before did our first trip abroad last year but although we only went to Holland it really was fab, the road users were very patient and nobody honked at us once!!  Or......would it just be simpler to
    try France?!!

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,751
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    edited February 2016 #6

    Denmark is not really that far!  Think about me.....my relatives are in the far north of Norway, now that is far!

    Hull/Rotterdam is good, but any ferry will get you over the water.

    I reckon you could be in Denmark in 2 days, but linger a day in Germany and stock up on food first, Denmark is more expensive.

  • JayVeeYork
    JayVeeYork Forum Participant Posts: 23
    edited February 2016 #7

    Another helpful and encouraging response, many thanks.