Club's serviced pitches



  • David2115
    David2115 Club Member Posts: 548
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    edited December 2015 #32

    Knaresborough has a sign up for planning permission for an extra 8 hard standing pitches not sure where they will be Or if they are replacing grass 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited December 2015 #33

    I'm happy to pay for a serviced pitch for a longer stay e.g 5 nights or longer.  Alternatively, I will pay for a serviced pitch if I want a hardstanding as all but a very small handful are hardstandings.  The O.P. (by Nellie) states that Serviced pitches were not in use during off season.  This is the time of year when most sites don't allow the use of grass pitches - therefore you are guaranteed a hardstanding. If it were main season, I wonder how many serviced pitches would be in use because of the desire to book a hardstanding?


    Surely a better way to spend the money used to upgrade H/S to service pitches would be to install more H/S pitches if, as you say people are booking the serviced pitches so as to ensure they get a H/S pitch.   There's a constant moan on here that there are insufficient pitches available on popular sites.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2015 #34

    There are members who complain that there are not enough pitches on the network now and the more hardstanding /serviced pitches are installed will mean less pitches ,as the space needed for two hardstands is about the same as three grass, so the more installed the less overall,and i know from conversations the cc is trying to find more sites in areas that are thin on the ground or need more  


  • Unknown
    edited December 2015 #35
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2015 #36

    if the same H&S spacing rules apply, why are HS pitches less space 50%....can you explain that one as i thought the pitches were just a different material?....

    obviously not, it seems....

    ...Because the h/stands are the same "width" as grass but then normally have a two plus mtr grass strip either side if "converted" from grass

  • Bob2112
    Bob2112 Forum Participant Posts: 276
    edited December 2015 #37

    if the same H&S spacing rules apply, why are HS pitches less space 50%....can you explain that one as i thought the pitches were just a different material?....

    obviously not, it seems....

    ...Because the h/stands are the same "width" as grass but then normally have a two plus mtr grass strip either side if "converted" from grass

    Write your comments here...or we have the supermarket carpark look which some  people don't seem to mind.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited December 2015 #38

    if the same H&S spacing rules apply, why are HS pitches less space 50%....can you explain that one as i thought the pitches were just a different material?....

    obviously not, it seems....

    ...Because the h/stands are the same "width" as grass but then normally have a two plus mtr grass strip either side if "converted" from grass

    Surely the only requirement is that the 6 m spacing between outfits is maintained. The grass partition can be part of this spacing. It just depends what size you make the hard standings.

  • Unknown
    edited December 2015 #39
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  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited December 2015 #40

    if the same H&S spacing rules apply, why are HS pitches less space 50%....can you explain that one as i thought the pitches were just a different material?....

    obviously not, it seems....

    ...Because the h/stands are the same "width" as grass but then normally have a two plus mtr grass strip either side if "converted" from grass

    Surely the only requirement is that the 6 m spacing between outfits is maintained. The grass partition can be part of this spacing. It just depends what size you make the hard standings.

    i agree, the 'grass' isnt necessary if it means less pitches....

    Write your comments here...see the thing is, and a stumbling block for some folks understanding , is that often it isn't the defined size of pitching area that's important, it's the gaps between which is often made up of grass strips. The width of these
    strips between can determine awning or non awning. Grass pitches are really good when conditions are clement but on many sites, in my experience, they are subject to being available for a shortened season and even then can be taken 'out' of use at a moment's
    notice when the weather is against them. 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2015 #41

    if the same H&S spacing rules apply, why are HS pitches less space 50%....can you explain that one as i thought the pitches were just a different material?....

    obviously not, it seems....

    ...Because the h/stands are the same "width" as grass but then normally have a two plus mtr grass strip either side if "converted" from grass

    Surely the only requirement is that the 6 m spacing between outfits is maintained. The grass partition can be part of this spacing. It just depends what size you make the hard standings.

    ...The latest to satisfy members comments are normally made to take car/van /awning plus sit out space,to enable the whole outfit on ,with space to service water/waste,so i am led to believe

  • Bob2112
    Bob2112 Forum Participant Posts: 276
    edited December 2015 #42

    Now here is a thought. Many non profit making organisations like schools, tax offices, civic centres etc have big car parks and  are shut from 4 pm Friday to 9 am Monday. That's just when the most pressure is on CC sites.  Joint venture!

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited December 2015 #43

    if the same H&S spacing rules apply, why are HS pitches less space 50%....can you explain that one as i thought the pitches were just a different material?....

    obviously not, it seems....

    ...Because the h/stands are the same "width" as grass but then normally have a two plus mtr grass strip either side if "converted" from grass

    Surely the only requirement is that the 6 m spacing between outfits is maintained. The grass partition can be part of this spacing. It just depends what size you make the hard standings.

    ...The latest to satisfy members comments are normally made to take car/van /awning plus sit out space,to enable the whole outfit on ,with space to service water/waste,so i am led to believe

    At several sites, on an awning pitch, the car goes in front of the van. This reduces the necessary width, however does require a deeper pitch.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2015 #44

    if the same H&S spacing rules apply, why are HS pitches less space 50%....can you explain that one as i thought the pitches were just a different material?....

    obviously not, it seems....

    ...Because the h/stands are the same "width" as grass but then normally have a two plus mtr grass strip either side if "converted" from grass

    Surely the only requirement is that the 6 m spacing between outfits is maintained. The grass partition can be part of this spacing. It just depends what size you make the hard standings.

    ...The latest to satisfy members comments are normally made to take car/van /awning plus sit out space,to enable the whole outfit on ,with space to service water/waste,so i am led to believe

    At several sites, on an awning pitch, the car goes in front of the van. This reduces the necessary width, however does require a deeper pitch.

    Write your comments here...

    if the same H&S spacing rules apply, why are HS pitches less space 50%....can you explain that one as i thought the pitches were just a different material?....

    obviously not, it seems....

    ...Because the h/stands are the same "width" as grass but then normally have a two plus mtr grass strip either side if "converted" from grass

    Surely the only requirement is that the 6 m spacing between outfits is maintained. The grass partition can be part of this spacing. It just depends what size you make the hard standings.

    ...The latest to satisfy members comments are normally made to take car/van /awning plus sit out space,to enable the whole outfit on ,with space to service water/waste,so i am led to believe

    At several sites, on an awning pitch, the car goes in front of the van. This reduces the necessary width, however does require a deeper pitch.

    ...But is not a popular option for most curtain twitchers on siteWink

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited December 2015 #45

     At several sites, on an awning pitch, the car goes in front of the van. This reduces the necessary width, however does require a deeper pitch.

    ...But is not a popular option for most curtain twitchers on siteWink

    to be honest, I would have thought they were the curtain twitcher's heaven!Wink

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2015 #46

    if the same H&S spacing rules apply, why are HS pitches less space 50%.....Because the h/stands are the same "width" as grass but then normally have a two plus mtr grass strip either side if "converted" from grassSurely
    the only requirement is that the 6 m spacing between outfits is maintained. The grass partition can be part of this spacing. It just depends what size you make the hard standings.


    At several sites, on an awning pitch, the car goes in front of the van. This reduces the necessary width, however does require a deeper pitch.

    Write your comments here...if the same H&S spacing rules.."converted" from grass

    At several sites, on an awning pitch, the car goes in front of the van. This reduces the necessary width, however does require a deeper pitch.

    ...But is not a popular option for most curtain twitchers on siteWink

    to be honest, I would have thought they were the curtain twitchers heaven!

    ...They do stop the "promenaders" looking in when blocked by large 4x4Cool

  • mbee1
    mbee1 Club Member Posts: 557
    edited December 2015 #47

    I have two opinions here. I love grass and would always opt for it in summer. When we take the van out in the winter I always go for a full service HS if at all possible. More hard standings do make all year caravanning a possibility but I detest the car
    park look of them. Nothing worse than row upon row of caravans and motor homes. 

    I would love to see more HS pitches on some mainly grass sites so they could be open all year, Incleboro Fields for example, which we love and go often in the summer. 

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited December 2015 #48

    As a caravanner and x motorhomer I can see why CC sites need to offer all weather H/s pitches.  Motorhome ownership is growing with caravans decreasing, when I owned the motorhome, I always chose H/s, with the caravan I'm laid back about the type of pitch, preferring grass in the dry weather and h/s in the wet.  This is unsatisfactory in a business sense as it means that under certain weather conditions pitches have to be taken out of use. 

    I know All H/S looks like a supermarket car park but to ensure best use of pitches, that is the way to go.


  • Unknown
    edited December 2015 #49
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  • rickyhobson
    rickyhobson Club Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2016 #50

    Also there should be serviced pitches for the elderly, disabled and those with mobility problems.


    Write your comments here...

    Why just for the older, disabled or people with mobility issues?  Who wants to fill water tanks or empty waste tanks? 

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited January 2016 #51

    Also there should be serviced pitches for the elderly, disabled and those with mobility problems.


    Write your comments here...

    Why just for the older, disabled or people with mobility issues?  Who wants to fill water tanks or empty waste tanks? 

    I would agree we like service pitches and always have one if available. It does however, mean I have to make up for it by walking further, because one good thing about fetching and carrying is that it is darn good exercise.

  • Unknown
    edited January 2016 #52
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  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2016 #53

    The CC centres run rallies on all sorts of sites including the types mentioned above.

  • Valencia65
    Valencia65 Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited January 2016 #54

    We always try and book a service pitch, not easy though as we are still waiting for the CC to put a Service Pitch icon on its booking system! I know many fellow caravaners have asked for this, and indeed we have asked at the shows and also on the phone,
    yet still nothing! How come you can find an icon for nearby golf courses, yet not one for service pitches? I was temporarily partially disabled last year and having a service pitch was a huge bonus, considering I needed to use water and bathroom throughout
    night. The club should invest in more service pitches.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited January 2016 #55

    We always try and book a service pitch, not easy though as we are still waiting for the CC to put a Service Pitch icon on its booking system! I know many fellow caravaners have asked for this, and indeed we have asked at the shows and also on the phone,
    yet still nothing! How come you can find an icon for nearby golf courses, yet not one for service pitches? I was temporarily partially disabled last year and having a service pitch was a huge bonus, considering I needed to use water and bathroom throughout
    night. The club should invest in more service pitches.

    There is this list if it helps.

  • IamtheGaitor
    IamtheGaitor Forum Participant Posts: 529
    edited January 2016 #56

    We have had serviced pitches in the past on CC sites but seeing as they are not actually fully serviced (ie no black waste disposal) we personally didnt find them worth it as they restrict you to a certain area - which seems to be by the toilet block. Having
    them close to the block always strikes us as bizarre but from what we have seen that is where they tend to be.  We prefer the quieter areas at the edge of the site so the trade off of having to do waste and water daily is worth it for the better location.

    PITCHTOCLOSE Forum Participant Posts: 658
    edited January 2016 #57

    We have had serviced pitches in the past on CC sites but seeing as they are not actually fully serviced (ie no black waste disposal) we personally didnt find them worth it as they restrict you to a certain area - which seems to be by the toilet block. Having
    them close to the block always strikes us as bizarre but from what we have seen that is where they tend to be.  We prefer the quieter areas at the edge of the site so the trade off of having to do waste and water daily is worth it for the better location.

    Write your comments here..fully agree, only fit for them who stand under there shower every day, and anyway fully serviced should include black waste, total waste of club money.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2016 #58

    We have had serviced pitches in the past on CC sites but seeing as they are not actually fully serviced (ie no black waste disposal) we personally didnt find them worth it as they restrict you to a certain area - which seems to be by the toilet block. Having
    them close to the block always strikes us as bizarre but from what we have seen that is where they tend to be.  We prefer the quieter areas at the edge of the site so the trade off of having to do waste and water daily is worth it for the better location.

    Write your comments here..fully agree, only fit for them who stand under there shower every day, and anyway fully serviced should include black waste, total waste of club money.

    ...They still seem to be the first to be booked up,so who is "wasting"moneyUndecided

  • Unknown
    edited January 2016 #59
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  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,686
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    edited January 2016 #60

    .....but JVB, you and i both know the reason for this.....its been a way of guaranteeing a HS pitch...

    so what about sites that are all hardstanding and have service pitches as well, I can think of three and the one I'm going to the service pitches for the BH weekends have all been taken but there's plenty of non service HS pitches left

  • Unknown
    edited January 2016 #61
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