Saving gas
Unfortunately when starting a post, there is no way you can know which way it will go. Some posts stir up strong feelings, one way or another. Those who use electricity to save gas think one thing, those who prefer to use gas and save electricity have opposing views.
In a club with a large and varied membership, those people are never going to agree, but it's best to treat it all with a sense of humour - and not to take it all too seriously or express views that those people are 'pathetic and sad' - they're not! Take a middle of the road view, and don't think that those who post wildly alternative views are people you won't like if you meet them - some of them are the most charming people face to face!
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Good point Valda, when I first started reading about solar panels I thought ,"what a waste of time and money ", but then I thought there must be something in these things , I now have solar panels on my shed a solar panel at my shop ( we often have power cuts) to power some lights and the till and now I am setting up a solar panel at my dads house so he can use it to power his fish pond pumps and save a bit of leccy, So some times a thread can change a persons view
in my case ,for the good......
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One thing that I take into acount is flexibility - and this Christmas/New Year I packed the solar panel just in case all else failed. I didn't find myself without leccy - but it seems to have happened in some parts across the country! Belt and braces
maybe but it gave me peace of mind! My heart goes out to those people with flooded houses etc - and hope they all manage somehow.0 -
One thing that I take into acount is flexibility - and this Christmas/New Year I packed the solar panel just in case all else failed. I didn't find myself without leccy - but it seems to have happened in some parts across the country! Belt and braces maybe but it gave me peace of mind! My heart goes out to those people with flooded houses etc - and hope they all manage somehow.
Write your comments here... We had to go further Pippah, we returned home after a week's break at New Year to find the central heating pump had failed. The house was down to 8c and we could not get it fixed until the following day. At least we had the caravan handy running on gas with the solar panel keeping the battery topped up.
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Unfortunately when starting a post, there is no way you can know which way it will go. Some posts stir up strong feelings, one way or another. Those who use electricity to save gas think one thing, those who prefer to use gas and save electricity have
opposing views.In a club with a large and varied membership, those people are never going to agree, but it's best to treat it all with a sense of humour - and not to take it all too seriously or express views that those people are 'pathetic and sad' - they're not! Take
a middle of the road view, and don't think that those who post wildly alternative views are people you won't like if you meet them - some of them are the most charming people face to face!I apologise unreservedly ValDa if my comments upset you or anyone else. I participate in a wide variety of online forums ..... I should have guessed that the "difference of opinion" snake would eventually rear its head, with the obvious comments it attracts
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Hi Moonchip - don't worry you didn't upset me at all. There are always those who take opposing views, and this topic is moderate by comparison with the Arrivals and Departure Times threads!
Thank you ValDa
I won't tempt fate by joining in on those threads - my laid back views on such issues (I really couldn't care less about either !) is bound to upset someone
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Hi folks, been away for some time but the title of this thread caught my eye. I wonder if I am on the right tack but here goes.
Saving gas? On a CC site with hook up..Not cheap unless one of the 'deals' that the club does. Now, if, like many thousands of caravanners, the OP is on Calor or Flogas, I can understand to a certain extent why you would want to save gas (at £24 a pop so
would I!!) But surely, it would make little difference to the overall cost of a break if you have plumbed for a CC site? For me, it's the bottom line that counts. For arguments sake, let's stay on a CL with hook up at £14 a night for a week in April say. Fees
£98 and let's say you use 1/2 a 6kg cylinder. Another £12 Total £110.Now, because I have fitted the kit to stay non EHU, I stay down the road on a non EHU site at £5 a night.Fees £35 + I have used perhaps double the gas as I haven't got electric but with Safefill I have only paid about £11 for 10.3kgs so let's for arguments
sake say that I have used £6 worth of gas Total £41. Now, I acccept that I have spent money on the equipment to allow me to be able to do that but that's 1 week! £69 saved and at no diminution of comfort as I can run microwave, toaster and even whip around
with the 240v vacuum if I wish. That's what I call a saving. The equipment I fitted has paid for itself by saved fees. A good investment I would say. Just a thought....0 -
Merve, we can only make that judgement if we know the price of all the equipment, the solar the inverter etc plus the Safefill. The latter I believe having a finite life to be taken into account.
Also is a £14 a night site with EHU directly comparible with a £5 site without, ie just for a EHU a premium of £9 ?
I feel the argument you are making is far from like for like and missing out the true cost.
I am a fan of solar and would like to be a Safefill user, but I feel the savings are being overstated.
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We have a Gaslow installation, but no solar panel. We always take EHU if the cost is reasonable.
The main reason we invested in Gaslow was to be able to refill abroad as we spend maybe 3-4 months away. We did not consider the cost against the savings, it was just something we needed to get.
Then of course we realised that we could use gas for heating/HW/fridge etc on EHU metered sites in Germany etc, where EHU is often metered and is very expensive.
So, for us, saving gas is not that important as our gas is cheap.
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I don't think we 'save gas' because of the monetary value in doing so. We do it because cooking outside with electricity is easier. We wouldn't use gas however cheap it was, because it isn't a convenient way of cooking for us, and we don't ever (or certainly
perhaps one day a year) use our heating or water heater. That's 'Caravan 1'.On the other hand, for Caravan 2, we have a caravan sited permanently on a site near home, where we have no EHU. There we use gas but we haven't yet gone down the Safefill route because we still don't actually get through a huge amount of gas. Others, who
use their caravans on that site more than we do, have a variety of 'gas saving' solar panels, inverters, barbecues, etc.0 -
Merve, we can only make that judgement if we know the price of all the equipment, the solar the inverter etc plus the Safefill. The latter I believe having a finite life to be taken into account.
Also is a £14 a night site with EHU directly comparible with a £5 site without, ie just for a EHU a premium of £9 ?
I feel the argument you are making is far from like for like and missing out the true cost.
I am a fan of solar and would like to be a Safefill user, but I feel the savings are being overstated.
Write your comments here...I think a comparison can be made
For example
I use a non electric basic cl. On the gower peninsular for a cost of £7 a night . Just 1 field away there is a cs. Basic with ehu.they are charging more than £20 a night .
If one is extending a break on the cl rather than the cs.the savings would be tremendous if you have self contained means of electricity.
We use a 13 kg propane calor bottle. It fits in the gas locker and it costs around £5 more for nearly twice the amount of gas . We decided to go with the larger bottle as the caravan we have now has the alde system fitted and the dealer told us it is quite
a bit more expensive than using electricity.0 -
Merve, we can only make that judgement if we know the price of all the equipment, the solar the inverter etc plus the Safefill. The latter I believe having a finite life to be taken into account.
Also is a £14 a night site with EHU directly comparible with a £5 site without, ie just for a EHU a premium of £9 ?
I feel the argument you are making is far from like for like and missing out the true cost.
I am a fan of solar and would like to be a Safefill user, but I feel the savings are being overstated.
Write your comments here...I can assure you ocsid that the savings are not over stated. And yes, I believe that the £14 a night (and more!) EHU site can be compared in many instances with a £4 - £5 a night site. Now, I wouldn't say that in every case obviously, CLs that build showers and toilets and other facilities will charge more and so the price rises again. All I can say, being an evangelist for non EHU is that the more you caravan, the more it's worth it. My system cost in the region of £900 - that was 2+ almost 3 years ago and systems are cheaper now. -100 nights has seen my money come back to me in saved fees. From now on, it's happy days. I know many thousands won't be convinced and many thousands couldn't be bothered anyway but the fact remains, modern tech is here and it offers something that has never been before - free electricity, tiny consumption components like LEDs and 1/4 price gas. Last year I had 15 nights in beautiful Dorset. Fabulous holiday, everything we needed and were used to - £60!! My point, not argument, is simple. If you really want to save money on caravanning you can but you will have to. Speculate to accumulate as the Manufacturers have not seen the potential yet. Let's face it, our forefathers would have snapped our hands off for what we have now. They wouldn't be able to believe it. I remember going to Pandy last year (vouchers) before travelling on to Pembrokeshire. We stayed for 2 nights and it was very nice but not my choice and we didn't hook up. We didn't need to. Talking to the guy next to us, he was absolutely gobsmacked at what I told him , he wanted to know all about it and was very interested in the whole thing. How many caravannersw are like him? Never thought about it. They don't know you can do such a thing? It was a revelation to me and it's been a revelation to others. But the best thing is, Its so much cheaper!
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Merve you just remember the sausages you ate at Pandy.
If that was in the pub close by then I am dribbling just thinking about them, Sorry too much info I guess
Write your comments here...No he bought them from the famous butcher in Abbergavenny beside the market. However there is a good pub next to the Pandy site which serves good food.
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This has been one of the most interesting posts I'v read here recently, and thank you to the contributors for thie views and posts. As a previous post stated some good ideas here for thought. I only have 30 days each year to go away and break that done into four good long breaks, three week long trips and one two week trip abroad, plus onc weekend a month short stays.All the time gas is used for cooking, BBQ with a cadoc, or where possible George Foreman electric BBQ. I carry two 7kg bottles and like others always have one full one, and probably only replace one once every two years. I'v been on metered sites in Germany but build in costs based on E3 per night and never gone over. The point I'm trying to make is each to their own, but please dont have a pop at me for the way I do things according to my preferences and ability to pay. Why do people get so fussy?
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Oh! I remember those sausages! A pilgrimage worth making! I will go again. All the money saved on hook up should go on those sausages! Abergavenny has the best sausages in the country!
Write your comments here...You haven't been to Lincolnshire yet Merve - although it is in a different country! You could spend many happy months sampling all the different sausages on offer here!
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Oh! I remember those sausages! A pilgrimage worth making! I will go again. All the money saved on hook up should go on those sausages! Abergavenny has the best sausages in the country!
Write your comments here...You haven't been to Lincolnshire yet Merve - although it is in a different country! You could spend many happy months sampling all the different sausages on offer here!
Corking savoury flavour have the Lincolnshires Pip, hard to beat
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Let's face it guys, a good sausage, no matter where it's produced or what flavour is art on a plate!! We had a gold medal winner in our very street sadly now closed and they were superb. Not likely to do much in Lincolnshire Pippa - too near Skeggy! Tin
hat on!!0 -
Let's face it guys, a good sausage, no matter where it's produced or what flavour is art on a plate!! We had a gold medal winner in our very street sadly now closed and they were superb. Not likely to do much in Lincolnshire Pippa - too near Skeggy! Tin hat on!!
I love a good sausage Merve but "art on a plate" ... really?
Write your comments here...OK A home made steak and kidney pie then! I recently went to see a very long standing friend at Sheringham and had the pleasure of a homemade S&K pie. It was unbelievably delicious. Dont tell the OH but the best I'I've ever had!!! Pastry and meat is a marriage in heaven!! -Life would be diminished without those steeped in the art of making a good sausage though!