Priority attributes?

With there being so many available rooftents on the market, people are able to decide which suits their needs the most. For me, one of the most important features was speed of set-up and pack down.
When travelling for weeks on end, the total time to erect and pack away a softshell tent quickly adds up so being able to close a hardshell quickly and continue with exploring was key to me.
What I'm interested to learn is what people believe the most important feature is for them, when looking at purchasing a rooftent. Is it cost? Comfort? Space?
I have always wondered about the weight issue of a roof tent. I believe most roof racks are designed with a max limit of typically 50-100kg, due to the car roofs design ability to accept no greater. I would expect the weight of an average adult, roof bars, tent structure etc could easily exceed the 100kg.
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I doubt they use ordinary roof racks, EM.
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My friends in South Africa say the primary attribute of a roof tent is protection from creatures which come by in the night. Less of a problem on Club sites.
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@eurortraveller you might need protection on Exeter Racecourse🫣 🤣🤣
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@eribaMotters you're spot on when it comes to roof loads in respect to that weight limit being the dynamic weight limit. So that's the maximum weight allowed when the vehicle is in motion. And whilst there are videos of vehicles being driven with rooftents open, I don't think significant others or the authorities would be best pleased if they saw someone inside a rooftent going down the road. 😁 The static weight limits are typically 3-5 times greater than the dynamic weight limit so at camp, they're safe to have two adults inside.
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@eurortraveller I've not been lucky (or unlucky enough depending on your view!) to come face to face with a rhino at camp, but I have come face to face with a wild boar whilst in Spain! After what felt like an eternity of us staring at each other, it turned around and ran off back into the bushes. That was definitely our sign to climb into the roof tents to escape. I will note, this wasn't in a club site so there's no need to panic if travelling down that way!