Cassoa storage

Alan Thomas
Alan Thomas Club Member Posts: 1

I keep my caravan in a Cassoa Gold storage site, but sometimes I need to bring it home for servicing, cleaning, loading etc before I take it away to a holiday site. I get a discount on my insurance for keeping it in a storage site. Is there any length of time I am allowed to have the caravan securely stored on my drive? I am insured through the caravan and motorhome club.

Best Answers

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,513
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    #2 Answer ✓

    It's probably best to read your policy and, if still in doubt, contact the Club's Caravan Cover people.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,411
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    edited January 4 #3 Answer ✓

    It should be there in the policy terms and conditions. We are insured with Comfort and also keep it in a gold site. Our insurance states we can have it at home, or another location where we are not staying in the Motorhome overnight, for 48 hours without informing them. We are happy with that, 48 hours allows us to load up and chill / provision the fridge before we go away on a tour. The insurance also stipulates a tracker, therefore they could check in the event of a claim.

    I’ve just remembered, when we had a caravan insured through the club and kept at the same gold site we had to pay a supplement to keep it on a seasonal pitch at Cirencester CAMC site. I’m not sure if it said anything about storing it at home as it wasn’t practical to do so. If you can’t find anything in the policy I should give them a call.


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,721
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    edited January 4 #4

    @Alan Thomas

    I'm in the same position as yourself and in my insurance documents (where the discounts and prices are given) is this:

    The caravan on cover is stored, when not in use, in a Club secure compound or CaSSOA approved storage site which has been rated with a Platinum or Gold award.

    It is acceptable for the caravan to be stored at home for up to 72 hours for emptying/loading/cleaning/servicing purposes if Your caravan is not usually stored at Your home address.

    You will need to check your own wording and/or ring the club. I would think, as you've posted, you will need to comply with the security of having one item from the list given, wheel lock or hitch lock… and the others listed

  • TheCaravanningMummy
    TheCaravanningMummy Club Member Posts: 44
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    As the others have said already. It will depend on the policy cover you have in place, it will be in your documents.

    Ours also has an exception as mentioned above that it can be moved to an alternative address for a specified amount of time for things such as servicing and loading etc.

    When I checked it with our insurance company, the advised to contact them if it was going to be outside the length of time specified.
    (for example if was at servicing longer than expected)

    to be 100% though for your situation check you documents or call your insurance company


  • MikeyB
    MikeyB Forum Participant Posts: 7
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    We insure our caravan with Caravan Guard. The 3 day rule was insufficient for our needs so folowing a phone call, our house driveway is classed as the primary location and the CaSSOA storage is the secondary location. The additional premium for this. if any, was minimal.