Ferry Pitches

We are crossing the channel from Portsmouth to Caen and were intending to stay on a ferry pitch at nearby Rookesbury Park, unfortunately within a few hours of the booking system opening there were no ferry pitches left so we had to book a standard pitch,
and as we are taking the early ferry we will need to be away around 7ish and I wondered if it would be a problem. Is the ferry pitch area dedicated for easier access? ie will I be able to do an early start without causing a problem to anyone?
Best phone the warden and discuss - and in fact I thought the ferry pitches there are only available by phoning the warden. Anybody got a handbook to check ?
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Just copies from the information on the Web for Rookesbury, suggest the OP gets in touch with the warden.ONE NIGHT STAYS: If you are arriving after 8pm and/or leaving before 8am you need to please book a 'Ferry Pitch'. If none are available, please do not book a 'Standard Pitch' but call the site directly.
Please note: Ferry pitches can only be booked direct with the wardens on site.
Late arrivals and early departures should pre-book the short stay area in advance, direct with site.
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Hi BB. In France I would use a supermarket car park overnight for that sort of late arrival and early departure, and have recommended that for people travelling via Dieppe where the ferries come and go at crazy times.
Does Pompey have supermarkets?
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If for some reason you are unsuccessful at getting into Rookesbury Park there is a site nearer to the Ferry at Portsmouth
here if its any help.David
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When I stayed at Rookesbury park, the ferry pitches were all shown as full so spoke to wardens and they said it was the norm and people should telephone the site. Don't know what you would do at this time of the year as site is currently closed.
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There are a number of places where you can park up quietly just off the M275. Therre is a massive Tesco at Northarbour just along the old A27 towards Portchester. There is some parking along the sea wall adjacent to Port Solent, both north and south of the
lockgates. Some vicious humps at Port Solent as you approach the recycling centre though and the Tesco car park is right next to the (deafening) M27. Another alternative is the public car park immediately to the north of Portchester Castle. Castle Street parking
leaves much to be desired though, so grease the sides of your van first! Therer are also a few spots on the B2177 along the top of Portsdown Hill.0 -
Is it not the case that the OP has expressed an interest in staying over night at a campsite? This could be for all sorts of reasons not least that he and his family might want the avaiability of toilets,showers and electricity. If that is the case being
critical of that decision on terms of costs or suggesting they stay in supermarket car parks or roadside is completely pointless and not helpful to the OP.David
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It does seem an odd system that one can only book a ferry pitch at Rookesbury Park by phoning the warden there, but that Club site is closed for the next three months. I can understand anyone travelling across the Channel at Easter finding this irksome.
Could the site booking staff at Club HQ perhaps step into the breach in the meantime?0 -
Thanks for the advice guys but don't want to park my caravan in a Supermarket car park or lay by and get taken for a traveller and moved on....or worse. I do like the luxury of a shower before setting off, and after having over a 5hr minimum drive from home
to the port it's nice to chill for a few hours in nice surroundings and an odd £20 or so doesn't really bother me that much.... Getting in the neck from my Wife for ruining her holiday in France next year, now that does bother me... I will ring the site when
they open, thanks for the heads up on that info.0 -
It might be worthwhile phoning the booking line to see if they can do anything before the site opens.
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Thanks David, I'll give them a call tomorrow
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Dockside worked well for me at Plymouth but I had only travelled from Tavistock so a shower wasn't necessary. A call to the Port you are sailing from might reveal showers etc? I found it very relaxing knowing I was there at the port with no travel worries
in the morning.0 -
Dispel to New haven Ferry .... 5am ish ... late Sept.
I'll be travelling on this ferry from Dieppe with caravan .... anyone know if its possible to overnight in the port area as its such an early ferry ... bearing in mind mine's a caravan and not motor home.
Help please.