Pitching Instruction
Absolutely agree, Michael. Obey the rules/guidelines for whichever site you're using, which of course on the vast majority of sites both here and over there means having your car with the rest of your unit (and, since you raise the subject, on CC sites allows
for slightly later departure as stated clearly on page 275 of the current handbook.) You're also correct in saying that if you don't wish to follow those rules/guidelines you should go elsewhere.
Nothing to do with umbilical cords!
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Mmmm... How many times on CT have we seen MHers up in arms against what they perceive as a biased and intolerant attitude towards them from vanners.
And yet here we have exactly an example of that in the opposite direction
For heaven's sake does it matter if you're a vanner or a MHer? Does it make one jot of difference that a towcar is parked by a van in the same way that many MHers park a small car by their MH? When we're on site it scarcely registers what sort of unit is
parked up next to us.If you're really that intolerant of what others do I'd suggest finding a different way to spend your leisure time!
...Well said M
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Yes JM20, it's a very selfish attitude, seems like a knee jerk reaction to try and 'cast aspersions' whenever possible..... towards caravanners
Luckily I'm quite able, but there must be many not so and it would be shameful attacking a caravanner for that reason.
Then there is the speeding of M/homes
bit OTT, Dave....
and John, who mentioned the disabled.....not me.
my comment was enquiring (as Michael did) about why small items couldnt be readily available in the caravan, rather than leaving them in a car....youve turned this into some 'attack on the disabled'.....again rather OTT.
surely, a disabled person (or anyone not wishing to keep traipsing to the car) would bring the stuff into the van on arrival to avoid having to constantly return to the car in order to access these.....
nothing selfish about this.....any blue badge holder would be allowed on site with their car, wouldnt they....
for those (us) able bodied folk, a short stroll to the car isnt that difficult to manage, surely.
this was just exploring an idea that seems to work in other places...keeping traffic to a minimum, increasing space.....you know, chewing the cud....as folk do on forums
we get the same old line when anyone dare suggest that a process works differently (better) on a non CC site...
as you say Dave, a knee jerk reaction
Not at all BB
Do you think we are blind to the way you make your postings?
Your postings are usually thinly disguised, and with a spattering of emoticons in an attempt to hide the real message you would like to put across
Disabilities do not always warrant a Blue badge and forgetfulness can be a common thing even amongst the enabled, that is why possibly more than one, two or more trips to the car park could be a reality.
Accept that caravanner or Motorhomer are different in their ways of touring, but similar in their love of the pastime.
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There I was thinking we were all vanners sharing the same hobby and rubbing along together just fine when WWlll breaks out. For goodness sake, live and let live.
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I'm a trekker twixt car and van. Maps and camera, anorak are all generally used whilst out in the car. However there are times when I wish to plan a route, photograph something that has caught my eye, not get wet visiting the CDP, all entailing retrieving
items from the car. M'homers have all this conveniently to hand or cluttering up the accomodation depending on the point of view and level of tidiness.0 -
BB your just being, how shall I put it? motor homer focused, perhaps its true what others have said and you have your own agenda
I'm with CY, I keep the waterproofs in the car, maps in the car, coats in the car. Why because the car goes out of the site and the van doesn't. Occasionally I may need one of those items in the van. I will open my van, walk to the car, and get it quickly.
If I wake up and its raining, why should i have to walk to the car park getting very wet as opposed to a litle wet? try and think things things through?0 -
I'm a trekker twixt car and van. Maps and camera, anorak are all generally used whilst out in the car. However there are times when I wish to plan a route, photograph something that has caught my eye, not get wet visiting the CDP, all entailing retrieving
items from the car. M'homers have all this conveniently to hand or cluttering up the accomodation depending on the point of view and level of tidiness.Me too,CY, plus there are outside chairs which we keep in the car overnight, plus the awning and mats if we're not using them as happened last week. At the end of the day, it's all down to personal choice which, of course, depends largely on the size of
van/MH you're using.0 -
When we had a caravan we kept everything in the caravan,am i the odd one out?????
Write your comments here...No we did too, we would have the coats in the car for the journey in case we needed them then once on site they would transfer to the van to be used. Most other stuff was always carried in teh van and stored away when not in use
(tables, cahirs etc) we also carried the wine and beer in the car due to he weight but again transferred that to the van once on site.0 -
I don't do a lot of trekking between van and car but it does happen quite a bit on site.
I think locations for storage are very much a matter for the individual. My camera is kept in the van which guarantees I don't get to take many photos. If it was kept in the car it wouldn't get charged.
I don't own a waterproof coat so don't have to worry about that but OHs boots and waterproofs tend to stay in the awning.
I have stayed on sites that required the car to be parked elsewhere. It wasn't a problem for us but it may be for others. Choice is a good thing
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...... and this is the crux, Caravanners and Motorhomers do it differently simply because caravanners have a means to their disposal of using 'items' in two locations, on site and visiting the surrounding area. It therefore means that certain 'items' live in the car, live in the caravan or hold semi permanent residence in either and all dependant upon our whim
Motorhomers shove it all in their vehicle because they got nowhere else to put it, and that is fine too.
So, no sweat, we're all happy.
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If/when we get our caravan restored, I can see some minds being blown on Club Sites if we roll up towing it behind our MH! Just forewarning those of a "set in their ways, my way is the only way" outlook! Won't happen for months yet!
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If/when we get our caravan restored, I can see some minds being blown on Club Sites if we roll up towing it behind our MH! Just forewarning those of a "set in their ways, my way is the only way" outlook! Won't happen for months yet!
..That would not be a problem ,I have seen it before ,it just means deciding which is the LV that is to be used as accomodation for your stay
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No one is saying this should happen only that it could. However you would need smaller pitches as no need for the car, keep some for disabled users. The pitching isntruction is then Caravan -> Awning if you want one or just pitch anyway if you dont have
an awning as all pitches would be teh requisite 6m from any others. Saving on pitch size will allow space for a car park for say 80 cars on a 100 pitch site allwoing for 20% MH's (obviously more work needs doing on this to detrmine exact %age). Probably
more of a go forward model for new sites and I am not saying it has to be done just I have seen it in action and it works well and stops the moaning about speeding, kids on bikes being knocked over, pitching right way round, parking on the grass strip etc.0 -
I think those with Mh would quickly change their tune if they had a caravan. instead.
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I think the point is to allow folks to choose , a strange concept to those with a "this is my way, why can't you all do it the same way" philosophy. The current arrangement, seen on virtually every site in the country (I can only think of 2 exceptions) works just fine. They even allow it at Haven!
And, personally, I can think of nothing worse than turning up to a 100 site caravan park to be greeted by an 80 space car park at the entrance. Still, beauty is in the eye of the beholder; each to their own!
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I think the point is to allow folks to choose , a strange concept to those with a "this is my way, why can't you all do it the same way" philosophy. The current arrangement, seen on virtually every site in the country (I can only think of 2 exceptions) works
just fine. They even allow it at Haven!And, personally, I can think of nothing worse than turning up to a 100 site caravan park to be greeted by an 80 space car park at the entrance. Still, beauty is in the eye of the beholder; each to their own!
Write your comments here...Well over there they would turn it into a 90 pitch Aire
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Thats what happens in many sites on the continent, you are only allowed on site in your car to pitch up and hook up to leave, aprt from that you leave the car in the car park. Seems OK over there and also eliminates the "speeders" on site!!
I certainly would not say it happens on "many" sites over there, we have noticed on on some sites in Holland, and would never use such a site.
I have all my tools, cameras, computer stuff etc in the car, plus site books, map books, outside furniture, etc etc, no way do i want to be forever trailing to and from the car.
I thought, like Michael, that having all those nasty cars out of the way, in a car park would keep noise down, reduce speeding to nil, give all vanners the space on a pitch that those without cars and barrels etc enjoy and generally make life for all on
the site a lot saferforever going to and fro to the car for book, a map, a camera or whatever...seems really inconvenient...
i wondered why you wouldnt keep these small, oft used items inside the van where they can be readily available?
it cant be lack of storage, as you have a large caravan?
re cameras, is there a (poor) security issue with keeping stuff in a caravan?
Even with a caravan you need to watch the weight, so these heavy things travel in the car. We do have plenty of space in the caravan, but if we filled it all up we would be well overeweight!
And, yes, caravans are pretty easily broken into, so not the best place to keep valuables.
We only keep clothes, food, bedding etc in the van, anything we might want to use when out and about normally travels in the car, saves having to remember what to pack for a day out!