Guidelines on rabies injections

Swifty 123
Swifty 123 Forum Participant Posts: 100

Our friends have been taking their dog over to France with them via the Tunnel for the last 5 years and on their way back through the Calais pet control last year they were asked by the officer there why they had their dog inoculated every year for Rabies,
they told him that that was their understanding of how it should be, he said no, it was every 3 years. On arriving home they went on the DEFRA web site to check what the requirements were and they found the information very confusing and we're still left unsure.
Has anyone come across this dilemma before and can they throw some light on it. Thanks 


  • KeithandMargaret
    KeithandMargaret Forum Participant Posts: 660
    edited February 2016 #2

    As far as I know UK Vets who give the Rabies treatment stamp and sign that it does not need renewing for three years.

    French Vets only give a maximum of a one year allowance but charge considerably less than their UK counterparts.

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited February 2016 #3

    Most UK Vets vaccinate for 3 years before a booster is required, but a few vaccinate for 1 or 2 years. Your friend will have to find out why your Vet does it annually and ask to change, or change their Vet.

  • Oldgirl and Staffy
    Oldgirl and Staffy Forum Participant Posts: 414
    edited February 2016 #4

    This website from a veterinary practice explains to a better degree why there is no 'definitive' period before a booster is required.   

    We have always had ours vaccinated every year even though it is said here that it valid for 3 years in the UK.  In France we have been told that it is required every year but I understand in Belgium and some other EU countries it is only required every 2 years. 
    Ask your vet for  his view.  Better be safe than sorry because if there was an outbreak, any animal without a valid vaccination for that country within a certain radius of that outbreak would be destroyed.

  • Dicksplat
    Dicksplat Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited March 2016 #5

    Last year in France we took one of our dogs to the vet in France for rabies injection and he asked do you want 3 years obviously we said yes and this was entered into passport,when our other dog was due our vet said just 1 year so changed vet and got 3 years,phoned
    defra and they said uk has license for 3year rabies.

  • royandsharont
    royandsharont Forum Participant Posts: 735
    edited March 2016 #6

    I think if your UK pet spends more than 3 months in France then under French laws the rabies booster must be done every year, not 3 as in the UK. Regards Roy