Avtex Tourer Three Sat Nav in Range Rover Evoques

Club Member Posts: 2
I don't know if other owners of Range Rover Evoques are aware, but you cannot use the Avtex or for that matter any other make of Sat Nav in these vehicles because the mesh that forms the heated windscreen blocks the signal.
I spent some while on the phone to Avtex, Tom Tom, Garmin and Snooper yesterday and spoke to my local Land Rover dealer and they all told me they will not work due to this type of heated windscreen. The built in sat nav is fine and Waze and What 3 Words are too, as they work through the vehicle's system and come up on the main screen.
If anyone knows different, then please post here, as I was thinking the Avtex Tourer Three would be very helpful. Otherwise I'm sure I will mange just fine with what I have